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hi guy's i got my dad a spade for his b'day and it doesnt work. the light's come one but no power to the atty. I tried gently raising the connector's but nothing. the batt is fully charged. have tried differant atty's so it has to be the unit. Hopefully someone know's how to fix it cuz it took me forever to get.



I would recommend filling out a ticket with the supplier. Did you get it at VT or Dietsmokes?


dietsmokes so trying to contact him will be a last resort, maybe i can get the maker to deal with me directally.


I agree with Brian, Luck. The good news is that either VT or DietSmokes will totally stand behind their products. It's best to let them fix it or replace it if there is a serious issue.


dietsmokes so trying to contact him will be a last resort, maybe i can get the maker to deal with me directally.

I know you've had a rough road with Dietsmokes, but give Parked a chance to make this right. You don't want to mess with the unit to much as it will void your warranty. If you're absolutely against talking to Parked, you may try contacting Jesso at vaprlife.


not absolutally against it but just don't want to get the run around for month's of not getting e-mails answered and what not. I did create a ticket and we will see what will come of it.


not absolutally against it but just don't want to get the run around for month's of not getting e-mails answered and what not. I did create a ticket and we will see what will come of it.

Glad to help you but i need to know of the problem. No tickets of your sort in the ticket system

if you e-mailed me over the weekend i have not had a chance to look at emails. I do not do this on the weekend

my store hours are posted i do have a family and take the weekends to spend time with them. I'm sure you can understand that one :thumbsup:

I will be glad to help you with your problem is it the battery ? or unit itself ?

if you think its the unit i will have you send your faulty unit to Vaprlife for repair

Please PM your Order # Thanks


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