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Dse801 Atty Producing Bad Taste?

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So here it goes. Got a DSE801 atty that was working well last night. Now this morning when i wake up, somethings different. The Atty seems to be producing really bad taste. The thing is that the VApor is pretty good. Just wondering what i could do to solve this. thanks!

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Right i understand that. I Didi vape it more than once but the taste just wouldnt leave my atty. I redripped like 4 times and the taste was still terrible. I could barely taste my juice.

Is it a metallic type taste? What kind of juice?

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Try doing the rolled up paper towel in the atty trick and see if you can wick out the old juice from the bottom.

Then add a few drops and give it a try. Maybe the old juice just sat in the bottom too long.

I really don't know what else to say but good luck.

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Sometimes the buildup of what is left after the liquid vaporises gets kinda funky.I would flood it and blow it out into a paper towel to rinse the crud out.I notice when I do this the stuff that comes out is dark brown and funky smelling.You can use plain VG or PG to rinse it out to save valuable liquid.

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This is timely as I'm not very good at rotating attys and tend to get that nasty taste once in a while too. I'll try the flush trick when that happens, thanks McQuinn.

Try boiling it out in distilled water, then let it dry completely. I've had the same trouble with some juice that contained oils and this solved it.

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I think it's the juice... All of the fruit flavors leave a terrible "aftertaste" in my atty's. They are really sweet at first, but tend to have a really terrible aftertaste.

Maybe try cleaning the atty out, and switching to a different juice. It will take a bit to get the atty going again, but it should kill that bitter taste.

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