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I apologize for the redundant question here folks but I can't find the thread where I saw the answer and I'm on kind of a short timeframe here.

What were the local stores where people bought Lorann's flavorings?

Seems like Michaels might have been one, maybe Walmart? I'm going to be running around for a short time this morning and thought I'd try to track some down if possible. But I don't have time to go many places. Thanks for any help!


I don't know about Walmart having the flavorings. I did see them at Hobby Lobby so I am pretty sure that Michaels will carry them also. At Hobby Lobby they were stocked with the cake decorating supplies. I hope this helps you.


Thanks BirdDog - you know I was right across the street from Hobby Lobby Sunday, thought about checking there, and then just blew it off. That's me, all the way... :D I'll check Michael's first, and then make a run to Hobby Lobby if no joy. Thanks!


My Wal-Mart is strange...no VG, no Loranns, no wall usb's?

I got my Loranns from a cake decorating shop. If you can't find it at wal-mart or michaels try looking up a shop that carries supplies for decorating, or a small bakery.


Glad you found some, Dave. Be sure and let us know what wonderful combinations you come up with.

Well if they're wonderful - or even acceptable - I will! :)

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