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Bad Thing About Vaping


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I've been vaping for around 4 months now.I Have now found the first bad thing about vaping.The wife asked me to grill a few burgers tonight and we can't find a lghter anywhere!! Use to be we would have 15-20 lighters laying around,but we threw them all out to keep us from smoking. Now I can't find a lighter anywhere.I guess I'll do the burgers on the stove and buy a lighter tomorrow. Don't miss the analogs but, I am missing the lighters!

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Funny thing about the lighters ,when I needed them I would buy five or six a week and people(mostly my son) would carry them off like ink pens ,I guess they thought they were souveniers..Now that I don't smoke I guess they don't bother looking but I have them all over the place now.I still keep them around for lighting torches and grills and fixing nylon shoe strings. :construction:

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lol, great stories. i cant wait to start, i just dont know which one to buy, i was going to get the spade but i got refunded instead, so i dont know which one to get, i hear the janty ego is good. or should i just re order the spade? i dont know what to do haha. if you have any suggestions let me know. i want the latest and greatest! feel free to pm me with suggestions. thanks in advance


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Another bad thing about vaping is I'm missing alot of the great outdoors.

Like when it's 28degrees outside and I'm shivering just to have a smoke.

Or when it's poring down rain and I'm trying to find a place dry to have my cigarette.

Boy I miss those days...HA.

But I still have my trusty lighter just in case.

Edited by snubber
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You know you are saying that in jest but when the smoking ban took effect at my place of employment a whole community was destroyed.I was impressed when I first hired in that I could stand in the smoking area and shoot the crap with V.P.'s and engineers and at the time I was a janitor waiting fro the HVAC guy to retire.But out there in the snow and rain we were a community and we had some neat conversations ,Now I seldom see those people at all. :veryangry:

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lol, great stories. i cant wait to start, i just dont know which one to buy, i was going to get the spade but i got refunded instead, so i dont know which one to get, i hear the janty ego is good. or should i just re order the spade? i dont know what to do haha. if you have any suggestions let me know. i want the latest and greatest! feel free to pm me with suggestions. thanks in advance


My advice would be to buy a 510 kit. This way you have a backup immediately with multiple batteries, attys, and if you don't get a PCC, get something else to charge the battery as well. Later on, these can be your backups as you invest in a mod. If you get a mod and have an issue, you'll be back on analogues while you wait. This is not the worst thing in the world, but many people feel a profound sense of sadness/failure when this happens. I tried a cig two weeks after quitting and it was so gross, I ordered more equipment the next day.

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You know you are saying that in jest but when the smoking ban took effect at my place of employment a whole community was destroyed.I was impressed when I first hired in that I could stand in the smoking area and shoot the crap with V.P.'s and engineers and at the time I was a janitor waiting fro the HVAC guy to retire.But out there in the snow and rain we were a community and we had some neat conversations ,Now I seldom see those people at all. veryangry.gif

That's sure the truth. I quit joining the smokers when the company moved the approved smoking area out into the middle of nowhere, and started smoking in my car. But I still miss those folks sometimes. There are always rumors around here that there's going to be a total ban of smoking on the property, but in the company's favor they haven't done it yet. I think that's pretty awesome, actually. Someday though, it's inevitable and I keep vaping in the minds of all the smokers as much as I can without being a jerk. Maybe when they disallow smoking they'll allow a vaping area? That's a lame joke, I know.

In the next few weeks I'm probably going to find out what the company's official position will be on vaping. Right now as far as I've ever heard I'm the only vaper in a building with 900 employees. I'm going to start working a couple days a week at a workstation right next to HR. And since I don't stealth vape, someone's bound to notice. I hope they are as rational about vaping as they've been about smoking.

And we can never find a freakin lighter either! I finally bought one of those giant ridiculous-looking ones for the grill. ;)

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My advice would be to buy a 510 kit. This way you have a backup immediately with multiple batteries, attys, and if you don't get a PCC, get something else to charge the battery as well. Later on, these can be your backups as you invest in a mod. If you get a mod and have an issue, you'll be back on analogues while you wait. This is not the worst thing in the world, but many people feel a profound sense of sadness/failure when this happens. I tried a cig two weeks after quitting and it was so gross, I ordered more equipment the next day.

that makes sense ftjoe, good advice. :thumbsup: i hadnt thought about that

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found another bad thing. im a lot lazier now than i was. i used to have to run up and down 4 flights of stairs, several times a day to go out and have a smoke. now, i vape in my room from the comfort of my la-z-boy. :sleeping:

haha, When I'm over here at the kid's house, I still find myself running to the door during commercials. Good thing I can't find my lighter or my eGo would be toasted! lol

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