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Walking That Fine Line....


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...between flooding my cart and having it too dry. Using genuine Joye510 (verified by checking the comparison pictures elsewhere in the forum) and basic/generic china PG juice.

Classic noob mistake, I took up direct dripping too soon! :) I suppose I should just stick with filling carts, but I wasn't getting the throat hit and vap that I needed.

So I can't seem to find that sweet spot. 2 drops into my atty floods it for the first 3 drags (low vapor production, gurgling and bubbling sound). The 4th drag is perfect! But then the 5th is foul, tasting like burnt metal and very dry. This is consistent like clockwork every time; a very predictable pattern.

1 drop into the atty floods it for the first drag, 2nd one is near perfect, but then the 3rd and 4th starting tasting foul very quickly.

Any suggestions? I've blown out my first atty into a paper towel until it was completely dry then left it upside down overnight. I haven't switched back to it yet, but plan to soon to see if that does anything.

What do you think I'm doing wrong?

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There is a breakin period for new atty's and can take up to a few hours depending on how much you vape. During this period the atty may seem tempermental. I've flooded many atty during the break in period because it's just hard to tell if the darn thing is working. Many say 3 drops, but I usually only put in 2 drop on the 510.

Also, new atty's have some juice in them that is put there by the manufacture to keep people from burning up atty (by using it without any juice). That stuff does not taste good and can take a while get all that taste out.

Edited by Brian
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So true what Brian said. Some attys just take awhile to break in.

Another thought, is the draw. The first draw is sometimes difficult to refrain from drawing too fast/hard. Slow it down to the extreme slow and see if that helps.

Another thought.. place 1 drop in the atty and 1 in the cart. My eGo does quite well with 3 drops on the atty and 1 in the cart. I don't know how other makes and models do.

Hope this helps a little.

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Brian and Uma, thanks for the tips!

I switched back to my first atty (after the overnight cleaning) and found it to perform close to the same as my 2nd atty (flood vs famine). But Uma you touched on something I noticed: that first drag is very light and bubbly, so I've slowed it waaaaaaaaay down...

That alone has helped a bunch! But I also found that I've had bad technique too (which seems to be contributing greatly to my lack of success). As stoopid as it sounds, I've been holding my 510 in a close-to-vertical position. Ya know, at about a -60 to -80 degree angle (down from my mouth). Pulling it up closer to 0 degrees or a little below has helped greatly!

That coupled with slowing the drag waaaaay down seems to be fixing the problem!

In my noobism, I assumed holding my 510 in a near vertical position would yield the best results (all the fluid would pool down on the atty, making the most contact area). But that seems to be counter intuitive, flooding the atty. At least, that's my thought.

So holding the darn thing near horizontal has really improved the situation. I really feel stupid having to ask a question for something with such a simple solution, but I've still got enough noobism to let me get away with it :)

Any other thoughts or updates, and I'll post them here. Thanks!

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Glad you're getting it worked out. Good call on the "slow drag" Uma. I always for that. Honestly, the "long slow draw" was one thing I really had a problem with when I started. I just didn't understnad what that meant. :iiam: I did eventually get it though, and yes it made a big difference.

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Brandon...Brian and Uma are soo true. That break in is tough to take but will pay off in the end.

I was like you too, just couldn't seem to fine that sweet spot. Eventually the atty came trough and I started only using 3 drops at a time and it works fine.

Don't give up, we all have a learning phase at the e-cig business.

Hope you find your's soon.

Good luck and happy vaping.

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