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I love it when I read of positive comments about vaping. I've had these same thoughts as far as the "children" arguement goes. Glad to see someone putting this line of thought out there.


Thanks for a great link Dr J! The comments are a riot. :D But I'm really glad to see there are people out there debating this issue publicly.


As I was reading the comments on the article I noticed that there where more posts in favor of the E cigs(PVs) than apposed. It made me think a bit(no, it didn't hurt) about why that is. I came to the conclusion that all smokers approve of e cig, and probably 95% of non smokers approve of e cigs. I think that the non smokers approve because they know at least one person that they care about smokes and would like them to quit. And deep down inside these people hope that e cigs will help save the life of those loved ones that smoke.

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