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hi all,

here is my review of the Pilot (enhanced M401) which i recieved from www.e-cigs.co.uk

now im sure that anyone watching this video will question why i only gave the vapour production a score of 6 out of 10.........so i will tell you!

when i 1st got the Pilot i was getting very little vapour from it. quite literally just a fraction of what you see in the video! it took nearly 7 days of persistant use to get the atomiser broken in enough to be able to get an acceptable level of vapour production. i must also stress that the carts that came with the Pilot were also part (if not all) of the problem which hindered the breaking in process. the Pilot carts have a small inner cart that is a totally different design to other M401 type carts and in my opinion they restrict the airflow way too much which in turn produces a low amount of vapour. when i replaced the Pilot cart with a generic M401 cart the vapour production increased by miles instantly. when i put the Pilot cart back on vapour diminished.

i kept persisting with the Pilot carts by topping up and refilling and finally after the 7 days it started producing a good amount of vapour. i personally feel that if i had just used the generic M401 carts from the beginning then the breaking in process would have been a lot quicker.

i have to judge the Pilot on what comes "in the box" and therefore gave the vapour a score of 6 out of 10. it would have been unfair, dishonest and inaccurate if i had judged the vapour production on how it performs with a generic M401 cart as people would not be getting those with a Pilot starter kit!

like i said in the video, if you purchase one then dont give up straight away if you feel the vapour isnt up to much. a little persitance will get you a very good quality e-cig that looks great and has a very good battery life!



ps......a discount is available on all purchases over £30 from www.e-cigs.co.uk ........just enter this code during the checkout process:-

ukecigreviews (case sensitive)

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