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Peculiar Throat Problem


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Since I've been vaping, I've developed the strangest feeling in my throat. It's hard to describe, but it feels as if it has a coating on it. I drink coffee or sodas constantly, and you'd think that if it's the PG, it would wash off. Has anybody ever had this happen? If so, what did you do to counteract the feeling?

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That's weird. Hopefully someone will stop by with some likewise stories.

Personally, I had a tingling, a numbing, of my entire palette for one day. The next day I discovered my flavored coffeemates tasted better. Seems funny to only need 1 teaspoon of each now (peppermint and chocolate), instead of a half a bottle of each.

Hopefully your problem is something similiar.

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Hey Wannavape, I get that same feeling as well. I think it is the pg. (kinda feels like phlem in you throat) I just try to drink alot of water and remember that this is so much better than the burning feeling and taste of analogs (ewww). I think if you vape too much (like i have a tendancy to do) you are more likely to have this feeling.

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Since I've been vaping, I've developed the strangest feeling in my throat. It's hard to describe, but it feels as if it has a coating on it. I drink coffee or sodas constantly, and you'd think that if it's the PG, it would wash off. Has anybody ever had this happen? If so, what did you do to counteract the feeling?

I get it also, but I wear a full upper denture plate. I found that drinking and swishing like mouth wash with Walmart "Clear American Golden Peach"(I hope nobody in Colorado Springs reads this as it sells out fast enough already :hrhr: )cleans it well enough.

Still have to spit like I have post nasal drip, but it is way better than what I used to hack up from the lungs.

I know, EWWWW, GROSS!!!!

But true.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Ray
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I have this as well but have noticed that i dont have it so much when i'm vaping VG juice.... maybe try that - and as always constant fluid intake (for me its mostly water - and this helps a ton....)

Happy Vaping!

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Thanks for all the input, and it's good to hear that it's not just me with the strange feeling in the throat. I think that the problem probably does have a lot to do with the frequency of the hits. When I smoked my last analog a week ago today, I timed just how long it actually took to finish it, just smoking casually and not trying to break any speed records. I also counted the number of normal drags it took. It took me seven minutes and ten drags to finish it. Since I started direct dripping, I've found that two drops directly on the atty will last close to ten hits, so when I get that slightly burnt taste, I add two more drops and put the 510 down for a while. I had been vaping so much that it was like chain smoking. My throat is a little better now, but even if the problem persists, it still beats smoking analogs. ....Pam

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Congratulation on the one week mark...that's the first hurdle.

I sometimes get that feeling too,like everyone has said try going to vg maybe that will help you.

If the truth be told, with all these sweet flavors we're probably giving our throat and lungs a nice candy coating that melts in your mouth, but not in your hands

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulation on the one week mark...that's the first hurdle.

I sometimes get that feeling too,like everyone has said try going to vg maybe that will help you.

If the truth be told, with all these sweet flavors we're probably giving our throat and lungs a nice candy coating that melts in your mouth, but not in your hands

Thanks, Snubber. I'm now up to two weeks and one day!!

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Thanks, Snubber. I'm now up to two weeks and one day!!

Grats and keep on vaping. I had that "coating feeling" and then started to keep bottled water around. drinking more and I was all set.

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