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I posted this here due to it covering a lot more than just ecigs.

This video is about 2.5 hours long. I skipped through the first hour, before becoming interested enough to watch the rest.

Gregory Connolly, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, gives the keynote address at the 2009 William J. Bicknell Lecture in Public Health. Supplemented by a panel of tobacco-industry experts, Connolly offers an in-depth analysis of the Food and Drug Administration’s new power to regulate tobacco and of the further steps that must be taken to create a tobacco-free society.

Hosted by Boston University School of Public Health


Patrick Basham

Gregory Connolly

Cheryl Healton

Michael Siegel


Chris, Please move this if you think it deserves it.


If you have the time to watch this video it's worth it. A few of the speakers are boring, but the last guy, Dr Siegel encouraged the use of e-cigs!! Hopefully we can keep getting more and more doctors on our side!!

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