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This is kind of a toss up - this could also go in the Health forum but since I see it as an opportunity for proselytizing I decided to put it here. I left a comment and I hope thousands of other vapers will too. Check out the paltry specs they quote for patch success! rolleyes2.gif

Wearing patch 6 months may help smokers quit



6 months may increase you chance of success. Ha! I think it would probably just increase the likelyhood that I'd end up smoking more later. Every time I tried the patch I ended up smoking while wearing the patch.


I used the patch successfully about 4 years ago. But I can say it was pure hell using it. I had skin rashes and very vivid dreams that disturbed my sleep. I ended up having to take it off at night and alternate locations on my body where I put the patch because of the rashes. Ultimately it did work for me. I think more due to my dedication than due to the patch. I ended up smoking again about two years later. In 2009 I tried the patch again but it just wasn't working so I gave up. In October of 2009, my wife introduced to the NJOY/NPRO and the rest is history that is well documented on a forum called Vapor Talk. :thumbsup:


Kinda like Jeffb, I used the patch a few years ago and it worked more because of my dedication to stop analogs, my doctor informed me I had mild infazima And darn if you go through the complete therapy it's expensive! Anyway fast forward to 2009, a bad year, lost work, bankruptcy all the stuff a lot of us are going through, I was standing in the line at Wally World, looking at the smokes and thought, one can't hurt, 2 weeks later I was up to a half a pack a day.. lol darn those things are expensive! I don't remember how much I spent on patches but it was a lot now I have maybe a third invested in my PV stuff and for the first time since I was a kid, I don't want a smoke.. Patches never once gave me that, maybe they work for some people but not me..


I haven't looked but I hope all you guys went to that article and told your vapor success stories in the comments! Patch never even came close to helping me quit smoking; nor did anything else. It's still a struggle sometimes even with my PV, but it does get me through the rough times and it's wonderful for all the rest of the time.


I haven't looked but I hope all you guys went to that article and told your vapor success stories in the comments!

Went to both the CNN link, and the original article ddave, looks like they have turned the comments off. :rolleyes2:

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