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How Do I Tell Where The Problem Lies?


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I received my Joye 510 yesterday and have charged each battery the full 8 hours, as Arno recommended. I put it all together this morning and started vaping only to discover that I wasn't getting much vapor at all, even by giving it a few primer puffs. The cartridge looked slushy to me, but I went ahead and dripped a couple of drops of juice onto it anyway. It seems to be doing a fairly good job now, but I'd still like to know if I did the right thing by adding extra juice to the cartridge. I don't want to anything to harm this little cream puff. Someone please let me know.

I have another question, too, and I'm going to ask it because y'all (yes, I'm from the south) told me that there were no stupid questions. When the vapor diminishes, how will I know what the cause is? Is it the battery that needs recharging? Is it the cartridge that needs refilling? Is it the atomizer that's going on the fritz? Will the battery blink if it needs to be recharged even after I've let go of the on/off button?

Now - one more question, and I'm done for right now. The cartridges that came with the 510 are filled with 18 mg juice. I'm not getting a powerful throat hit like I'd like. Does the strength of the nicotine have anything at all to do with this, or does the throat hit feel the same whether you're using 0 nicotine or the highest strength? Can't wait to hear from y'all. .....Pam

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Hey Pam!

When taking a drag off the ecig make sure you take nice long slow drags not short drags like a cigarette. This is something you will learn to improve over time :)

When the vapor runs low and it's the battery, it will start to blink letting you know it's time to charge.

If your not getting enough throat hit it could because the MG isn't high enough for you, it could also mean your not taking in enough vapor, try taking long slow draws and see how that helps :D

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Once you get used to how much vapor you're supposed to be getting you'll start to realize what the issue is. I'd say direct drip onto the atomizer, it provides the most vapor and best flavor. After you're consistently getting a lot of vapor and it starts to decrease (after a couple hours) it's probably the battery. You'll notice when you need to add more juice because you'll get a burnt gross taste unlike the flavor that you're using.

The MG of the Juice does have a lot to do with the throat hit. 0 MG won't produce nearly as much as 18 does. I use 16MG with my 510 atomizer and it products massive clouds. I never use carts and the only times I've tried weren't pleasant in terms of vapor. Direct dripping is the most consistent and pleasurable way to vape.

Edited by NeRo9k
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Chris and Nero9k gave you some really good advice. I concur with Nero, you should give direct dripping a try instead of the cart. The higher the nic level the better the throat hit. Try the drip method with your 18mg liquid and see if you get the throat hit you are looking for. If this doesn't work, you may want to up your nic level.

What flavor of liquid are you using? I have found that some of the fruity flavors don't produce a very good throat hit. You may also want to experiment with other flavors to find the vapor and throat hit that you desire.

Edited by BirdDog
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Chris and Nero9k gave you some really good advice. I concur with Nero, you should give direct dripping a try instead of the cart. The higher the nic level the better the throat hit. Try the drip method with your 18mg liquid and see if you get the throat hit you are looking for. If this doesn't work, you may want to up your nic level.

What flavor of liquid are you using? I have found that some of the fruity flavors don't produce a very good throat hit. You may also want to experiment with other flavors to find the vapor and throat hit that you desire.

If I direct drip, will it damage the atty? About how many hits would I get from one drop placed on the atty? Will blowing out the atty clean it well enough after direct dripping? How do you do yours? It sounds like the way to go for me. Refilling that cart is messy. I suppose I'd get better at it after some practice, but it just sounds easier to drip on the atty.

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If I direct drip, will it damage the atty? About how many hits would I get from one drop placed on the atty? Will blowing out the atty clean it well enough after direct dripping? How do you do yours? It sounds like the way to go for me. Refilling that cart is messy. I suppose I'd get better at it after some practice, but it just sounds easier to drip on the atty.

Here's a vid on dripping. You won't hurt your atty, but you may flood it. If you hear bubbling and get little or no vapor, you've flooded it. Just roll up a little piece of paper towel and insert it in the atty to absorb out some juice. Usually use 2-3 drops and you'll get 5-7 good hits. Yes - once you develop you own routine you won't even think about it anymore. :thumbsup:

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If I direct drip, will it damage the atty? About how many hits would I get from one drop placed on the atty? Will blowing out the atty clean it well enough after direct dripping? How do you do yours? It sounds like the way to go for me. Refilling that cart is messy. I suppose I'd get better at it after some practice, but it just sounds easier to drip on the atty.

Brian did a really good job at answering your question. I use 2 drops and get about 5-7 draws before having to re-drip. The paper towel method works great.

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I'm still new to vaping...less than a week...and I flood my atty regularly. I think I sometimes direct drip, take a drag, sit it down for a while and drip again. Then I'll notice juice all over my fingers holding the PV. D'oh! I'm sure it just takes time to get used to the whole thing and six days in, I'm a lot better at it than I was on day two. :) Hang in there, the learning curve will come.

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