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Joye 510


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Welcome, Nottis55. With a little care and maintenance, I'd say you should get at least a month out of a 510 atomizer. At least every other night or so, pull off the cart, unscrew the atty and blow threw it from the threaded end into a tissue or paper towel. Then leave the atty standing on end, threads up, on another cloth or paper towel for the rest of the night. Make sure you drip a little juice in the next morning before you fire it up.

All that said, there are definitely dud atomizers out there, so it's always best to have a few spares.

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I'm really new to e-cigs.....Just bought a Joye 510 and am wondering how long will an atomizer last...should I buy a few spare's? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Yes - always have spares atty's and batteries. Atty's generally last 3-6 weeks. Some longer, some less. Atty's should be considered disposable parts.

And Welcome to Vapor Talk! Feel free to ask any questions - this is a great place to get answers.

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Hello and welcome to the site...Take it from someone else fairly new it's always best to have some spare attys. I didn't at first and when they died,and they will, I was left out in the cold. So grab a couple extras...and good luck.

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Every pay day, I order a 2-3 atomizers and some juice. That's usually less than $50 and saves me from ever being without. I've just found that's an easy way to remember getting my orders in.

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Nana just likes filling up her tackle box.. LOL she cost me 60 bucks last night feeding my paranoia on that back-ups for your back-ups stuff

Paranoia? Looks at the folks once a week or so crying they ran out of something. No pity!!! no one does or preaches backups like me:


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