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I found this on Google

Smoking is an unhealthy addiction, and those who resolve to quit this habit might find it difficult compared to others who have no problems doing it cold turkey. As Mark Twain put it sarcastically, quitting smoking’s easy - he’s done it a thousand times. For those who have the will to quit and yet find themselves lighting up once in a while in a weak moment, the Fifty-One electronic cigarette might come in handy if nicotine patches don’t seem to be able to do the trick. Their Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit will include an electronic version of the cancer stick that looks and feels just like the real thing, although it does boast some obvious advantages to its user.

What makes it better compared to a normal cigarette? For starters, it comes with the nicotine that smokers crave for without the inclusion of harmful carcinogens. All you need to do is pick it up and inhale - so easy, you don’t even need to be 18 to fix it together, which brings up the issue of adults being responsible enough to leave this out of reach of younger children, but I digress. The electronic cigarette consists of two parts - the rechargeable battery and the disposable cartridge, where the latter will contain both the nicotine pad and atomizing mechanism. The vapor produced is pretty much equal to that of an actual cigarette, sans the odor, of course.

Fifty-One claims that their product is the only electronic version in the market that enables a short drag just like the real thing, and offers an equally satisfying experience. Has any of our readers tried it out? Is this claim true? Since the Fifty-One’s atomizer is built right into the disposable nicotine cartridge, you will benefit from a new atomizer each time a new unit is plugged in unlike its competitors, and that offers a cleaner, healthier alternative. Electronic cigarettes will also help you save money since a five pack of nicotine cartridges are roughly equal to 10 packs of cigarettes, making a pack of “cigarette” cost $1.50 compared to actual cigarettes that retail anywhere from $3.50 to $8 today.

http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20090116 ... t-up-2009/

  • 1 year later...

I still have one, got caught up in their free trial offer, blah, blah, blah! What have I got to lose, no good send it back. I didn't read the small print..., Still have it don't use it. Someone may need it someday. It was ok, better draw than the(and I am guessing here) C 15/C16 I started with. It was serviceable, readily available , locally as well.Both my coworkers who raved about them have returned to analog, at lease partially. Their juice was ok as well. Just read the fine print if ordering on line. There are by far better units available, browse the forum! Vape on Monty


I bought one at a convenience store for $35 just to see what ecigs were like. It at least showed me the potential of what a good unit can do so I thank it for that lol.

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