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I was vaping at an outside restaurant

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This past Saturday I was sitting in the outdoor section of a restaurant and was vaping. A guy sitting at a table next to mine asked what I was smoking. I informed him I wasn't smoking(although smoking is legal in the outside area) I was vaping and explained what vaping is. He asked if it was legal because my ecig looked like a piece of equipment to smoke drugs from. I told the guy yes it is legal and I guess he could qualify nic as drug cause it is addicting.The guy was smoking an analog and asked me what was in the vapor so I told him it was mainly liquid nicotine and some glycerine and food flavoring. He asked if it was safe and I said as far as I was concerned it was cause it didn't contain all the chemicals in his cig and smelled alot better too.The guy didn't seem to like that and asked me if it was approved by the FDA. I said not yet they haven't done any studies on it yet.He wanted to know why I would put something in my body that hadn't been tested yet, I was a little surprised at this question cause here he was smoking all those cancer causing chemicals(I still smoke them also tho not as many as before I started vaping).I replied "How many of those cancer causing chemicals in your cig have been tested by the FDA and were found safe to put in his body?" He then called the waitress over and asked to be moved to a different section and gave me the middle finger salute as he left. I just laughed at the guy. :D :P

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ha ha that doesn't surprise me at all. Usually smokers are the biggest skeptics of all, I know I was always looking for a way to reinstate the reason I smoked or to protect my habit.

It sort of like the old "well I could quite smoking but then I could also walk across the street tomorrow and get hit by a bus" We all know that was bull because most of us drove to work. Just another excuse :)

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I agree Chris I just don't understand why he got so mad he had to move and then give me the finger, I guess maybe he wasn't used to having his comments challenged. I usually don' argue or challenge someone's statements very often unless I know them or their statements are really outrageous.

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Hey, let me in here. What a nut case! :wacko: I like screwng with their heads. Agitate until they swing. Then they are all mine! Nose, throat and chins... HA! HA! HA! People like that really are just looking for trouble..... People are really changing for the worse.... Every time I have been out people usually a very open and curious. It has gotten kind of interesting in a way that I get to talk to new people. Chalk this one up as an *** wipe...

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I actually get the curious people but they don't want to spend the money. Guess they think it's only 20 bucks and last forever. when i tell them 50 bucks and some maintenance they lose interest. I do have one girl who is annoyed at it and makes smart *** remarks but she has a problem with me so it's not really about the personal vaporizer (pv) i use.

Her problem with me is i am a man-magnet and she ain't. :lol: hahahahaha and my personal vaporizer is also a man-magnet. hahahaha :lol:

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I actually get the curious people but they don't want to spend the money. Guess they think it's only 20 bucks and last forever. when i tell them 50 bucks and some maintenance they lose interest. I do have one girl who is annoyed at it and makes smart *** remarks but she has a problem with me so it's not really about the personal vaporizer (pv) i use.

Her problem with me is i am a man-magnet and she ain't. :lol: hahahahaha and my personal vaporizer is also a man-magnet. hahahaha :lol:

I agree with her, I love ya....Princess... Hee! Hee! Hee! It's funny, but most people don't even consider what they spend on analogs as a comparison. Not even talking about your lungs... either.

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