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I'm Starting To Really Hate Computers

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Some of you remember me complaining about my daughters laptop being infected. I finally gave up and we reinstalled everything over the Christmas break. She went back to school early and I reminded her I still have to go over the backup methodology. She went packing with a 320GB drive that was partitioned into three partitions, one for booting so it's small, I moved her documents so the music is on a second partition and a third for taking backups of the boot partition on a weekly basis (I use Acronis). I also sent a 320GB external, with a backup image and a third drive identical to the one in her computer, sans the backup partition. This is the emergency drive in case all else fails that she slaps in and keeps going. This took a while to get all this working as I had to of course work around her busy schedule... ;-)

So she calls me to inform me that school is starting Monday, the 5 key doesn't work, shift+w didn't work but now does, something wrong with characters being entered on the signon screen, but the best is, it will randomly scream like a stuck pig (yes even 3:00 in the morning, her sorority loves her) after typing random characters and won't stop unless the power key is held down. So seems like impending hardware failure, I think heat related as HP has the fan intake on the bottom and the kids sit with the lappys on the bed.

So being a cheapskate but recognizing something has to happen, I figure I'll send her a perfectly good Lenovo T42 (they are tough) my son is using. Handed down from my wife when she upgraded to a tablet. I tell him he can use the $200 netbook I have set up with OSX/Windows 7/Ubuntu. He's excited as he's been using it off and on. So I get his machine and now I know why he's using it. Funny as I always tell my friends if their kids are drifting to their machines, they've probably killed theirs. I thought my kids knew better than to leave it without telling me as soon as there is an issue, but I guess not. So this is stuffed with Viruses, is blue screening with possible hardware issues (but it could be viral).

So the bottom line is, and I had my daughter swear she'd take care of it, instead of getting a cheap Dell that she would kill, I got her a Mac Pro. I feel dirty. Thank for letting me vent.

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You are so welcome. That's what we're here for...help, listening, venting...whatever.

Sorry about the problems. I feel your pain. I'm glad you couldn't hear me giggle - just a little bit though.

Thanx - I felt better after typing it. I might giggle myself in the future.

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Thanx - I felt better after typing it. I might giggle myself in the future.

Sorry to hear about your problems..just wish I knew what the hell you were talking about !!! :on2long:

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Some of you remember me complaining about my daughters laptop being infected. I finally gave up and we reinstalled everything over the Christmas break. She went back to school early and I reminded her I still have to go over the backup methodology. She went packing with a 320GB drive that was partitioned into three partitions, one for booting so it's small, I moved her documents so the music is on a second partition and a third for taking backups of the boot partition on a weekly basis (I use Acronis). I also sent a 320GB external, with a backup image and a third drive identical to the one in her computer, sans the backup partition. This is the emergency drive in case all else fails that she slaps in and keeps going. This took a while to get all this working as I had to of course work around her busy schedule... ;-)

So she calls me to inform me that school is starting Monday, the 5 key doesn't work, shift+w didn't work but now does, something wrong with characters being entered on the signon screen, but the best is, it will randomly scream like a stuck pig (yes even 3:00 in the morning, her sorority loves her) after typing random characters and won't stop unless the power key is held down. So seems like impending hardware failure, I think heat related as HP has the fan intake on the bottom and the kids sit with the lappys on the bed.

So being a cheapskate but recognizing something has to happen, I figure I'll send her a perfectly good Lenovo T42 (they are tough) my son is using. Handed down from my wife when she upgraded to a tablet. I tell him he can use the $200 netbook I have set up with OSX/Windows 7/Ubuntu. He's excited as he's been using it off and on. So I get his machine and now I know why he's using it. Funny as I always tell my friends if their kids are drifting to their machines, they've probably killed theirs. I thought my kids knew better than to leave it without telling me as soon as there is an issue, but I guess not. So this is stuffed with Viruses, is blue screening with possible hardware issues (but it could be viral).

So the bottom line is, and I had my daughter swear she'd take care of it, instead of getting a cheap Dell that she would kill, I got her a Mac Pro. I feel dirty. Thank for letting me vent.


If it is heat related, it would probably be okay upon boot and steadily get worse. I'm sure you probably know that, but I'm way good at stating the obvious doncha know.

The answer to the bed problem with laptops is..... a lap desk. pillowed bottom....hard top. There are also laptop fans that go on the bottom of a laptop if the heat problem isn't JUST that it is sitting on the bed or other cushioned surface.

Of course, if the heat has already fried the hardware.....

Anyway there's my 5 cents. I was gonna do 2 cents but with inflation that would have been..... "HI" LOL


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Of course, if the heat has already fried the hardware.....

Hi - thanx for the input, always appreciated. Ultimately I believe that's the issue, when the heat gets up there too much, solder joints and other components get compromised. Because school is starting I don't have the luxury of trying things, compressed air, getting a a monitor on there like speedfan to check the temps. I'm telling you, this thing was perfect 2 weeks ago when I was done setting it up.

As is typical, she doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get the new one picked up and setup. I volunteered to setup using something called teamviewer (invaluable remote viewing tool), and that's a goof as the only time I played with OS X was on the netbook I set it up on as a goof. She's a tad too far away for me to run up there, and one of those typical "young adults" who knows everything...and that apparently means those who can kill a computer, but can't for the life of them, take care of it, run the necessary programs to clean it or keep it clean, etc.

So I'm sure this will move along slowly until the old one finally quits and it becomes an emergency, again.

Meanwhile, I have yet to determine if the nice laptop my son had is fixable, or if I can set the netbook up for him to use. I'm just sick of working on machines that people could, but don't take care of (I had three friends laptops in over the weekend to clean/set up) so I really don't need this from my own family. I'm thinking of telling him he has to use my main computer downstairs for a while. He had a shot at being responsible and blew it and if I find one piece of malware on it...

Hmmmmm - obviously still a little frustrated. My wife did complain this morning I was stressing her out, I mentioned then think about how frustrated I am.

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So FTJoe, will you be my Dad? I promise to care lovingly for my MacBook Pro. You're the best, Dad!

I know you know this so I'll keep it short, but you would avoid most of the malware crap by just making everyone use OS X or Linux. Not to say they wouldn't fry the hardware or spill beer in it, but at least you would avoid most of the software issues.

But I know you have reasons for using windose that are rational ones, so I'll shut up. Hang in there man, I understand where you're coming from and totally empathize with your situation. It might get better. ;)

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So FTJoe, will you be my Dad? I promise to care lovingly for my MacBook Pro. You're the best, Dad!

I know you know this so I'll keep it short, but you would avoid most of the malware crap by just making everyone use OS X or Linux. Not to say they wouldn't fry the hardware or spill beer in it, but at least you would avoid most of the software issues.

But I know you have reasons for using windose that are rational ones, so I'll shut up. Hang in there man, I understand where you're coming from and totally empathize with your situation. It might get better. ;)

You are right, I know you're right but I think my biggest issue is having to learn what I need to know for an OS I didn't grow up with. Hey, I'm 53 and I've got other things to do. But I guess I will have to as that's exactly what my daughter is getting, the 15inch macbook pro (which I bet is still sitting in the campus store). I made her promise to take care of it, we'll see how far that gets me. Normally I would punish buy not letting her have it, but she really does need it for school. I think I will insist for the immediate future she not go crazy loading up skype and all the other crud they put in there.

But you know, you gave me a great idea, maybe if my son and I sit down, and we spend some time together researching and looking at the Windows 7, Ubuntu and OSX, together my son and I can come up with a game plan on how we will spend time to get him a laptop back (either the Thinkpad or the Netbook). Pros cons, of each OS, issues with loading them on a Thinkpad T42, compatible software, etc. and let him do the work with me looking over his shoulder. We built a tower together and he always took care of that. Never an issue that I remember. So if they get a little skin in the game, and a little education, maybe...he'll be a little more responsible?

Here's a little PV humor. So I was frustrated this morning as I spent about an hour on the trashed laptop of my son's but had to run out to work after getting nowhere. I get to work, to find out the tube I brought that I thought held my eyeglasses, actually held my two 510 backups. Because of another string of unfortunate events, I had no backup eye glasses. Off to CVS to get a couple of tube readers. The tubes are a great place for the 510s and a little bottle of juice in the top but don't leave them out!!

Edited by FTJoe
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Man, sitting down with your son to build his machine sounds like a blast. That would make you Dad of the Year in about anyone's book.

I'm always looking for a better way to carry my stuff around. Now that I think about it, my VP2, its atty and a bottle of juice would probably fit in a case like that just fine. I'm going to start keeping my eyes peeled. Cool!

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