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For those of you with an iPhone. There is a new e-juice mixing app. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ejuice/id350502065?mt=8

I feel sorry for all you Droid owners that don't get cool stuff like this. :D


Hey PB! Lay off verizon! Just because you have the hottie luke wilson means nothing.... before long he'll be "spotty" :harhar:


Nice for the people who use a iphone. Good find jeffb

Sorry but Itunes is not allowed on my system LOL.


For those of you with an iPhone. There is a new e-juice mixing app. http://itunes.apple....d350502065?mt=8

I feel sorry for all you Droid owners that don't get cool stuff like this. :D

LOL! It's cool we have multitasking, turn by turn Google Maps navigation... I think you see where I'm going with this.


For those of you with an iPhone. There is a new e-juice mixing app. http://itunes.apple....d350502065?mt=8

I feel sorry for all you Droid owners that don't get cool stuff like this. :D

Oh I almost forgot, I hope all you iPhone users out there prefer Bing over Google as your search engine... it's coming!


Bing is killer for helping getting deals.


not on everything but many things.

For my research bing don't work. but for shopping it does.

Posted (edited)

Alas, too many replies that I want to respond to and never been able to get "MultiQuote" to do anything...

Jeff, getting this for the Droid was my first thought. Don't worry, someone will, and it'll be free. :D

KuyaDave - good on you! Except for that Bing part. Please don't support convicted and unrepentant felons by allowing their products/"services" into your home or computer! There is no need. Fully functional and ethical alternatives exist. OSS rules.

GDub, heh. We see eye-to-eye more often than not. ;) Droid rocks. iPhone - well, Apple is a game changer and they are generally okay in my book. But that business with ATT is just not okay. Kept me from ever considering an iPhone.

Folks I am very opinionated, insist on ethical business practices, and vote with my dollars. M$ is so deeply corrupt they haven't gotten a dime of my money in over 12 years and never will. Apple is getting kind of uppity too lately and falling out of my favor a bit over time. But I'll probably always at least have a Mac even if it's not my primary machine. Their other products? Uh-uh. Bad business arrangements. I believe in freedom. We don't quite get full freedom with the Droid, but ... closer.

Yes, I love my Droid. Everything an iPhone wanted to be except sexy. And I'm sure not sexy, so that's okay too. :D If I were a programmer I'd fill this hole today. Sigh.

Edited by ddavelarsen

Thanks for the link Jeff :thumbsup:

I-Phone > Droid

Verizon charges way too much for service considering they were the only big shot for awhile. I am very very glad that AT&T stepped their game up, we as consumers needed more options. You can't compete with Steve Jobs, the man is a genius and the whole reason that this type of technology is moving along like it is. And if you jailbreak the I-phone, you have all the freedom in the world ;)


Last Time I looked they still could shut your phone off or uninstall Apps etc. jailBroke or not. Mind you its been about a yr since I looked into the Iphone. But I refuse to give them my money. Im Currently Looking for a Droid Phone.

And I wont give verizon my money either. Prefers tmobile But stuck with att. Bad enough I have to run MS for 3 applications.

If I could get those apps to Run in NIX I would. NIX=Linux..

Droid Is newer then Iphone's Apple-Mac Base. Droid don't have the funding behind them Like Iphone does = Apple-MAC&ATT.

But lets Remember this is not discussion thread haha. Its link to The E-Juice calc App For iphones.


Thanks for the link Jeff :thumbsup:

I-Phone > Droid

Verizon charges way too much for service considering they were the only big shot for awhile. I am very very glad that AT&T stepped their game up, we as consumers needed more options. You can't compete with Steve Jobs, the man is a genius and the whole reason that this type of technology is moving along like it is. And if you jailbreak the I-phone, you have all the freedom in the world ;)

Ok, gonna have to disagree. Up until the last few months iPhone has had the edge in hardware, but that's all. Android is a superior OS, but it has been running on inferior hardware. Now comes the new SnapDragon processors, along with beautiful OLED displays, capacitive touch, the list goes on. The iPhone is going to have to step it up if you want it to stay on top. As far as Steve Jobs goes... he's not making that many decisions at this point due to failing health, and this little feud they have going with Google only means you'll be losing some of your beloved apps. Apple refused to allow the Google Voice app in it's market place because it said it was a redundant service. Really? Last time I checked ATT and the iPhone did not offer any services that I would compare to Google Voice. It all boils down to Apple thinks they are too cool for school, they believe their own hype and press and it's making them sloppy.


Hey, there is a free juice app for Droid; it's called "Mixology." Just for those Droid owners who want to know... ;)

I'm with KuyaDave and GDub on this one; Apple is the innovator for mobile apps, but they've gotten stuck in a rut. OSS rules; that's just the way it is. One day -- in our lifetimes (even mine) -- the OSS paradigm will come to be the standard. People 20 years from now won't even be able to conceive of proprietary apps or OSes. That's a dead business method that's just in its nervous jerking stage. ;)

Even so, there's a place for all these proprietary methods right now. Apple/Jobs should get its/his due from everyone; they're a game-changer. I hope that continues until OSS gets some serious backing. Heaven only knows Apple is the primary innovator in this space.

But for those of us who get it, there's so much going on with Linux and OSS generally that the stogy for-profit guys don't have a chance. RMS and Linus gave us real freedom, and the people who can are running with it. Proprietary is a has-run proposition, even if I still rely on a lot of it. That won't be forever.


Hey, there is a free juice app for Droid; it's called "Mixology." Just for those Droid owners who want to know... ;)

I'm with KuyaDave and GDub on this one; Apple is the innovator for mobile apps, but they've gotten stuck in a rut. OSS rules; that's just the way it is. One day -- in our lifetimes (even mine) -- the OSS paradigm will come to be the standard. People 20 years from now won't even be able to conceive of proprietary apps or OSes. That's a dead business method that's just in its nervous jerking stage. ;)

Even so, there's a place for all these proprietary methods right now. Apple/Jobs should get its/his due from everyone; they're a game-changer. I hope that continues until OSS gets some serious backing. Heaven only knows Apple is the primary innovator in this space.

But for those of us who get it, there's so much going on with Linux and OSS generally that the stogy for-profit guys don't have a chance. RMS and Linus gave us real freedom, and the people who can are running with it. Proprietary is a has-run proposition, even if I still rely on a lot of it. That won't be forever.

Just did a search on my droide eris for mixology and there was no match. Is that the exact name for it, my service is through verizon, don't know if your mixology is for verizon.


Mixology is built from Scubabatdan's Ejuice calculator


That's just 1 google search I made.

If you Don't search you wont find it.

That is for DROID YES DROID..

Mixed reviews about it don't have droid to try it.


Mixology is built from Scubabatdan's Ejuice calculator


That's just 1 google search I made.

If you Don't search you wont find it.

That is for DROID YES DROID..

Mixed reviews about it don't have droid to try it.

I did actually find it and looked at the reviews and didn't like what I saw. I do have Scubabatdan's excel page on my computer. Thanks for the response.


Ok, first thanks for the link to Mixology guys, I checked it out very briefly. My issue with it is it only has a few selectable values for things like nic strength, drops per ml, etc. Which would be fine, but they don't include all the values I need, for instance they only give you the option to go as high as 60mg strength nic base, I mix with 100mg. If there was an option to input custom values it would be more useful. For now I'm totally cool with just leaving a shortcut on my phone's desktop to the online calculator. My phone displays that page just fine, so I really have no need to use up any space on my phone's internal storage with an app when I can just access a webpage which actually has more functionality.


I haven't tried it yet, so thanks for the comments. I'll probably just delete it. But it's nice to know someone got something out there quickly, and given the reviews hopefully someone will do a nicer job soon.

Posted (edited)

Alas, too many replies that I want to respond to and never been able to get "MultiQuote" to do anything...

Pressing the multiquote button does not do anything outwardly obvious, but it stores the post numbers in memory (or cookies I guess) temporarily. Once you're done multiquoting, then you hit one of the reply buttons, and it will redirect you to a reply page with all the quotes filled into the text field.

Multiquoting even works if across multiple pages of a thread. Like if you multiquote someone on page 1, then go to page 2 and multiquote someone else, then hit reply, you will get a reply page with both quotes added.

EDIT: However I'm very used to using the regular "quote" button available on most forums (but not here) to quote single posts. Usually this would automatically add the quote to the quick-reply box at the bottom of the page, which is very convenient. On these forums you can still single quote, but you have to first multiquote the one post you want, then hit reply, and then wait for the new page to load :/ Hey Chris, can we have a single quote button pretty please? ;]

Edited by mmseng

Pressing the multiquote button does not do anything outwardly obvious, but it stores the post numbers in memory (or cookies I guess) temporarily. Once you're done multiquoting, then you hit one of the reply buttons, and it will redirect you to a reply page with all the quotes filled into the text field.

Multiquoting even works if across multiple pages of a thread. Like if you multiquote someone on page 1, then go to page 2 and multiquote someone else, then hit reply, you will get a reply page with both quotes added.

EDIT: However I'm very used to using the regular "quote" button available on most forums (but not here) to quote single posts. Usually this would automatically add the quote to the quick-reply box at the bottom of the page, which is very convenient. On these forums you can still single quote, but you have to first multiquote the one post you want, then hit reply, and then wait for the new page to load :/ Hey Chris, can we have a single quote button pretty please? ;]

mmseng, just click the "reply" button on the post you want to reply to. It automatically quotes the post in the reply box.

Posted (edited)

mmseng, just click the "reply" button on the post you want to reply to. It automatically quotes the post in the reply box.

DOH! I've even done that before, and I forgot about it lol. Although it would still be nice to have it autofill the quote in the fast-reply box.

Edited by mmseng

Pressing the multiquote button does not do anything outwardly obvious, but it stores the post numbers in memory (or cookies I guess) temporarily. Once you're done multiquoting, then you hit one of the reply buttons, and it will redirect you to a reply page with all the quotes filled into the text field.

Multiquoting even works if across multiple pages of a thread. Like if you multiquote someone on page 1, then go to page 2 and multiquote someone else, then hit reply, you will get a reply page with both quotes added.


Thanks! I can't wait to try that now... :D

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