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Vaping Intro To New Job?

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Ok I am starting a job tomorrow and I was just wondering how should I go about introducing my vaping to them.

How would you handle this?

How would I handle this? Say nothing about vaping, deal with it if and when the topic comes up, at that point explain it does not have any affect on my ability to perform the job I was hired to do. Until then I would vape inconspicuosly.

How did/would you handle telling them you smoke? How would you handle haveing a cigarette when you did smoke?

Edited by Vacker1229
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I have to go with lay low for now. I work for a company that has strict no smoking policy anywhere on the hospital grounds--discouraged all together. I vape very discreetly. some of my co-workers know, and I do vape around them with less caution.

If needed you can just let them know it is a nicotine vaporizer which is helping you to quit smoking.....much like an inhaler.

Isn't it nice to have work related worries...

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My wife gave me the best advice for a new job I've ever had. She said that when you are starting a new job it's like going into stranger's house for the first time. You have be a guest at first. Then you get to know them and it becomes your house,too. So don't act too familiar or comfortable until it becomes your house.

Edited by jmhester
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My wife gave me the best advice for a new job I've ever had. She said that when you are starting a new job it's like going into stranger's house for the first time. You have be a guest at first. Then you get to know them and it becomes your house,too. So don't act too familiar or comfortable until it becomes your house.

That's got to be the best new job analogy I've ever heard.... I like it, just don't raid the break room fridge like you would at a friends houseargue.gif. Don't be that guy, please don't.

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Yup I would agree keep it on the down low, especially if it's a new job. Vaping isn't yet well known and most are skeptical. If there is one thing you don't want your new boss to be, it's skeptical. (Now if you find out he's a smoker, well that's an opportunity)

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I used to be concerned about about what management was going to think, but now I realise its not a big deal. Just go where the smokers are and do your thing. They will ask all of the normal questions and be intrigued. They will break the ice and front any questions for you. This is better than you sneaking out to your car and doing something that looks like your loading up a one hitter.

No one but smokers are patroling the smaokers area. If you are truly doing nothing wrong then you will probably make more friends in the smokers pit. I personally did not want to quit smoking because I felt like all of the real alliances and decisions were made there.

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I used to be concerned about about what management was going to think, but now I realise its not a big deal. Just go where the smokers are and do your thing. They will ask all of the normal questions and be intrigued. They will break the ice and front any questions for you. This is better than you sneaking out to your car and doing something that looks like your loading up a one hitter.

No one but smokers are patroling the smaokers area. If you are truly doing nothing wrong then you will probably make more friends in the smokers pit. I personally did not want to quit smoking because I felt like all of the real alliances and decisions were made there.

I do agree, but tomorrow is his first day so probably best to be a little discreet at least until you are past the customary 3 month mark.

BTW my boss used to bang on the inside of window on the 3rd floor when I was in the smoking pit.veryangry.gif That window was directly above the pit. I would just tell him I was in a meeting.evil.gif

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You should have seen when I made the switch! I work in law enforcement so needless to say it made some of my fellow officers quite curious which then was followed by teasing and joking(including a couple of smarta** k-9 officers running there narco dogs on me). But after a while it was cool and I even converted 2 other officers.

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i catch **** at work all the time for it, but have most of them intrigued about it, hell my cook line manager told me one day "why the hell don't you just smoke it inside"

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