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Mailman Came!


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well the 510's I ordered just arrived.

took a lot less time to fully charge the batteries. then more time to figure out what was what... all these little unlabeled boxes :)

but finally got one together and gave it a try.

works great!

though takes a bit to get used to how much draw to give. My first was too weak, and my second gave me a coughing fit :) but definitely has a LOT of vapor

i expect that the juice will arrive tomorrow, but have plenty of carts to get me by :)

will take a little trial and error, but this came just in time. I have a 4 hour planning meeting tomorrow


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Oh congrats on the 510... I love mine...

It will always be my first love... I have used it several times today...

It only gets better Darrin..

What kind of juice you got coming?

Enjoy and remember drip, vape, repeat

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Enjoy and remember drip, vape, repeat

on this... how often do people drip?

and how many drops in a empty cart?

of course I have no idea yet how long a cart will last me :)

PCC is charging for tomorrow though

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on this... how often do people drip?

and how many drops in a empty cart?

of course I have no idea yet how long a cart will last me :)

PCC is charging for tomorrow though

"Dripping" is when you don't use a cart...

So until you get your juice, you'll be carting it.

Myself, I "drip" instead of using a cart, most of the time.

That is when you drip a few drops directly onto the atty... then repeat after you vape it all.

It's what most vapers do after they've been using one for a while.

It took me all of 1 week to start dripping because I don't like messing with the carts.

Besides that... unless I use a PTB mod in the cart it never vapes all the juice in the cart anyway.

Oh, and my mailman came today too... with another shipment of juice, atty's, and batteries. I love my 510 too!!

Edited by DAYVAPE
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The Learning curve has begun...

with my 510--I add 1-2 drops to the atty and 1-2 drops to a filled cart--You will know it is time when the vapor begins to drop off or you begin to get a bit of metallic taste.

It really does vary from person to person--depending on the length of draw and how frequent you draw. Practice will make perfect !!!

filling an empty cart should take about 10-12 drops. Just make sure to allow time to absorb. if you move the filler to the side and add to the bottom of the cart first, you will get a better fill.

Questions?? Just ask--everybody loves to help. We all want you to succeed.

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on this... how often do people drip?

and how many drops in a empty cart?

of course I have no idea yet how long a cart will last me :)

PCC is charging for tomorrow though

I'd ordered blank carts & juice for my 801 first purchase. I think it 15-20 drops. What I'd suggest is look at the fresh cart before installing it. When the vape gets sparse, add drops till it looks like it did fresh out of the package. And a couple drips right onto the atomizer for good measure.

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basically when the starter carts empty, i should take out the filter..

squeeze out any remaining juice using a paper towel, and then fill from the new juice

anything i am missing?

not there yet, but will be :)

the only issue with this is that i am a gadget freak, so now i have something else to spend money on

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basically when the starter carts empty, i should take out the filter..

squeeze out any remaining juice using a paper towel, and then fill from the new juice

anything i am missing?

not there yet, but will be :)

the only issue with this is that i am a gadget freak, so now i have something else to spend money on

You can rinse the filler with water to get out any flavor, then mush it with a paper towel to dry.

Gadget Freak? Oh yea, you're going to fit right in here! :thumbsup::unworthy:

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another question

does the vapor production of a prefilled cart drop off dramatically after the first few uses?

i havent used it constantly this afternoon, but take a hit or 2 every 30-60 minutes when i feel the need, but havent gotten quite the hit since the beginning

I took the cart off and there is definitely still juice in there :) though notice after use that the wadding migrates to the bottom of the cart

I thought perhaps it was the battery, but switched them with no change

just dont know the time when it is to replace the cart, though i am sure it will become second nature after a bit

can see why dripping is popular though :)

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okay... answered my own question once I got to watch the video with sound :)

basically it is a effect of using carts, I SHOULD have my VT liquid coming today and then can try dripping

a bit more of a pain, but for the better hit and better taste, it is definitely the way to go.

will keep the carts for drives.

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Now your getting the hang of it !!! if you use a toothpick or tweezers you can 'fluff' up the cart filler. once you get your liquids--I find I don't even bother changing the filler when changing flavors--so long as the flavors are mostly compatible--tobacco flavors go with everything.

Just 'fluff' the cart filler and add a few drops to the top of the filler. dripping really gives you the most consistent vapor/flavor.

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And just remember... different methods work for different folks.

I have found that when dripping, that my 510 atty's work better when I also use a nice moist cart.

But I use the PTB filler in mine. None of the other fillers seem to wick all of the juice in the cart.

Ever since I've gone to the pyramid teabags it's helped tremedously! I get MANY more draws off of it before it's time to drip. Those atty's like to be wet... just not flooded. So, I guess I use both methods.... keep a cart on and when it starts needing juice then I start dripping on the atty. You'll figure out what works best for you in no time.

And these folks in here are great and willing to help at anytime! Just keep askin. :thumbup:

Edited by DAYVAPE
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ummm, very wierd...

i went to fluff the filter in there, and it was missing... i thought it got packed down, but it must of fallen out when I had removed the cart... at least i have some extra carts here at work

that could have been my issue

well new cart tastes better too

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ummm, very wierd...

i went to fluff the filter in there, and it was missing... i thought it got packed down, but it must of fallen out when I had removed the cart... at least i have some extra carts here at work

that could have been my issue

well new cart tastes better too

LOL. Yeah, that coulda definately been the problem.

Glad you had extra carts!!

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