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Question About Traditional Tobacco

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I've tried Dulcis and Midnight and they are super. However, I was wanting to try Traditional Tobacco and wanted some opinions. The Johnson Creek stuff is way to strong tasting for me. Does the Traditional Tobacco have a strong taste like that or is it more subtle? Just don't want to waste my money on something I may not like.

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Traditional Tobacco is fantastic, however this is the only juice that my wife & son complain about. It seems as though it has more of a tobaccoey(???) smell to it and they don't like it. I myself love it @ 5V on the VP/PT. :thumbsup:

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My 2 cents: The VT Tobacco tastes like when you sniff an unlit fresh cigarette out of the pack. Same smell, same taste. I haven't tried Johnson Creek juices yet, but from a former heavy smoker, you can't beat VT Tobacco for a good tobacco-y flavor.

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The VT tobacco kinda grows on you ,at first it seems kinda chemicaly then it settles in ,I don't think I could vape it exclusivly but it compliments a fruity one when I switch back and forth.Peach right now ,

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From what I remember I found Dulcis to have a stroger flavor than TT. I like midnight for it's strawbery/champagne flavor even though I don't like fruity flavors much. All three I have tried have excelent TH. I just placed an order for more and I'm gonna give Sweet Dawn and Cappuchino a try. I already know I'll like Sweet Dawn from the descriptions I've heard. I wasn't overly excited about Traditional Tobacco but it was the best plain tobacco flavor I've had.

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