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From the AP - What's in a cigarette? FDA to study ingredients


RICHMOND, Va. – The Food and Drug Administration is working to lift the smokescreen clouding the ingredients used in cigarettes and other tobacco products.

In June, tobacco companies must tell the FDA their formulas for the first time, just as drugmakers have for decades. Manufacturers also will have to turn over any studies they've done on the effects of the ingredients.

It's an early step for an agency just starting to flex muscles granted by a new law that took effect last June that gives it broad power to regulate tobacco far beyond the warnings now on packs, short of banning it outright.

Full story at Yahoo


Hmm you would think with all the experts telling us what they do to us that they would know that by now.


hmm seems like a way to make more people switch to ecigs so they will have more of a chance to regulate them, since they have their panties in a bunch over losing the last battle lol and they gotta pick on some one :p


Boy I really hate giving govt agencies more power. That just never seems to go well for regular folks.

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