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So today I decided to figure out how much I've spent/saved.


Total spent on e-cigs all together including juice. $385.87

Total saved by not smoking $175.16

Total saved by my wife cutting back: $76.29

Total spent on analogs before switching: $320.56

Total spent this much on cancer sticks. 69.11

Total invested "Overage from what I would have spent on cancer sticks": $65.00

Total approximate time until needing to buy juice or parts: 3-5 months.

From this point on it's up in the air. Depending on how many cancer sticks the wife smokes.


I think it takes an initial investment to learn what, exactly, will work for you. This includes the different attys, mods, and juice. When you find what works, the investment financial investment will pay off at some point.

I have been vaping just over 30 days, and have bought the following:

1. Several 510 batteries and lots of attys

2. Joye 510 Passthrough

3. Protege

4. Protege Passthrough

5. Black Beauty from altsmoker

6. Spade

7. VP Passthrough

8. eGo

9. Chuck

10. On order -- Juicebox from Carlos

Add lots of juice, lots of batteries and battery chargers and... well, you get the picture.

The real payoff for me is -- after 30+ days off of analogs -- more energy, much improved skin, and no coughing. I know my health has improved tremendously, and I look forward to seeing even more improvement. I've settled on the VP Passthorugh (with car adaptor) and the eGo as the perfect setup for me, so the money should start balancing out in the near future, since I was spending $250/month on analogs before vaping.

Although, I will add that I do intend to order a Joker when it becomes available. B)


So far I have picked up.


joye 510

m402/3 Smart PCC


510 to m401 adapter

Gobs of juice

Loads of extra attys

2 extra batts m4 and 510

I'm digin this pepsi from myPVshop with 5 drops of orange cream to give it a better pepsi flavor.


Lol. 510 is for home. m4 and the PCC are for work or trips. The VP/PT is for well, myself being lazy and not wanting to switch batts every hour or so.


I probably should go through my receipts and figure out where I'm at, but just ball parking it, I'd say I'm about even with what I've saved by my wife and I not smoking. I've got a VP1, a Spade, and a VP-PT that my wife and I use regularly. Also have some old M401 and DSE801 starter kits. We have about 8 atomizers in rotation right now, with 20 brand new attys (both 801 and 510) in the wings. Also I'd say I have about 300ml of Juice (not counting PG and VG base for mixing my own), and lot's of supplies to make my own juices. By my estimations I shouldn't have to spend any more money for a long time, but I'm sure I will. Stockpiling attys and juice in case the FDA screws this up for all of us.


Yeah, the initial cost can be a bear, trying to figure out what works. Even with all the excellent guidance here, there are so many successes it's hard to winnow out what makes each one different and apply it personally.

I haven't spent a great deal on stuff; I have a VP2 and VP PT, some spare attys, and a slowly growing collection of juice. We're on a tight budget and my wife really resents what I spend on e cig stuff regardless that it's probably still less than I'd spend on analogs. The argument that I'm not smoking carries no weight. But that's just a personal issue, one I'm always working to find a way around. (Wish me luck. We had a massive argument about that yesterday and it's still quite chilly around here. Sheesh. Chicks. :D)

Surely though, over even the short run I'll have spent far less vaping than smoking, and personally I'd happily spend more to get the improved health I feel. Vaping is a godsend for me.

Posted (edited)

So today I decided to figure out how much I've spent.

Acroma, I want to thank you for sharing this mistake with me, so I can be sure to not make it myself.

Dave, thank you for your input. I will, if asked by my beautiful wife how much I think I've spent on vaping, remember to do the honorable thing, and lie my @ss off. Remember, my friend, many women find the term "chicks" offensive. I try to use "dames" or "broads" whenever possible. When I am offensive, I like it to be more memorable. B)

Edited by SmokinHammer

Every once in awhile I start feeling guilty for the amount of money I've put into this thing called vaping. But, when I really think it through, it comes out like this...

I'm about even on the money I've saved from not buying analogs compared to what I've spent on the units themselves. I started with an M401 - which cost way too much, but got me started, so it wasn't a waste. I gave it away to someone who had the same model, so I helped her out. That was good for both of us.

Then I got the 901, the 801, the 510, and the VP2. In that order, about one a week or so. I gave the 901 to my son to get him started vaping. I gave the 801 to my daughter because she had the 901, too, and wasn't doing so well with it. She's going to switch to the 510 now. My other daughter started with the 510, so she's good.

Then I had to try the Spade and now the VP/PT.

So, I invested money in my own units, but also invested in the health of my son & daughter, too. Good investment. And like I said, I'm about even on the cost of them.

You could say I am in the hole for the cost overall, because I have about $450. in supplies. I have 20 attys (both 510's and 801 LB's), I have a 510 passthrough, extra batteries for the Spade and VP2, lots of juice, plus VG and PG and flavors for mixing my own juice. I don't think of it as being in the hole though, because all that stuff will last me for several months. I hope. And in 2 months, I will break even on those costs and I'll still have most of it.

I could have gone at this a bit slower, but in order for me not to fall back on the analogs - ever - I knew I had to have the extra supplies. It was the only way it would work for me. And since I do have the habit of feeling guilty about spending money, I just have to remind myself that this is so good for me in the long run and the costs will balance out soon and then I've be on the saving end. And even if it doesn't save me any money over what the analogs would cost, it is so much better for my health and well being that it is all worth it.

Luckily for me I have a fantastic husband who encourages me in this whole thing. He has never been a smoker, but understood my addiction to it. He never complained about the cost or the smell. He tried to encourage me when I tried to quit. He didn't give me a bad time when I couldn't quit. He just understood. He was completely behind me on the vaping - even though I tried everything else and it never worked. He doesn't care one little bit how much money I'm spending. The only thing he cares about is my health. He doesn't want to lose me any earlier than he has to because of my bad habit. Now he doesn't have to worry about that any more. We can look forward to many more happy years together than we could have before.

There are a lot of other "hobbies" I could have that would cost a whole lot more money than this does, so maybe I'm not spending so much with it. We really don't have much for hobbies, we don't go out, we're not drinkers, we are really good at being frugal with our money. We're on a really tight budget, too. I suppose that's why I feel guilty about spending the money on this. It seems to be a waste. But it's not a waste like the analogs were. I've spent the money I would have spent each week on ecigs and supplies. The extra I've spent went on a credit card. We are working hard to pay those off and I really didn't want to put any more on one, but we both agreed that for this to work out, I would need to get the supplies and be prepared so I didn't fall back on analogs. Now I'm at the point where I feel safe. I won't run out of anything and I'll never go back to analogs. So, from now on, if I need something replaced, I can do small orders and not use the credit card. And we will get that paid off. And this will all work out. And in the mean time, I feel so much better. Healthwise and I just plain feel better about myself. I'm becoming a different and better person overall. Look, I'm sitting here writing this to a bunch of people I've never met, telling things I wouldn't even tell to some people I do know. Why? I'm not sure. Because maybe it will help someone else who is concerned about the cost? Because maybe I might possibly say something that would help Dave's wife understand just a little bit? Because maybe I do like helping people and this might help someone, somewhere, sometime? I really don't know. Maybe people will read this and think I'm just a long winded old lady. But I'm one who is willing to share some thoughts in the hopes that it might do some good.



I'll second that! Thanks nana.

I hope none of you dames ladies were offended by my use of the word "chicks" to refer to your lovely gender. If you were, and if knew me, you might still be offended but you'd know I said it in a loving way. :) (I do hope that I haven't simply dug myself deeper.)


Acroma, I want to thank you for sharing this mistake with me, so I can be sure to not make it myself.

Dave, thank you for your input. I will, if asked by my beautiful wife how much I think I've spent on vaping, remember to do the honorable thing, and lie my @ss off. Remember, my friend, many women find the term "chicks" offensive. I try to use "dames" or "broads" whenever possible. When I am offensive, I like it to be more memorable. B)

I had a terrible thought, and went back to look; whew. No one's given me a -1, yet at least. innocent.gif

So in my effort to try to determine how much I've really spent on this, if I do my filing today I'll gather up all the vaping-related receipts and see what they come to. Probably I will just find some more gratifying displacement behavior to indulge, though. My desk is piled to overflowing with all kinds of detritus from the last couple weeks; it's a catchall for whatever doesn't belong in the living room. Which is quite a lot, actually. But we'll see.


Okay, I added it up and I'm just a little behind the eight ball. whistle.gif

Hardware - KR808 kit, VP2 kit, VP PT, attys &c - 443

Juice - 290

Total - 733!

Amt saved on analogs - 462

Depth of Hole - 271! Yikes!

Sigh. I'm sure it'll catch up eventually - right? rolleyes.gif

I have to say that $42 of that was totally wasted on crap attys. And I have a boatload of juice to last several months, for sure. But I'm not done buying PVs yet, much less juice and DIY supplies. So, maybe it'll take a bit longer to break even than I thought, eh?


IF I could take back some of my dumb purchases I would be way ahead at the 5 month mark but now I am just about even again and have a 4-6 week supply of what I will use on hand and thats not bad at all..

I kept track of what I used in a week and it was $10 in juice and 5 cartomizers for a total of $20 worth of stuff not bad when a carton of smokes is $45 a week. so if I keep up this pace and dont add anymore unnecessary hardware I will be making money LOL.....Cigs are cheaper where I live than most places or I would be kicking some A$$ in the savings and they had threatend to raise them from 5 to 7.50 a pack last year and stopped the last increase!!!Who cares what they cost now, I dont use them and pay no Sin Tax !!!!!!!!! My money goes to much better people now who appreciate my buisness and help me when I need questions answered or items replaced!!!


Total spent on e-cigs all together including juice. $385.87

It can be expensive when your addicted to the toys more than the nicotine. We might as well enjoy it. Besides, it would be hard for us to spend more on e-cig stuff than the total cost of cigarettes. Later on today I'll probably be spending about what you have spent so far on more e-cig stuff I NEED!


Acroma, I want to thank you for sharing this mistake with me, so I can be sure to not make it myself.

Dave, thank you for your input. I will, if asked by my beautiful wife how much I think I've spent on vaping, remember to do the honorable thing, and lie my @ss off. Remember, my friend, many women find the term "chicks" offensive. I try to use "dames" or "broads" whenever possible. When I am offensive, I like it to be more memorable. B)

See I have a REAL problem. I'm too damn OLD too be a chick, too YOUNG to be a dame, and too SKINNY to be broad. I guess I'm stuck with being a GAL. LMAO

Interestingly some women find GALS to be offensive as well. Not sure why, but then I try not to think much about what Men say. I was in the Navy for 6 years, I've heard PLENTY of manly terms for just about everything LOL

I'm too new to even start to think about how much vaping costs or doesn't cost me.

And um....HI and stuff




Luckily, I didn't save all my receipts from what I've purchased.

But I'm one, like most men, that thouroughly enjoys new "toys".

I can sit on the couch for hours tinkering with them and trying different things.

I often get the "your crazy" look from my wife at the other end.

Thank goodness she understands the difficulty in only buying one PV.

All I know is that my health and happiness is worth much more than I've spent on E-cig supplies.

And that's going to stay that way... so I look at it as if I'm always going to be ahead.



Uh-oh, Dave, I hope you hid the knives and bubble wrapped the frying pans. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah - gotcha covered. :D

...Cigs are cheaper where I live than most places or I would be kicking some A$ in the savings and they had threatend to raise them from 5 to 7.50 a pack last year and stopped the last increase!!!Who cares what they cost now, I dont use them and pay no Sin Tax !!!!!!!!!...

I hate to be the one to point it out, but eventually we Will be paying tax on nic liquid at minimum. There is no doubt. So I'm doing my best (on hold temporarily) to stock up, as much as is rational given expiration dates, on juice and DIY supplies.


See I have a REAL problem. I'm too damn OLD too be a chick, too YOUNG to be a dame, and too SKINNY to be broad. I guess I'm stuck with being a GAL. LMAO

Interestingly some women find GALS to be offensive as well. Not sure why, but then I try not to think much about what Men say. I was in the Navy for 6 years, I've heard PLENTY of manly terms for just about everything LOL

I'm too new to even start to think about how much vaping costs or doesn't cost me.

And um....HI and stuff



Hi yourself! :) I think the best policy, for men at least, is to address the fair gender as "Ladies" and be happy they're out there.


Oh yeah - gotcha covered. :D

I hate to be the one to point it out, but eventually we Will be paying tax on nic liquid at minimum. There is no doubt. So I'm doing my best (on hold temporarily) to stock up, as much as is rational given expiration dates, on juice and DIY supplies.

What is a good idea of expiration date anyway? I was wondering this myself ... doesn't really do alot of good to really stock up too much because of that. Too bad one can't just add a preservative so it would last for years!


I prefer to look at it this way. Over about twenty years of smoking I have spent roughly $22,000 on analogs. I'm no where near that on e-cig purchases, so I got a lot of catching up to do. :lol:


I prefer to look at it this way. Over about twenty years of smoking I have spent roughly $22,000 on analogs. I'm no where near that on e-cig purchases, so I got a lot of catching up to do. :lol:

LOL! Man - I like the way you thinkg! :thumbsup:

As you can see below my meter, I've spent $787 in 45 days. However, I have 10 unopened atty's and 8 being used in rotation. I have a Spade, VP2 and a VP/PT. I've also got about 200ml of juice. The $787 does not include the $30 juice order I placed with Arno over the weekend or the $60 on mod parts and batteries I ordered over the weekend. Nor does it include the $100 I spent on my wife's KR808 kit and carts. Still, I was smoking about 1 1/2 packs a day at $4.50 per pack. If I buy nothing else except juice I'll be in the positive in aobut 3 more months.

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