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Hard to believe but I am coming up on 1 year of vaping. Okay I did have a few analogs when I was in Vegas, BUT as they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I threw the last of the pack away at the airport there.

This has been a good run for me. I did cut my mg back a bit but I guess I am not ready for no nic yet.

Couple of side effects: First I have had a cold once this year and the flu once this year and both times I did NOT suffer with bronchitis. I have for the past 28 years always - yes always - been stricken with a miserable cough after illness, to the point of being hospitalized a couple of times for bronchial pneumonia.

Okay now the bad side effect and some may not agree - but in the past year I have put on aprox 20 lbs. and Yes I do attribute it to the amount of nic I am getting. They say and no I don't know who they are but no matter how strong the nic is that you are vaping you still only get about 10% of what you would get from an analog. So yes nic does speed up your metabolism and yes I cut down on the nic and yes my metabolism is slower ultimately I put on some excess lbs.

Now I know you may not agree and I am not here to complain cuz it really is an easy fix, I am just stating side effects with me. So all keep an eye out for what may or may not occur with you.

Otherwise I am just giddy that so many other side effects are gone, I can actually run up 3 flights of stairs in my office instead of taking the elevator. this is a huge plus!! and of course the obvious, no smell, no stains, no burns, no midnight runs to 7/11 for smokes. yeehaw!!

See banner below WOWie ZOWie!!!


Hard to believe but I am coming up on 1 year of vaping. Okay I did have a few analogs when I was in Vegas, BUT as they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I threw the last of the pack away at the airport there.

This has been a good run for me. I did cut my mg back a bit but I guess I am not ready for no nic yet.

Couple of side effects: First I have had a cold once this year and the flu once this year and both times I did NOT suffer with bronchitis. I have for the past 28 years always - yes always - been stricken with a miserable cough after illness, to the point of being hospitalized a couple of times for bronchial pneumonia.

Okay now the bad side effect and some may not agree - but in the past year I have put on aprox 20 lbs. and Yes I do attribute it to the amount of nic I am getting. They say and no I don't know who they are but no matter how strong the nic is that you are vaping you still only get about 10% of what you would get from an analog. So yes nic does speed up your metabolism and yes I cut down on the nic and yes my metabolism is slower ultimately I put on some excess lbs.

Now I know you may not agree and I am not here to complain cuz it really is an easy fix, I am just stating side effects with me. So all keep an eye out for what may or may not occur with you.

Otherwise I am just giddy that so many other side effects are gone, I can actually run up 3 flights of stairs in my office instead of taking the elevator. this is a huge plus!! and of course the obvious, no smell, no stains, no burns, no midnight runs to 7/11 for smokes. yeehaw!!

See banner below WOWie ZOWie!!!

WOW! CONGRATS my friend! That is one hell of an accomplishment! I hope I make it there one day.


That's amazing Vacker! Congratulations! Your smoke free meter looks awsome... over 12,000 analogs avoided.


Congrats Vacker, you are a true veteren to this site. It looks like you joined the day VT went live.(OK trivia question.... Does anyone know Vapor Talk's original name?) Anyways back to you Valerie, you are an inspiration to me. Keep it up! :unworthy:


Congrats Vacker, you are a true veteren to this site. It looks like you joined the day VT went live.(OK trivia question.... Does anyone know Vapor Talk's original name?) Anyways back to you Valerie, you are an inspiration to me. Keep it up! unworthy.gif

thanks Jeff and the others. It has been quite an adventure with all the legal ups and downs and the experimenting with products. But all in all it has been such a plus to quit analogs. I can't thank Chris and Sean and Royce too for all the support I got and of course all of my lame questions when I started. I have learned so much along the way to this new health I have acheived. BTW esmoketalk.com was the first but do you know why it changed to VaporTalk.com??


Congrats Vacker, you are a true veteren to this site. It looks like you joined the day VT went live.(OK trivia question.... Does anyone know Vapor Talk's original name?) Anyways back to you Valerie, you are an inspiration to me. Keep it up! :unworthy:



thanks Jeff and the others. It has been quite an adventure with all the legal ups and downs and the experimenting with products. But all in all it has been such a plus to quit analogs. I can't thank Chris and Sean and Royce too for all the support I got and of course all of my lame questions when I started. I have learned so much along the way to this new health I have acheived. BTW esmoketalk.com was the first but do you know why it changed to VaporTalk.com??

Wasn't it a legal issue with the name?


Wasn't it a legal issue with the name?

Vacker congrats on the 1 year...

Didn't some one complain that had that name copyrighted?


Vacker congrats on the 1 year...

Didn't some one complain that had that name copyrighted?

I think so. But its all good. I like Vapor Talk better. :)


A Little Tip for your metabolism.

Eat small Healthy Snack Meals every Few hours.

After you eat is generally when your metabolism is at its peak.

I have started doing that & Have gained some more energy to help get stuff done.

Just too bad too much stuff That I need to get done.

& Vaportalk to me sounds better then esmoketalk

but ya i would say esmoketalk would conflict with esmokes


perhaps it's just that the food tastes better lol? congratulations on the anniversary!!!!


Vacker that is cool beyond mere words! You rule. If I hadn't already selected my hero for today, you'd be it. That's just wonderful, Congratulations! thumbsup.gif That truly is inspirational.

Posted (edited)

Okay now the bad side effect and some may not agree - but in the past year I have put on aprox 20 lbs. and Yes I do attribute it to the amount of nic I am getting.

First - absolutely congrats!!!! Second the props to Christopher, et al. I figure I owe my life to this forum. I have pumped on some weight, I figured because I went no nic, and then the mental addiction faded, I've turned to eating. I'm actually trying to vape more to replace the eating, but now you have added a second hypothesis to the mix. Hmmmm.

Anyway - CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!! Awesometastic as my son says.

Edited by FTJoe
Posted (edited)

Apologies all - the old double post. Delete me please mods, please release me, let me go!!!

Edited by FTJoe

You can say that again..

Thats why I also ordered the juice box.

Would prefer puff on that then analogs down the line.

And the 510's and hopefully my envy/401 continues to work fine. But thinks my batt is the issue.


thanks again all of you.

The extra lbs is minor I can fix that in 2 to 3 months.

But gaining 10 plus years on my life - Priceless!!

aha, a thought here. Have you tried Ms T's yet? http://www.mstsbakery.com/

why eat it when you can vape it. :thumbsup:

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