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Another Newbie W/possibly Dumb Questions


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Hi All!

I'm in the process of switching. After a couple of false starts, I now have an 801 pen style kit that is showing some promise.

possibly dumb questions #1 & 2:

I've read where it is bad to let the juice get into the battery area, and also bad for it to leak into the mouthpiece. So I've been doing my level best (pun intended) to keep it horizontal. But I'd really like to be able to set it down at an angle or even put it in a pocket like a pen. Would doing so be risky with this type of unit?

I've heard of manual type batteries. Would something like that make it safer to store it battery-side down?

possibly dumb question #3: How many drops of juice is recommended to start out a blank cartridge? (has anyone ever bothered to count?)

possibly dumb question #4: And on a similar note, is there any rough estimate of how often I should top off the juice? As in x number of drops after z number of draws?

possibly dumb question #5: Does the atomizer need occasional cleaning? And if so, where would I find instructions to do so?

possibly less dumb question #1: I’ve noticed that a number of suppliers sell 801s. Are parts standardized/interchangeable?

possibly less dumb question #2: What part of the unit is likely to quit first, as in what should I always have a spare of?

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There are never dumb questions, only dumb answers :D (Well sometimes there are dumb questions...) Moving on..

Hi All!

I'm in the process of switching. After a couple of false starts, I now have an 801 pen style kit that is showing some promise.

possibly dumb questions #1 & 2:

I've read where it is bad to let the juice get into the battery area, and also bad for it to leak into the mouthpiece. So I've been doing my level best (pun intended) to keep it horizontal. But I'd really like to be able to set it down at an angle or even put it in a pocket like a pen. Would doing so be risky with this type of unit?

The only thing you can do is keep the unit up right so that the liquid doesn't leak all over you. There isn't much you can do to stop the liquid from entering the battery. Just try not to over drip. At some point you will have to move to a manual battery.

I've heard of manual type batteries. Would something like that make it safer to store it battery-side down?

With a manual battery it doesn't really matter how you store it.

possibly dumb question #3: How many drops of juice is recommended to start out a blank cartridge? (has anyone ever bothered to count?)

Fill the cart until it start to look like a slushy/slurpee (Depending on what country your from) It should not look like a pool of juice. I've never counted but you'll get the hang of it.

possibly dumb question #4: And on a similar note, is there any rough estimate of how often I should top off the juice? As in x number of drops after z number of draws?

Just keep an eye on the vapor. When the vapor starts to drop, it's time to fill again. I would top off every 10 puffs or so. It's something you will "just know" after time.

possibly dumb question #5: Does the atomizer need occasional cleaning? And if so, where would I find instructions to do so?

Atomizers can be cleaned but they are not meant to be. You should replace your atomizer ever 4-6 weeks or so. I change mine once a month. In between replacements it's a good idea to blow the juice out of the bottom of the atomizer into a paper towel until there is nothing left. Then add 5 drops of liquid and go back to vaping as normal. Do this every week.

possibly less dumb question #1: I’ve noticed that a number of suppliers sell 801s. Are parts standardized/interchangeable?

All 801's will work will all 801's. Model 302's are also the same thing and for that matter RN4072 are the same. We call these units "Penstyles" The atomizers work great on custom mods.

possibly less dumb question #2: What part of the unit is likely to quit first, as in what should I always have a spare of?

Because you are using an auto battery that will probably go out first.


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Welcome to vaping! Looks like Chris answered all your questions. It took me a couple of tries before switching to vaping, too. Congrats!

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I carry mine in my shirt pocket like a pen and I have not had any trouble with it.The only time I had trouble getting liquid in my batteries was when I used DSE/SLB high bridge atty's.If that is what you have do not fill the cart until it looks like a slushy keep it on the dry side.Next order get you some low bridge 302/KB or low bridge 801's.About 15 to 20 drops for a dry cart I add three or four drops every 8 or 9 puffs.I think the pennstyle is my favorite because the larger capacity and the bigger vapor chamber.When I first started batteries were the first to go I am still using my first atty after six months.Enjoy.

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I carry mine in my shirt pocket like a pen and I have not had any trouble with it.The only time I had trouble getting liquid in my batteries was when I used DSE/SLB high bridge atty's.If that is what you have do not fill the cart until it looks like a slushy keep it on the dry side.Next order get you some low bridge 302/KB or low bridge 801's.About 15 to 20 drops for a dry cart I add three or four drops every 8 or 9 puffs.I think the pennstyle is my favorite because the larger capacity and the bigger vapor chamber.When I first started batteries were the first to go I am still using my first atty after six months.Enjoy.

I have no idea what kind of atty I have. I ordered the 'Classic Pen Starter Kit' from awesomevapor.com.

But from what I've been reading, it looks like I wouldn't have to worry about it at all if I got a couple of manual type batteries. Did I interpret it right?

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Welcome Dajamster! My second e-cig was the 801. It turned out to be one of my favorites next to the 510 (my first). I never used the carts with the 801. I direct drip on to the atomizer. I use about 2-3 drops and I get about a good 5-7 drags, I am guessing never really counted, before I have to re-drip. I also do recommend getting the manual batteries. The manual batteries do not fit in the regular charger because of the button. You will need to make sure to get the adapter or extender for the charger. If you ordered the kit from AwesomeVapor, shoot Arno an email and he will help you out.

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Chris really about covered things.

to keep liquid away from the battery (auto only)--keep at a bit of an angle (ashtray works well) with light end up, or you can keep it in a pocket with light end up.

If a bit of juice leaks from the cart--just wipe it off. If you get some in your mouth, just rinse with what ever liquid is handy--no big worry.

You will get the hang of how much liquid and when. trial and error. If you get too much liquid on the atty or cart--use a towel or papertowel/kleenex to wipe off any excess (in a pinch t shirts and jeans work well)

I usually drain my attys every few days--I use the corner of a paper towel or kleenex--push into the open end of the atty and let sit over night. A shot glass works great for this--keeps the atty upright with towel/tissue down to drain.

Extra batteries and atomizers are always good to have around. extra liquid too. over time you will build quite the collection.

ask away--we all love to help--and we were all the new kids once upon a time.

happy Vaping and Welcome !!!!

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I have been vaping for 2 months. I bought 6 different units. I just got a Janty eGo and I love it. The main reason is the manual push button. I messed up a lot of batteries from juice getting in it. Pluse I don't have to do the "Primer puffs" to get the atty heated up.

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Welcome Dajamster - you found a great place. Direct dripping is where we'll all end up eventually, I'm convinced. :) I'm a bit OCD sometimes, so always count drops. I found it took about 20+ drops to completely fill an 801 cart. Had to let it absorb there for a while after 15 to get the rest in. Then I'd top off 3 or 4 drops every few drags and usually put one on the atty for 'good measure.' :D Which of course, led to direct dripping. It always killed me to rinse out all that good juice whenever I'd clean a cart (which most people don't do, they just toss em - with a bunch of perfectly fine juice in them!), which also suggested direct dripping. I've had attys that leaked, and some left a wet spot in my shirt pocket. It washes out fine, but made me feel rather too conspicuous. And I hate wasting juice. Did I mention that?

Seems like there was something else I was going to add, but my frail mind has dropped the ball yet again. wallbash.gif Have fun, and welcome to the bright side!

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Welcome Dajamster - you found a great place. Direct dripping is where we'll all end up eventually, I'm convinced. :) I'm a bit OCD sometimes, so always count drops. I found it took about 20+ drops to completely fill an 801 cart. Had to let it absorb there for a while after 15 to get the rest in. Then I'd top off 3 or 4 drops every few drags and usually put one on the atty for 'good measure.' :D Which of course, led to direct dripping. It always killed me to rinse out all that good juice whenever I'd clean a cart (which most people don't do, they just toss em - with a bunch of perfectly fine juice in them!), which also suggested direct dripping. I've had attys that leaked, and some left a wet spot in my shirt pocket. It washes out fine, but made me feel rather too conspicuous. And I hate wasting juice. Did I mention that?

Seems like there was something else I was going to add, but my frail mind has dropped the ball yet again. wallbash.gif Have fun, and welcome to the bright side!

Yeah, I have a mild case of OCD too. I've managed to harness most of the tendencies towards either harmless eccentricities or sometimes even helpful activities. But people have learned to get the heck out of my way when it kicks in and I go on a cleaning spree. Have gone on 48 hr cleaning jags after months of clutter & not putting stuff away. LOL

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Replace the atomizer every 4-6 weeks? Top off every ten puffs? Are these really the recommended procedures? Both seem a little... expensively obsessive...

Well, it's not particularly uncommon for folks to have an atty last much longer than that. But keep in mind this equipment was designed with quitting smoking in mind, and not intended to last indefinitely. Hopefully some good old US innovation will remedy that state of affairs at some point and create longer-lasting attys. But currently, they tend to not last much longer than that. Even if you replaced your atty every month, it's still not at all expensive compared to smoking. Just a thought. I've never actually had one die on me yet.

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Yeah, I'm planning on cleaning mine regularly, but will 'drag it till it drops.' Though I am going to get several spares. Don't want to have to go back to tobacco. That's what happened to me when I got the set from Smoke51. Was working one night and it died and wouldn't recharge. That's when I realized that the spare battery was Not pre-charged as the kiosk guy had said. And the charger didn't work on it either! Found myself desperately searching convenience stores for something like my regular tobacco smokes. It's a smaller brand and only a few stores locally carry it. Settled for something not nearly as pleasant for my nic fix. An experience I hope to never have to repeat.

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