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Hi All,

My head is swimming from trying to research this product. I am looking for an e-cig that is the most cost effective and lasting with the least amount of problems if possible. I cannot afford any mistakes right now or to buy the wrong product because cost is an issue.

I was a heavy smoker, trying to quit. I am not doing well with the quitting part and under heavy stress. I am down to about 1 pack a day, and even that is a big struggle right now.

I already posted in the "Noobie Questions and Help, under Tired Of Research...someone Tell Me What To Order!" by Leah. I actually had the same question and tired of the research.

This was my previous post, in the wrong place! Sorry.


I have the same question? I am tired of researching and trying to find a product to buy? I am a heavy cig smoker for many many years. I smoke menthol Light cigarettes. My main concern right now is COST and trying to get through each day with this addiction, my stress level, and lost income. I lost much of my income in last 9 months and a nervous wreck. I also take care of my son who is multiply handicapped 24/7, and quite a challenge for someone all alone, not even any other family or help. I smoke about a carton a week and can no longer afford them, not even from the Indian Reservation. I am trying to quit smoking and not having much success. But I am down to about 1 pack per day on a good day.

I have heard it is most cost effective to buy the liquid and refill. Can someone recommend what to buy that would be cost effective and LAST ME AT LEAST ONE MONTH OR MORE, and what would I need to buy to go with it? Is there a starter kit someone would recommend that would have all I need or most of what I need?

I would like to buy from http://www.awesomevapor.com/ if possible, I like his simple but humble attitude and website as a small family business, any suggestions?

Thank You so much for any help or suggestions"

Thank you for the replies so far:

Thank You Leah for your information and prayers. Great post filled with valuable info.

FTJoe, thank you for the tips. Sorry for posting under Leah's Intro. I am not good with forums, and could not figure out after signing up where to post. Sorry about that.

Brian, thank you for welcoming me to VT. Thank you for the link to your story, I am going to read it ASAP.

Thank you all for this Forum, Support and Great Information.


FTJoe, thank you for the tips. Sorry for posting under Leah's Intro. I am not good with forums, and could not figure out after signing up where to post. Sorry about that.

No need to appologize - many of us are new to forums... this is the 1st and only forum I've ever posted on. Creating your own introduction will get you more replies and more help. Once a topic gets a little old, it's probably not looked at as closely as a new introduction. FTJoe's comment was all in good fun and just trying to help you get more help.


Welcome to the forum. I have to agree that the 510 would be your best bet. And a couple of bottles of juice. Then, as you can, get a spare battery and a spare atomizer...more juice. A passthru can be a big help, too. But that could come later. I haven't seen your other post yet, so hope I didn't say the same thing as everyone else.

Don't worry about making mistakes here. We've all done our fair share of them. This is the first forum I've ever been on, too.

Good luck with the vaping.

I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care now.


Can anyone tell me how many times can you refill (reuse) a blank cartridge? Also are there other ways to refill? I am hearing different terms like "dripping". Do the atomizers break down and need to be replaced and if so about how often? How often can a battery be recharged? I can see from one reply that at least 1 bottle of eliquid is needed per week, just trying to figure out other costs and products needed.

Anyone know the best and cheapest place to buy eliquid? Any flavor recommendations for someone who is used to Menthol? What would taste most like a menthol analog.

Thank You



Welcome aboard 'arcangel'

My typical recommendation for a 'pack a day' smoker to go a month without smoke is to buy: a DSE901 , a spare atomizer, 5 prefilled cartridges, and two 30ml bottles of the strongest juice (that you can stand).

The 510 has really gained in popularity over the past 6 months and it usually comes with 2 attys instead of one.

You are are struggling at a 'pack a day', so I would peg you as a 1.5 pack a day. That would equate to three 30ml bottles of juice.

I would recommend three different flavors, and/or three different strengths. This will help you find the flavor and strength that is right for you. You may want to stick with flavors that can be mixed together, for adjusting the strengths. For example Grape and Turkish Blend would not mix well. (At least I doubt it).

Keep some high octane juice at the ready, for trying times. Vape lower strength for your regular use.

Get set-up before you stop the real ones. [The strangest thing about e-cigs is that they taste almost exactly like smoke, when you are used to smoke. However, weeks later, e-cigs taste exactly the same. That is until you try smoke again, then e-cigs taste nothing like smoke]. - - It boggles my mind - still.

There is a learning curve. You have to always be charging your batteries. You have got to have sufficient back-ups. You have to learn to top-off before your carts or atty runs dry. You have to regulate how hard you drag to be able to activate it, yet not so0 much to get juice in your mouth. You have to get used to how full you can top-off you cart or atty, yet not over-fill, and cause juice to get into an auto battery.

I sure hope this post did not confuse anyone. I do tend to do that.

Posted (edited)

FTJoe, thank you for the tips. Sorry for posting under Leah's Intro. I am not good with forums, and could not figure out after signing up where to post. Sorry about that.

no no no - okay, yes, you should not have been in Leah's thread (that's we call it). Okay, Brian has it exactly right, I am teasing and the reason I called you out was you need a thread of your own!!! I really wouldn't have felt comfortable posting info to you in Leah's thread. I'l bet she wouldn't have minded, but again as Brian points out, that thread is a little old and you deserve your very own.

So as far as equipment goes, my opinion is a 510. If I may be so bold, awesomevapor or wordup. I believe both offer liquid with the starter kits. Always have a backup battery and atomizer.

As far as menthol goes. My wife is a stickler, and right now for her I mix a combination of ecopure menthol, Janty polar mint and Johnson Creek arctic Menthol. For me, I needed something that was a killer, didn't have to be "just like" my marlboro menthol lights. The absolute best was VaporTalk Mentha (no I am not a plant), after that, Janty Polar mint. I have to say, wordup had okay menthols, awesomevapor was pretty good. I could have cared less about the tobacco taste, I think what did it for me was the really big menthol hit. Now before you go crazy ordering, bear in mind VaporTalk and Janty are strong!!!! It really is a matter of taste.

At this point in time, I have settled on a mix of VaporTalk Mentha and Johnson Creek Arctic (also sometimes Johnson Creek mint chocolate). I know this is getting complicated, but that's ny fault. I'm using past tense a lot because I went 0 nic a while back. PTL, Chris here at VT has 0 nic Mentha, I bought a bunch and I believe I will buy some more!!!

I assume you are not going to be 0 nic, if you are okay with it, PM me and I can get you a BUNCH of menthol flavors to try, they have nicotine so I can't enjoy them anymore. Actually I would love to finish them but my goal was 0 nic and I didn't do a very good job of depleting my inventory before I got to zero nic. I have everything I referenced, wordup marlboro menth, mighty menth, camelmenth, vaportalk mentha, Johnson Creek arctic (low nic - 11), janty arctic (I think), ecopure varieties. Entirely up to you, I believe in sharing so I wouldn't even give you the whole bottle, I have a bunch of the 3ml bottles sitting around, it would be a sampler. This offer goes for anyone else as well. I am collecting a bunch of non-menthol flavors for my friends to try, point is, none of my friends are menthol smokers so to my family here at VT I offer my menthol supply. Trust me, it's just a taste. In fact, the more I think of it, I'll post this up in the buy, sell and trade area...but you get first dibs. I also have sealed carts with menthol but no idea where they came from so they are useless in trying to figure out if it was something you would want to get going forward.

By the way, if this tech stuff is a little beyond you and the PM (private message) abbreviation is a little weird, say so and I'll PM you first. After that, it'll be obvious what to do.

Edited by FTJoe

arcangel7Hi 42, Welcome to this wonderful forum. I am a noobie too-only been vaping 2 weeks. I was able to quit the analogs immedieatly with my vaping. Out of couriosty, I "tried" to smoke a marlbro light and it was horrible. Only one drag and I knew I will never go back to the bad cigs.

Like you, I did alot of reading to figure out what was the best set up for me. After some great advice I went with the joy510 kit from Arno at awesomeVapor. I loved using it from the first hit. i seem to be using a 10ml bottle of juice per week. This months order will be a min of 4 bottles and some spare parts ex. attys, mega battery and usb PT. So, my suggestion is the joye510 from awesomevapor and a min 3-4 different flavored juices to find your own favs. So far my favs are ry4, bannana, vanilla and I have some VT Dulcis heading my way to try. Good luck with vaping-you will love it-and welcome to the forums. Jen


Can anyone tell me how many times can you refill (reuse) a blank cartridge? Also are there other ways to refill? I am hearing different terms like "dripping". Do the atomizers break down and need to be replaced and if so about how often? How often can a battery be recharged? I can see from one reply that at least 1 bottle of eliquid is needed per week, just trying to figure out other costs and products needed.

Anyone know the best and cheapest place to buy eliquid? Any flavor recommendations for someone who is used to Menthol? What would taste most like a menthol analog.

Thank You

The other way to refill is to 'direct drip' onto the atty. I do not recomend it to newbies, but it is a good way to keep you e-cig from leaking.

I use a cart till they almost fall out of the attys. Then it is time to replace. That is about once per month. The poly-fill can get squashy before that. Like within 2 weeks, but I typically use the blue foam, instead. As it holds more juice and wicks faster.

Attys break or worse, in one per month (usually), for me. However, I still consider myself a 3 pack a day-er. I have cleaned them, and gotten them to work for 2-3 months (sometimes).

Batts typically last me 2-3 months.

It is cheaper than RYO, by a long-shot.


I could have sworn I replied to this thread earlier...I guess not. Either way welcome to the forum arcangel! Looks like everyone's already done a good job of answering your question. There's not really much more I can say except add another vote for the Joye510. Let us know how everything works out for you. =)


Welcome arcangel! You've found a great place. Reading some of the replies I got a bit confused, because the term 'bottle' could mean many things to different people. Since you're just starting out and don't know what flavors and strength you're going to like, my suggestion would be to guy several 10 ml bottles of juice, and include the highest strength you can find. If you're really a heavy smoker (which is also a very subjective term) you will probably want to start with high-nic juice. Just my experience.

I was a heavy smoker. I direct drip and use about 20 ml of high-nic juice a week. Maybe that will help you gauge how much juice to purchase. Remember, try a good tobacco flavor (I like 555) but don't ignore the non-tobaccoey flavors. You'll be surprised to learn that you can satisfy your nic requirement and have it taste good too! :D That still blows me away sometimes.

Good luck, keep asking questions, and have fun!

Posted (edited)

I ordered a 510 kit in september and both batteries are still good today I have used about 4-5 atties 2 were DOA and were replaced.I have 2 in rotation now for 3+weeks one for menthol/fruit flavors and one for tobacco flavors.I have a pass thru for the desk and a Personal charging case to charge on the go.

I am happy with my 510 stuff so here is what i use in a month.

4-5 bottles of 16 ml juice from Arno at AV + or - a couple of ml.You get a 3ml sample with every order for a total of 19ml for $10 one of the best prices on the web and its good stuff.I have tried some other suppliers and keep coming back to Arno's it just works for me.No I have not had and Vapor Talk juice yet but will order some one day!

about 1.5 atties a month on average (I keep 2-3 new unused in stock)

To start what i would recommend

1 510 Kit $49

1 510 Pcc $25 if not around a A/C plug often.

2-4 Bottles refill E-juice $10(get more for your money with Arno!)


1-2 spare 510 atties $8 a piece if you buy in bulk 5 packs or order from the right place they are cheap.

1 510 usb pass thru $15 for a cheapy..Mine works fine!soryy all you expensive PT guys LOL..

1 510 usb charger $5-10 as a spare battery charger.

can use/charge any of the above- PCC/usb charger/Pass thru in the car with a 12v to usb adapter.

One of my other kits, the wall charger is a A/C to 5v USB so I can plug in and vape battery free at the couch.Saves on battery wear and tear.

Another model E-Cig as a spare unit. I use a joye 510 and a Vapor King thats all I need. I got pcc's and pass thru's for both and can go anywhere with this stuff.I usually have both of them with me, maybe overkill but I have never been E-cigless either(is that a word?) and dont plan on it!!!

All my 510 stuff over the last 6 months has come mainly from 3 places.

Awesome Vapor my 510 kit(great quality kits and good E-liquid)

Rockymountain Vapor My passtru and blank spare carts/atties (good prices)

free shipping over $14...

AZsmokefree I think my PCC came from them or Altsmoke.

I did order a spare joye 510 kit for $35 from a china web site took 2 weeks to get here but i got it for spare parts and it is nice having 2 wall chargers.It works great just would not be able to get returns shipped overseas, would not be worth it as a initial purchase at this time for you.And you can get most of the parts pretty cheap here in the states I would not take the chance again.

Edited by SteveD1

:wave: Hi VegasVapor, Nice to meet the Moderator,

Could you please tell me which Battery you prefer for this model, the automatic or the manual? Any pros and cons for either one?

Thank You,

God Bless

I could have sworn I replied to this thread earlier...I guess not. Either way welcome to the forum arcangel! Looks like everyone's already done a good job of answering your question. There's not really much more I can say except add another vote for the Joye510. Let us know how everything works out for you. =)


:wave: Hi VegasVapor, Nice to meet the Moderator,

Could you please tell me which Battery you prefer for this model, the automatic or the manual? Any pros and cons for either one?

Thank You,

God Bless

When purchasing an ecig it's always better to go with the manual. The reason for this is because the auto batteries are still no yet perfect. After about a week or so the juice will enter the auto battery, this causes the switch to stick and unit will either say on, stay off or flicker. Before you know it you have to purchase a new battery. (and we don't want that!)

Only recently (within about the last 6 months or so) did the manual version start coming around due to the mass complaints about the auto batteries. Manual batteries will last MUCH longer and because there is a switch the battery is sealed. This also gives you the option to direct drip instead of using cartridges (which most people end up doing) in the future. :) Oh and there is also no cut off on 90% of manual batteries so you can take a drag as long as you wish. :D

Hope that helps!


Hi Christopher,

Yes, this helps immensely, now I am one step closer to choosing. Thank you so much!

When purchasing an ecig it's always better to go with the manual. The reason for this is because the auto batteries are still no yet perfect. After about a week or so the juice will enter the auto battery, this causes the switch to stick and unit will either say on, stay off or flicker. Before you know it you have to purchase a new battery. (and we don't want that!)

Only recently (within about the last 6 months or so) did the manual version start coming around due to the mass complaints about the auto batteries. Manual batteries will last MUCH longer and because there is a switch the battery is sealed. This also gives you the option to direct drip instead of using cartridges (which most people end up doing) in the future. :) Oh and there is also no cut off on 90% of manual batteries so you can take a drag as long as you wish. :D

Hope that helps!


hi Arcangel742, i recently got a 510 passthrough setup which, as others mentioned, is nice to have. my first ecig kit came with 2 batteries but you could only charge one at a time and not overnight because you couldn't charge more than 2 to 3 hrs at a time! so the passthrough really comes in handy to use at homewhile my other batteries are charging. i wonder why many chargers don't have timers if overcharging is bad for the batteries?


Hi FTJoe,

I am so happy you posted. I wanted to find you and tell you I am so happy you are one of the people who have chosen to get down to NO nicotine and succeeded. This is so encouraging. Thank You so much. Congratulations. I wonder if you were as heavy of a smoker as I am. I have tried to quit so many times. I am ashamed to say I was smoking up to 2 and 1/2 packs a day at times. I know this is no excuse, but I always seem to get into situations that add to stress and make me want to smoke more.


For years I was in a legal case that opened my eyes so wide I think I walked around in shock for a long while. I was once nothing more than a naive Christian housewife, and I loved helping my neighbors and loved all kids especially in the neighborhood. I volunteered my time and worked with handicapped children, including my own son.

Then some years later, my special son began to have this strange dream. I can't go into details here, but it was always the same dream, and at the end of it, he was told by an angel he said that stood at the foot of his bed, to tell me to be prepared for things to come. The dream was detailed about what was to come into our lives and personal situation.

Within a few months of this, my former husband turned into a monster trying to kill me. I could not believe it. I found out much later he was having an affair and had a devious plan to put own son in a State institution for the disabled, to avoid support, and the rest was to try to force me to leave by his abuse. I believe he wanted it to look like I abandoned him before a divorce he had planned but never told me about. This was, so he and his new Love could marry and take everything that was mine too.

Long story short, I spent years with him dragging me through the Courts. During these years this man committed many crimes against both myself and his own son. He conned me out of our first property, then I got back on my feet and purchased a 2nd property on my own. Everyday both he and his girlfriend called and threatened me. Sometimes I would wake up to find damage to my car and property. One day he broke into my property while my son and I were visiting my Mom, and between him and his corrupt Attorney, they literally took over my property locking me out by changing the locks. This left my son and I homeless without even our clothes or personal belongings. Despite trying to bring charges in the Court to get my property back, and the local Police Department refusing to do anything because he had all my legal papers in the house, and they told me to take it to Court, his Attorney somehow managed to avoid everything and manipulate things. I could not get my property back by legal means. His corrupt Attorney even used fraud to evict my tenants who resided in the one apartment I rented out above the one I had resided in. I had so much legal evidence against them over time that they had to have a bailiff wheel it all out on a cart. Everyone in the Court laughed. The first Judge recused himself off the case.

Then they began trying to threaten my mother who was dying of Cancer to try to get me to sign over a Quick Claim deed because he (former husband) could not get away with legally selling my property that he and his Attorney took by fraud. The threat they used again was to take my son away from me and hand him over to the State to be put in one of those residential facilities where they used to put away disabled kids, and fill them full of drugs to control them.

After my mother passed away and I was really alone with no other family, he did the same thing again, after I got back on my feet. He was trying to take the property I now own, left to me by my mother. No matter what Attorney I hired, the Judges treated me like I was the criminal.

I had so many strange situations occur during these times. I once met a private detective who chatted with me outside a Courtroom telling me, he just happened to be in the chambers while on another case, and overheard them making a deal against me with the Judge. I still was naïve, and did not believe him, despite him giving me his card and offering to help. I still believed the Courts were about truth and Justice. Of course, now I know better, they are Courts of equity run under the rules of Bankruptcy of a Bankrupt Nation. Have nothing to do with God, Truth, or the Balance of Justice. The Courts are about money and controlling their assets, meaning us.

That was only the beginning. Things became rather bizarre after that. I finally caught on that no attorney will expose another, much less a Judge for corruption because they all belong to the same bar. You have to go out of state in a situation like this to get an Attorney that might even be willing to deal with something like this.

One day, my son could not take it anymore. This was after years of my being held a hostage and prisoner in the Courts while crimes were being constantly committed against my son and I by those in the Courts. Everyday we were stalked, threatened and sometimes even physically attacked by my former husband and his cronies. He even tried several times to attack me right outside the Court room anytime he saw me show up by myself. Our lives were a Hell so long, I felt like we were living in Nazi Germany. My son could not take any more, and he threatened suicide. He said to me one day, “the reason I could not protect us was because I did not know how to think like the people who were doing these things to us.” He said “I never had evil thoughts like these people and could not understand their evil”.

I prayed about it. Then I decided my son was right, I had to do something and deal with the evil. I was more like a flower child, not a fighter. All I wanted was to show others the Love of Jesus. I would help anyone who needed help regardless of what I had. I would babysit my neighbor’s children and sometimes bring home a hungry person and feed them. I had to learn how to fight evil both in the physical and in the spiritual.

To do this I started spending all my time in the Law Libraries. I studied Law on my own. I spent much time in prayer and always prayed before entering the Courts. I had to learn spiritual warefare. God helped by having me meet people in the strangest of ways that taught me other things I needed to know. I sometimes felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. I could not believe what was happening to me. I was in the middle of something far bigger than just my own case. I found out there were many other people who were being perpetrated by fraud and the illegal taking of their properties and much worse by the same people doing it to me and there were Judges involved.

While I was trying to learn, I once went to an Agency called “The Neighborhood Legal Services”, to see if I could get a free or cheap Attorney to represent me until I knew enough to represent myself. They had me pay a $300 fee and then set up another appointment for me to come in. I came next appointment, and they told me they had all their clients sit in a meeting where they would teach about their services and help them understand the laws. I sat in and listened. Then the person holding the meeting asked, “If anyone knew what the Constitution was?” I raised my hand proudly, and said it was really our “un-alienable rights” given to us by God and written by our forefathers for that purpose.

As soon as I said that, I was kicked out and escorted out the door without any explanation told, "Not to Come Back". I was still so naïve; I was stunned and could not understand why.

In the end, to try to make a long story short, I was shocked when I studied law besides what happened in my own case, I was nearly arrested for taking over my own case Pro Se. Over time, as I learned so much, I ended up indicting a Federal Court Judge and Three Attorneys’. They closed down the Federal Court that day to make sure that no one from the media had access to this information. I saw Attorneys running out of the Court crying because of my Indictment.

It was what I found out by studying the laws and the history of law that shocked me the most. I saw years ago where we were really headed up front and personal. When I was done in the Courts, I had people following me and many threatening calls from lettered agencies many people never hear from. “If you know what I mean”. I became so angered by what I knew I started using my knowledge to help others. That was until one Judge openly admitted to me in front of other witnesses and right in his Court that there no longer was "A Constitution."

I knew then, things had gone too far to deal with in the Courts. My hope in telling this story is for others to know these types of things are real and do happen to many others. I am an extremely nervous person, and for good reason. I saw and experienced the future we are now in and fought it years go in many ways I believe I was led to do. I could write a book about all the shocking things I saw and happened during those times. I am trying to help myself regain something I lost. My health and my ability to keep calm without this addiction. I could not have made it through what I did without Jesus being real and knowing him, and turning to him for his help, so I give him all the Credit. I want others to have Love and Hope and Strength and for us to Support each other.

I am way out on a limb here, and I Sincerely hope with all my Heart and Love, that I have not offended anyone here or frightened anyone, but instead showed how we can have Courage, Love and Faith to overcome many things. :withstupid:

no no no - okay, yes, you should not have been in Leah's thread (that's we call it). Okay, Brian has it exactly right, I am teasing and the reason I called you out was you need a thread of your own!!! I really wouldn't have felt comfortable posting info to you in Leah's thread. I'l bet she wouldn't have minded, but again as Brian points out, that thread is a little old and you deserve your very own.

So as far as equipment goes, my opinion is a 510. If I may be so bold, awesomevapor or wordup. I believe both offer liquid with the starter kits. Always have a backup battery and atomizer.

As far as menthol goes. My wife is a stickler, and right now for her I mix a combination of ecopure menthol, Janty polar mint and Johnson Creek arctic Menthol. For me, I needed something that was a killer, didn't have to be "just like" my marlboro menthol lights. The absolute best was VaporTalk Mentha (no I am not a plant), after that, Janty Polar mint. I have to say, wordup had okay menthols, awesomevapor was pretty good. I could have cared less about the tobacco taste, I think what did it for me was the really big menthol hit. Now before you go crazy ordering, bear in mind VaporTalk and Janty are strong!!!! It really is a matter of taste.

At this point in time, I have settled on a mix of VaporTalk Mentha and Johnson Creek Arctic (also sometimes Johnson Creek mint chocolate). I know this is getting complicated, but that's ny fault. I'm using past tense a lot because I went 0 nic a while back. PTL, Chris here at VT has 0 nic Mentha, I bought a bunch and I believe I will buy some more!!!

I assume you are not going to be 0 nic, if you are okay with it, PM me and I can get you a BUNCH of menthol flavors to try, they have nicotine so I can't enjoy them anymore. Actually I would love to finish them but my goal was 0 nic and I didn't do a very good job of depleting my inventory before I got to zero nic. I have everything I referenced, wordup marlboro menth, mighty menth, camelmenth, vaportalk mentha, Johnson Creek arctic (low nic - 11), janty arctic (I think), ecopure varieties. Entirely up to you, I believe in sharing so I wouldn't even give you the whole bottle, I have a bunch of the 3ml bottles sitting around, it would be a sampler. This offer goes for anyone else as well. I am collecting a bunch of non-menthol flavors for my friends to try, point is, none of my friends are menthol smokers so to my family here at VT I offer my menthol supply. Trust me, it's just a taste. In fact, the more I think of it, I'll post this up in the buy, sell and trade area...but you get first dibs. I also have sealed carts with menthol but no idea where they came from so they are useless in trying to figure out if it was something you would want to get going forward.

By the way, if this tech stuff is a little beyond you and the PM (private message) abbreviation is a little weird, say so and I'll PM you first. After that, it'll be obvious what to do.


:wave: Hi VegasVapor, Nice to meet the Moderator,

Could you please tell me which Battery you prefer for this model, the automatic or the manual? Any pros and cons for either one?

Thank You,

God Bless

Nice to meet you also. I started off with the manual battery, which Chris already explained why it's better than the auto battery. I've recently moved on to a battery mod called The Spade. It's a little larger than the regular 510 batteries, but it provides a much longer battery life. But as a beginner I think you'll be good with a normal 510 starter kit. It's about the size of an analog cigarette so you won't be so subconscious about using it in public. At least that's how it was for me. Eventually I just stopped caring and just bring the spade with me everywhere.


Hi Kato07,

I was looking at passthroughs last night. I am not understanding exactly what they do. For instance, I know they seem to have bigger batteries, and last longer, but can you use them while plugged in, not to waste your battery, say when you are just at home? Are there any chargers you can get to either warn you or stop charging the battery when they are done?

Thank You for bringing this up.

hi Arcangel742, i recently got a 510 passthrough setup which, as others mentioned, is nice to have. my first ecig kit came with 2 batteries but you could only charge one at a time and not overnight because you couldn't charge more than 2 to 3 hrs at a time! so the passthrough really comes in handy to use at homewhile my other batteries are charging. i wonder why many chargers don't have timers if overcharging is bad for the batteries?


Hi Vegasvapor,

I admit some models look so big and awkward to take out in public, glad you mentioned what I was wondering about last night. I will still look up The Spade. Thank You. Anyone try the mods? Which one has anyone found to work the Best? And if you do a mod with the Cart, how long do they become reusable? I can see where some of this can become costly and may need to try some of these other options to save the money. :blink:

Nice to meet you also. I started off with the manual battery, which Chris already explained why it's better than the auto battery. I've recently moved on to a battery mod called The Spade. It's a little larger than the regular 510 batteries, but it provides a much longer battery life. But as a beginner I think you'll be good with a normal 510 starter kit. It's about the size of an analog cigarette so you won't be so subconscious about using it in public. At least that's how it was for me. Eventually I just stopped caring and just bring the spade with me everywhere.


Hi jnnfrlsw :wave:

Nice to meet you. Congratulations. That seems to be a common theme here, and a strange one, why after vaping the analogs taste terrible. Good to know. I wonder why more people are not using these to quit? I first saw these advertized online for the first time last month. Never heard of them before despite it appears they have been out for at least 3 or 4 years.

Can you please tell me how long it took from the time you placed your order to the time you received it from awesomeVapor?

I have been trying NOT to buy any analogs so I can buy an ecig. But I am spending so much at my local store to get by another day until I figure this out. I know if I go to the Reservation and buy cheaper analogs now, I may not spend more to get the ecig, while I am trying to figure it out. I know now I am going to get the 510 for now with a manual battery type and some eliquid. Now I just have to find the best price and quickest shipping.

Thank you for your post.

arcangel7Hi 42, Welcome to this wonderful forum. I am a noobie too-only been vaping 2 weeks. I was able to quit the analogs immedieatly with my vaping. Out of couriosty, I "tried" to smoke a marlbro light and it was horrible. Only one drag and I knew I will never go back to the bad cigs.

Like you, I did alot of reading to figure out what was the best set up for me. After some great advice I went with the joy510 kit from Arno at awesomeVapor. I loved using it from the first hit. i seem to be using a 10ml bottle of juice per week. This months order will be a min of 4 bottles and some spare parts ex. attys, mega battery and usb PT. So, my suggestion is the joye510 from awesomevapor and a min 3-4 different flavored juices to find your own favs. So far my favs are ry4, bannana, vanilla and I have some VT Dulcis heading my way to try. Good luck with vaping-you will love it-and welcome to the forums. Jen


Wow - your story sounds like something right out of a movie. Gave me chills. You must be a very stong person.


I was looking at passthroughs last night. I am not understanding exactly what they do. For instance, I know they seem to have bigger batteries, and last longer, but can you use them while plugged in, not to waste your battery, say when you are just at home? Are there any chargers you can get to either warn you or stop charging the battery when they are done?

The pass-through allows you to use your 510 atty without a battery. It get's the power from your USB port on the computer. This gives you time without needing a battery, which is the perfect time to charge your regular batteries. Also, the batteries you get with the 510 (and most mods) are protected Lithion Ion (sp) batteries so they cannot be over-charged. Once they are fully charged, they stop charging. There are battery MODs out there that use bigger battereis and will give you longer battery life, but they can be pricey.

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