Earthling789 Posted February 19, 2019 Posted February 19, 2019 (edited) Hey everyone... been a long time since I checked-in with everyone. It's been a crazy past couple of years, but I had a little free time to swing by, say "hi", and give everyone an update, vaping and personal-life I've basically been nicotine free for over a year, but I still keep some 2mg juice handy (just in case, lol). I still vape during my leisure time and a little at work, just because I like the flavors, my wife still vapes, and it keeps my hands busy. After 30-yrs of smoking, and only 5 years off analogs (yes, my 5-yr anniversary is coming up at the end of March... and it seems like a lifetime since I held a traditional cigar or cigarette), my hands still need "something" to do. My wife is finally down to 9mg, and has been holding there for about a year... she's not ready to go down any further, but I think the next batch of juice I mix for her will be 8mg.... It is how I got her down from 18mg... I slowly put less and less nicotine in her mixes and she didn't really notice until we hit 12mg and she had a stressful week Now, she pays attention to when I mix her juices, lol. If you remember, a couple years ago, I bought 200+ OCC and SSOCC coils for my Kanger subtanks (stockpiling for the FDA ban of vaping equipment)... well, those are almost gone. I had some duds in the mix and both of us have been using them for more than 2 years. She still has her Nautilus, but finding coils (affordable) for it has been hard lately (online and locally). Same goes for the SSOCC coils for our Kanger tanks... finding 316L versions is like looking for dinosaurs in the Nevada desert... you might find them, but they are probably fakes. Because of that, I've recently purchased a Smok Mag Kit (right-handed version) with V12 Prince tank and TFV8 v2 Baby Beast for a spare... as a trial-run of the newer Smok equipment. Coils are plentiful and relatively cheap (as compared to Kanger, when you can find them). I've had an original Baby Beast when they first came out, but I was never too happy with the flavor, the coils drained juice as well as batteries, and they just never "fit" my needs as well as the Subtank/Toptank mini have. For the past few months, I've actually been building my coils on the RDA deck for the mini, which preserves what few disposable coils (maybe 50-60) we have left, for the wife. If the new Smok tanks are better, maybe I'll get the wife switched-over to a sub-ohm system before her favorite Kanger 1.2 Ohm coils go the way of the Dodo? Either that, or I'll have to go back to rebuilding the OCC coils to suit her tastes.... although she did have her eye on a VooPoo Rex TC (look really similar to the Kanger subtank mini kits) at the local shop that recently opened... hmmm... might have to get her one of those to try it out? Of all the mods we own, the only ones still working are the two Cloupor Mini and two Mini-plus (75WTC version), as well as all six of the Kanger 75WTC top-box mini mods (two Platinum, two white, one red, one black). All 3 of my Wismec mods, my SnowWolf, and her favorite Sigelei 50W box have died or become unreliable... as well as a host of other mods from Asmodus, GeekVape, Aspire, Innokin, Joytech, eLeaf, etc. which we've tossed over the past couple of years. Interestingly enough... the VaporTalk Templar AIO I picked up on sale almost 2 years ago is still going strong, holds charge and coils last for months (but I only use it when mowing or when I need something "portable" and "small")! So, anyway, I'm hoping the new Smok Mag mod and tanks hold up as well as the Kangers have over the years.... BTW, I'm actually using a Platinum Top-box Mini kit right now, with RDA build @ 0.25 Ohm 316L SS, and vaping my own blend of Sweet-tart and Gummy-bears with zero Nic! As for personal life... same job... got divorced over 2 years ago, re-married a wonderful, smart, loving, caring woman 16 months ago... moved to a new city 90-min from where I use to live and now live on a small farm. I'm really loving tending livestock and all the fresh eggs from chickens and ducks! My Son-in-law was medically discharged from the Army back in September, so my daughter and grand-daughter now live only an hour away instead of 8 hours! So, now I get to see them FAR more often. I broke (shattered) my right leg (Tibia and Fibula) back on Nov 29th and had to have extensive surgery to fix it... I now have a Titanium rod in my right leg, which runs from knee to ankle. How I broke it... I was walking my antique motorcycle (the one in my profile pic) from the garage to the barn (with help from my son)... he was on the left, I was on the right... my foot slipped in the mud and the bike fell over on my leg as I was trying to stand... 500lb bike won! I'm still not fully recovered/healed, but at least now I can walk with a cane or crutch. I'm still not able to drive (at least until March), which sucks... since we bought a very gently-used F150 XLT 4X4 Supercab (for me) only 10 days before I broke my leg.... at least the wife is getting to enjoy it, lol... she LOVES a big, loud V8 TRUCK. Not much else to say... I hope everyone else is doing well. From reading posts I can see a few of the old crew is still around, as well as some new faces. It does seem the forum has seen a huge decline, which is unfortunate but ups and downs are expected as people move on to other things. I know the Vaportalk Store has fully taken a new approach to only the most basic systems (AIO, pods, cig-a-like)... but hey @Christopher, any time you want to go back to selling coils, tanks and more "advanced" systems... let me know... I'm sure many of us can send some business your direction. With more and more of my go-to online shops closing up, it is getting harder and harder to find reliable, and affordable vaping gear or accessories! Edited February 19, 2019 by Earthling789
FXRich Posted February 19, 2019 Posted February 19, 2019 Welcome back. I can understand the keeping your hands busy habit, I use a 2mg mix with about half of my flavors the other flavors I use 0 nic. Know how it feels to have a bike fall over on you, happened to me this summer. But my leg wasn't under it when it fell over, only had to replace 1 mirror, and tweak the forward control rear brake a little. I have been rebuilding the kanger occ coils I use in my subtanks, and nano tanks, I still have a lot of unopened occ coils left.
Earthling789 Posted February 20, 2019 Author Posted February 20, 2019 Thanks, Rich! Yeah, I've had bikes fall before too (without my leg under them) with only minor damage, or none... this was the first time I was caught under one, and it wasn't even running, lol... I was just moving it to the barn for winter storage. My wife was at work (she's an RN), and she took the news quite well... although it reinforced her theory that she can't leave me without adult supervision for too long, lol... Yeah, the worst part of the day wasn't breaking my leg, it was explaining to my wife how I was an idiot... and having an expensive pair of boots shredded by an ER doctor, eager to use scissors.... I've rebuilt several of the horizontal-coil OCC... they are actually quite easy to do, but the problem is when you're out and about and change the coil... the wife tends to toss the old one, rather than save it for rebuild. I have about 40-50 shells waiting for rebuild, and I've been using the RBA deck, too. I'd say we have another couple years, minimum left with the supply we have... but... I thought I'd give SMOK a try, just in case our Kanger equipment starts running thin (coils, tanks, glass, etc.), as accidents do happen, and you can't rebuild those coil heads more than a few times before o-rings and insulators start to give out. Have you tried the new TFV8 V2 baby or TFV12 Prince? Mine will be here tomorrow, and I can't wait to try something "new"! It's been about two years since I bought any new vaping equipment, so this is like Christmas and Birthday rolled into one
FXRich Posted February 20, 2019 Posted February 20, 2019 I don't think I will be ordering anything soon. I just looked at my stash, and I have 1 Kanger 160w box mod, 2 75w toptank mini kits (1 black, 1 platinum) 3 toptank mini tanks, and 2 nano tanks, all in unopened boxes. That's not counting the 7 box mods and 4 subvods that I'm currently using. I think I may have over bought in the past. As long as 18650 batteries are available I'm set for life. When I use TC I always use a RBA with a SS coil, but for the subvods I use occ coils, I also use occ coils in the minis when I vape coil killing juices, seems like Kanthal in watt mode works best for coil killing juice. The only time I toss a occ coil is when the plating comes off and exposes the brass. Most brass except medical grade brass contains lead, and I don't think the Chinese use medical grade brass to make coils. (I have to protect the 1 brain cell that I have left)
Earthling789 Posted February 21, 2019 Author Posted February 21, 2019 Wow, I find it hard to leave gear in "unopened boxes", lol... although I do have a couple of toptank minis, one nano, and a coupe of Kayfuns and Russians still in boxes. I do love my Top kits! My two Platinum units are my go-to daily-drivers, mostly because the paint on the white/red/black ones tend to wear off over time, so I tend to use the colorful ones when I'm out and about (less likely to sit and hold it like I do when watching TV). I hear what you are saying about Kanthal and coil-killing juices. My wife's juice is a coil killer (lots of cinnamon) and she will only use Kanthal coils because they are the only thing that lasts more than 2-weeks... she can usually get about 6 weeks on a 1.2 Ohm Kanthal coil. My juices are not has hard on coils, and I can get at least a month, sometimes two on a 316L coil (using Wattage mode)... less if I use them in TC, and TC is much more demanding of the batteries, which is why I mostly use Wattage mode these days... consistent vape, batteries last longer, and coils last longer. I'm waiting for the mailman so I can test out the new Smok unit... but I'm sure my Platinum Toptank will still be used daily. Yes, you are correct about the Chinese not caring about lead in their brass... they have no environmental restrictions, and Chinese brass is LOADED with lead. Anytime I see plating coming off any of my gear or coil-heads... they hit the trash fast! That is one reason I have always loved Kanger (SS) tanks... they are solid SS, not plated or painted brass, like some of the other brands I've tried before, and I'm pretty sure even their painted ones are still SS, not painted brass? Plated brass tanks have always made me think twice about using them.... Horizon comes to mind, and Kanger did have a cheaper line of tanks once, which were chrome plated over brass... they didn't sell well because of it, and I certainly didn't buy any of them . I bought an all Copper RDA once... it is still in the box. I just can't bring myself to use it. I like my one brain cell, too .
FXRich Posted February 21, 2019 Posted February 21, 2019 I only have 1 painted mod with all the paint left on it, with the exception of the bottom. It's a old Kbox 50w non TC. I used a sonic cleaner to clean 1 of my black top tank minis, and most of the paint came off, and they are solid SS under the paint. Wasn't very hard to remove the rest of the paint. I cleaned a old black subtank mini with a sonic cleaner, and none of the paint came off, tells me the old paint jobs are much better than the new paint jobs.
Bebop Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 Hey Earthling. good to hear from you. hope your recovery is smooth and complete. Sorry to hear about that. I'm a rare poster these days myself. The wife and I have settled in to a 3mg groove. we have a stockpile of unopened gear, cotton and coil wire and are set for years to come. I've been making my own juice now for the better part of a couple of years and so life is good. I've kind of gotten put of the "mod game" so I'm quickly falling behind but that's ok with me. We still support vaping and promote it whenever. occasionally I drop in here to embarrass myself with my outdated knowledge, lol and keep up with old friends. It's been pretty quiet lately but still in the game. Best wishes from sunny California.
Earthling789 Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 Hey Bebop, glad to hear from you, and glad you're doing well! Speaking of "outdated knowledge", lol... a new vape store opened up near my physical therapy office, so we stopped in there the other day to check it out (and see if they had any Kanger SSOCC coils). I was amazed at the cases full of "POD systems" and these tiny little AIO or stick devices. I was totally lost on all the new devices, especially the POD systems! The other extreme was all the 200+W devices and massive tanks! Where is all the mid-range stuff? Where's all the Ohm-plus coils for those of us that prefer 1.2-1.8 Ohm vapes?? It seems the proprietor was missing out on a whole group of vapers by only catering to "stealth-vape"/beginner and extreme cloud-chasers. All of his stuff was insanely priced too. POD kits which I'd seen online for $19.99 were "starting" at $50, coils were $4-7 each, depending on type/mfg, tanks (like the SMOK TFV8 Baby V2, which I just bought for $19) was $45, and an Alien kit was $100!! I did purchase a box of Kanger SSOCC 1.2 Ohm coils while I was there (since I was there)... $21.50 plus tax!! When I bought all those coils two years ago (online), they were about a buck a coil.... not $4.50 each! After that purchase, I was terrified to ask about his juice prices, lol. The SMOK Mag 225 kit I just bought was $45 online... coupled with the Baby V2 tank and three boxes of coils, I spent less than $100. I can't imagine paying that much up-charge anymore... even if it is to keep the local shop in business. I mean I'm all for supporting your local business, but not by sending their kids to college while mine starve, lol. As for liking the new SMOK Mag kit... meh... it's okay. It is quite different than the Kanger top-tanks I've gotten use to over the past few years. The airflow is fully open, like taking a breath through a 1" PVC pipe, but the flavor is quite good. One thing I don't like is that sometimes the tank "whistles" when you're not drawing hard enough, and this thing guzzles juice... been through 2 tanks already (16ml) in the past 24 hours. The mod is HEAVY, and reminds me of the old Innokin VTR unit, which could double as a weapon . Battery life is okay - two tankfuls and still have 40% battery life, using some of my older, paired LG HE2. I've got some LG HG2 on order, so hopefully they will perform better, being newer and 3000mAh, too?
Walt Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 Good to hear from you again!!! A lot happened in a short time. I'm still vaping. Just over two years now analog free. Sitting at either 2 or 3 mg, home brew vs commercial respectively. Receiving less devices for review over the last three months. I'm afraid I was a little to honest, lol. Actually worked out pretty good. Beginning of the year I went from part time to full time and the band I'm with decided to produce an album over the span of this year and I'm engineering that. I'm finding myself pretty busy. Beyond that I guess the most exciting thing was getting an insta pot for my wife at Christmas time. Great meals come out of that thing!!!! Yup, I still love to eat.
VapeMama Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 Hi ya'll! I haven't been around much lately either. Life just gets in the way of things I'd really like to do. Earthling: Glad you're healing well and don't rush things! (Sorry, that's the nurse talking. ) Bebop: Howdy to you as well. Cany: how ya been? The last couple of years have been nuts-o around here as well. The hubby had surgery 3 times in 14 months, I had one surgery (minor compared to his!) and now am nursing a stress fracture in my right foot. On the vaping scene, hubby and I are doing well using 0-6mg juices (I DIY all of ours), we're pretty well set with gear. Of course when I see something shiny........ Still buying the hubby's coils but I wrap/build my own and have been for a good while.
Bebop Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 well well. it's a regular party this week. Hi Vapemama. glad to hear from everybody, Rich and cany. walt, I got asked to do an album this year too and I'm pretty excited about that. I'm in the middle of learning 12 original tunes for this guy and I'll be contributing a lot of guitar work on it. It's basically a blues/rock project so it's just gonna be pure fun, no pressure. Earthling, I've had good luck with HG2's. 'course not being a super high power vapor helps. I was checking out the whole pod system arena a whike back but I never got further than one unit whi h now sits unused. I just cant get back in to the whole gear thing. Over the last couple of years our vape budget has dropped to next to nothing and I like it that way.
Walt Posted February 24, 2019 Posted February 24, 2019 12 hours ago, Bebop said: walt, I got asked to do an album this year too and I'm pretty excited about that. I'm in the middle of learning 12 original tunes for this guy and I'll be contributing a lot of guitar work on it. It's basically a blues/rock project so it's just gonna be pure fun, no pressure. Too cool, too cool!!! We've done a lot of recordings by recording live tracks and mixing them for the purpose of letting potential clients know exactly how we sound. Mistakes and all left in. This is our first go around at actual "studio" recordings. Everybody is learning a lot. There is some pressure as one member has a benchmark quality he wants to achieve but the album will not be for sale. We plan on having it pressed into vinyl just for us and close friends. There is no marketing pressure involved at least. Bebop 1
Earthling789 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Posted February 25, 2019 On 2/23/2019 at 10:04 PM, VapeMama said: Earthling: Glad you're healing well and don't rush things! (Sorry, that's the nurse talking. ) I married an RN, lol... I'm use to hearing the sage advice of a nurse Glad to hear you and hubby are doing well, and hope your foot heals soon! @cany ... Good to hear from you too! Been reading a few of the recent posts, and glad to see you're still active in helping the noobs @Bebop and @Walt Doing recording work sounds like you're living the dream (musically)... It's great to have your passion immortalized on vinyl or at least digitally. I tried the whole pod-thing as well... bought a Penguin (v1 and v2)... both were "novelties" for me, and the wife doesn't care for them either. They are just sitting on the shelf right now, next to all the other "novelty" items... including several cool-looking, but useless RDA's and Mech-mods I've not touched in years. I understand the ease and simplicity of the pod-system, but the vape you get (or at least I got) is so inferior in flavor and cloud... as compared to the most basic Subtank, Nano, or even a Nautilus (or my old Aerotanks). I mean, if you're going to take the time to make a pod-system... why not at least make it with a better (larger) battery, some coil options, or at least "some" customization on the mod itself? X-ohms resistance at Y-watts, pushed through a tiny 1000-1800mAh battery... the pod-system is great for maybe 2% of the population... but not everyone (and not everyone's juice choices) match perfectly for those narrow parameters! I feel the same way about most/all of the AIO's out there. At least the old EGO systems had the ability to vary the Voltage to dial-in your vape. These new AIO and stick-units don't even allow that! As for limitations... take for instance my wife's juice (50/50 mix)... she likes it at 11-12W and 1.2 Ohm coil in a top-tank... but only 9.5-10.5W with 1.6 Ohm in her Nautilus. My two favorite juices (60/40 VG/PG) at 0.25 or 0.5 Ohm in a Toptank vary from 18-30W, but in the new TFV12... at 0.4 Ohm... I have to crank it to 45W+ to get the same flavor and cloud.... In the Penguin V2... I can barely get a cloud, and the flavor is very lacking, even if I use a 60% PG mix! So in my opinion... the pod-systems and one-button-AIO's are a noobie nightmare (possibly an intentional design pushed by Big Tobacco, like the poor performing cig-a-likes) to make the vaping experience as bad as possible... or they are a marketing brilliance by China to get everyone to "try the new shiny one", just so they can get more of your money before you move on to a better system (or back to your system you love)? Walt, I understand why you've not gotten many freebies to test lately... I was brutally honest with my reviews, back when I was getting a new tank/mod every week or two. After a few months, they stopped sending them... most likely because I wasn't giving them 5-star reviews, which is what they wanted, so they could market them. Keep on being brutal with your reviews. You may not get as many freebies, but at least the manufacturers and marketing teams will get the message... "Make better stuff"! I remember one of my more brutal reviews was on a tank design which was just a bigger POS in a different color. My review was "...taking a failed design and making it larger and a different color is still just a more colorful, bigger POS" The Kanger Jupi is another that comes to mind... great little compact mod design... horrible... and I mean HORRIBLE... tank design (I think my wife is still using that mod on occasion, with a top-nano or toptank mini? I forget which one fits it best). Kanger wasn't too happy with my review of that one either, lol, but I think poor sales and many many more bad reviews killed that design, despite Kanger's marketing attempts, and the fact the mod had great potential. It might have been a big seller if they had paired it with a Protank4 or one of the subtank iterations.
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