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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

Its been a little rough here and there, but Ive done it, today marks my first month without a cigarette.

I smoked 2 packs a day and Ive smoked more than 2/3's of my life, never able to quit before.

Ive had some tough times staying off the analogs, but Ive made it this far and I have no intentions of going back to analogs. Ive smoked for 36 years.

It seems odd that the first few days seemed easier than some of the last few days, Im finding that sometimes I dont feel like vaping,

and the smell of all the sample bottles of e-liquid scattered about my desk just isnt very appealing to me. Tempted to lite up a cigaette, I managed to get thru my first month and Im hoping it gets easier from here.

Do the cigarette cravings ever go away? Im destined to find out, I never thought I could get this far and theres no turning back for me. I think Im going to invest in high voltage in hopes it will help.

Has anybody else found it harder as time goes by? get your mind outta the gutter you know what I mean :)

Edited by daydripper

Well if you have the right MG strength then the cravings shouldn't be to bad. But I did also get the urge to smoke at first (although rare) but yes over time those feels will leave. It's more habit breaking than anything else. :)


Honestly, I haven't craved a cigarette since I started vaping. Every other time I've tried to quit, the craving was part of the reason I started to smoke again. Well, it didn't help that I didn't really want to quit, but thought I should. I had always heard from ex-smokers that they continued to crave a cigarette - no matter how long it had been since they quit. That always scared me. I didn't want the craving. Vaping has been so easy for me. And I smoked 1 1/2 packs a day for 34 years - like you, over 2/3 of my life.

At first, the ecigs I had weren't quite enough for me. Mostly not enough vapor and I seem to need that. It made me a bit anxious and afraid I might go back to smoking, but not because I craved cigarettes this time. As I moved through the different units I've had, I did find the more vapor I wanted and it's been smooth sailing since then.

I have heard a few people say they've struggled a bit with wanting a cigarette, so I'm sure some of them will jump in here and help you out. Everyone says it only gets better and better. I have to agree with that.

Hang in there. We're here for you.


Well if you have the right MG strength then the cravings shouldn't be to bad. But I did also get the urge to smoke at first (although rare) but yes over time those feels will leave. It's more habit breaking than anything else. :)

its good to hear the cravings will go away with time. Once I start vaping they do go away but theres been a few day where getting started vaping was just not that appealing to me and I really wanted a smoke. The last carton I bought is still here in my desk with 7 packs left in it. I expect it to remain that way, knowing they are there but not touching them makes it even more rewarding,

knowing I dont need them anymore, and I will live without them.


Congrats on your first month! So far so good for me... it's only been the habit parts, such as reaching for my pack of cigs that aren't there any more, but no real cravings for an anolog. What mg nic are you using?


Thanks you guys, its good to know others are there to help, the vaping group is really a awesome group of people.

Ive been vaping 24mg, I really havent had too many cravings, but the other day I just couldnt seem to get started.

The smells from my liquids didnt even smell good to me and it seemed weird to be smoking them, I wanted a cigarette bad.

It was also when I first got up, I just couldnt get myself to start vaping so I sat here for hours with nothing, then adventually I was able to start vaping and I was fine.

Ive had a little of a rough start, after my first week I woke up one day and my lungs felt sore and raw.

I thought maybe it was a reation to the PG, also my tounge was hurting and burning.

I ordered some all VG from a place and it was smooth and seemed real good, but it wasnt cutting it for me it was only 12mg.

and it didnt seem to have any flavor and TH. Then I order some PG from different places and I havent had any problems with it.

I did catch a cold tho which is why I guess that my lungs were hurting that one day, but it was more of a head cold with a stuffy nose. Now 2 weeks later my nose isnt so stuffy anymore but my chest has been kind of congested and Ive been coughing up a lot of crap.

It may have all been from the change going from smoke to vapor IDK. I need to find some good juices I like a lot and stay with them.

It sounds like VT has some good liquids and I want to get a order off this week.

I didnt seem to care too much for the 100% VG it was just too thick and no TH

So far the thing that seems to work the best for me is my Joye 510 and dripping I need something for when Im out, the joye 510 just isnt working well for me with carts for some reason. I feel I need more of a hit, so Im looking into getting a HV mod in hopes it will produce more flavor, TH and vapor.


Two weeks in I got a bit of a sore throat and vaping burned like... well you know. Was pretty rough for a couple of days. I'd say the cough is either from the cold or your lungs clearing out for 36 years of smoking, I hear that's normal. Oddly, I didn't have much of that. Keenan was sick not long ago and could not vape. He said as soon as he tried to inhale he had a coughing fit. Guess what I'm saying is that if you've got a bad cold it may be part of the problem. As for the VT juice, I can't say enough good things aobut the vapor and TH you get from it. I don't recall what flavors you like, but the Traditional Tobacco is my fav (and many others). The store ran out of the 24mg this morning, so if you order wait until they have the 24mg back in stock.


One more thing - for an on-the-go ecig, you may want to look a the KR808. It uses cartomizers (2 pice ecig). Each cart is also an atty. The carts hold a lot more juice and can be refilled 2-3 times (some more). The prefilled carts that come with it didn't work great for me, but the blank carts that I filled myself work really well. Getting good vapor, great flavor, and good TH from it. I've been using one for my drive to and from work and it's worked out well. The 510 is still my regular vape and I only direct drip with it. I got mine at vaper4life, but they're available at some of the suppliers listed here in the forum. I know Electro-Nix-Stix has them also.


Two weeks in I got a bit of a sore throat and vaping burned like... well you know. Was pretty rough for a couple of days. I'd say the cough is either from the cold or your lungs clearing out for 36 years of smoking, I hear that's normal. Oddly, I didn't have much of that. Keenan was sick not long ago and could not vape. He said as soon as he tried to inhale he had a coughing fit. Guess what I'm saying is that if you've got a bad cold it may be part of the problem. As for the VT juice, I can't say enough good things aobut the vapor and TH you get from it. I don't recall what flavors you like, but the Traditional Tobacco is my fav (and many others). The store ran out of the 24mg this morning, so if you order wait until they have the 24mg back in stock.

Thanks brian,

The tobacco and ducis will be the first ones I try I think.

I have been pretty much a tobacco vaporer so far but I am finding myself starting to like the flavors more too.

Its weird how at first you get that burning feeling but it goes away.

I think your right about what Im coughing up 36 years of smoking my lungs must look horrible.

You know the worst part was a week after quitting smoking my smell was just starting to come back to me and then I catch this cold and cant smell again. Its coming back now tho, A couple times I woke in the night to go to the bathroom and I smell smoke.

I was looking around like something was on fire but no fire. At first I thought it was the smell from vaping tobacco juice but Ive come to realize its the smell of stale cigarette smoke in my house that Ive never noticed before. Now Im going to be cleaning everything real good, mainly the carpeting.


Hey daydripper, Congratulations!!! Even more congratulations given that you've struggled with the analog issue. I have too. Analogs are sneaky; addiction is sneaky. Hang in there and you will overcome even that. Like Christopher said, a lot of it is just habit, and your vaping routine will eventually become as second nature as a pack of smokes and a lighter were. And no smelly mess! Eventually the juice aroma will be familiar and warm to you too.

As to the craving, it sounds like you might need higher nic level for a while. I'm not alone in finding that what most vendors call "high" strength is far, far too weak to do anything for me. If I had to use 24mg juice, I'd be back on the analogs in half an hour; no doubt about it. There are a number of vendors who offer 36mg (VT store doesn't, alas), and I found only one so far that has 48mg. Their stuff works for me, but sometimes just barely.

Anyway, you're on the right track. Pat yourself on the back! And give those analogs to someone who needs them. That ain't you. ;)


I'd also like to say congrats on your first month and don't forget nicotine is just one of many chemicals your body got from smoking cigarettes. You may still experience withdrawal symptoms even though the e-cigs are giving you Nicotine. My wife is having it a little harder than I have, she decided to go to the doctor for some anti-depressants, time will tell if that really helps any. I've known a few people that used Wellbutrin (I may have misspelled that) to quit smoking, so hopefully it works for her as well. Just a thought, I personally prefer to just deal with it (lack of energy mostly) and hope that my body chemistry levels out pretty quick here.


I think the main thing you need to quit is the" WANT TO " without that a person is going to have a rough time of it.I wanted to because I was tired of being treated like a leper .I still don't like to hang around much with the people who excluded me before ,I hope I don't get like that.I do however not allow smoking in my house or car now as I am afraid it will set me back.


Wow, it was great to hear from you all.

many of our experiances sound very similar, my favorite is the joye 510 too, I really only use it to drip with when Im at home tho.

I like the idea of the cartomizers but Ive had the experiance with not enough vapor, I assumed it was because I was using my 510 batteries with a battery adapter. The 510 batteries dont seem have the power for cartomizers and the adapter seems to allow for too much air flow. It just wasnt working well.

So I tried a V4L PT to see if cartomizers were better that way, then I was going to by some V4L batteries and a charger.

I like the idea of cartomizers for when Im out, I dont want to mess with dripping or filling carts when out walking my dog or whatever. I havent given up on the cartos yet and I will be trying some of those blank ones to see if I get better results.

Now Im thinking rather than V4L batteries, something HV but Im not too familiar with all this stuff. Ive been looking at the Xhaler from Nhaler, it looks simple and self explainable and only $75.00. Im open to any suggestions though.

I'll be here often, reading the posts, I enjoy the stories and knowing Im not alone.

I have noticed some lack of energy too but I kind of related it to cold, snow and winter, depressing.

Took my dog for a walk thru the deep snow in the forest preserve, lol still outta breath pretty quick.

I think its going to take some time for my lungs to recover, but I have really noticed my sense of smell returning now that my cold is going away. I think its time I get rid of this carton of smokes I have, I'll give them to my brother, lol. I feel bad about that but he will just go buy some anyway so wth. Trying to get him coverted to vaping too, he may inherit my 510 when I find my ultimate set up.

keep on vaping!


Jeffb has a review of the xhaler in the written review section... looks like he's not that impressed with it. I don't have any HV unit yet, but will have my 5v PT soon. Glad you keeping at it.

My link


Hey daydripper, the $75 price doesn't include the batts or atty. With those included your over $100. If you really want the Xhaler, I'd be willing to let mine go. PM me if your interested.


Hey daydripper, the $75 price doesn't include the batts or atty. With those included your over $100. If you really want the Xhaler, I'd be willing to let mine go. PM me if your interested.

Great review jeff and thank you for offer,

I was under the impression that the higher voltage would produce more flavor, not less.

Maybe my taste buds are gone everything seems so lite, like Im just not getting enough.

Im thinking now maybe I should go to higher nic juice, not higher voltage.

my 510 does work really well, but it dont wick well, probably needs new atty.

I think Ill play around with it some more and up my mg's and wait a bit for some more mods to come out.

Vape on!


Wow, it was great to hear from you all.

many of our experiances sound very similar, my favorite is the joye 510 too, I really only use it to drip with when Im at home tho.

I like the idea of the cartomizers but Ive had the experiance with not enough vapor, I assumed it was because I was using my 510 batteries with a battery adapter. The 510 batteries dont seem have the power for cartomizers and the adapter seems to allow for too much air flow. It just wasnt working well.

So I tried a V4L PT to see if cartomizers were better that way, then I was going to by some V4L batteries and a charger.

I like the idea of cartomizers for when Im out, I dont want to mess with dripping or filling carts when out walking my dog or whatever. I havent given up on the cartos yet and I will be trying some of those blank ones to see if I get better results.

Now Im thinking rather than V4L batteries, something HV but Im not too familiar with all this stuff. Ive been looking at the Xhaler from Nhaler, it looks simple and self explainable and only $75.00. Im open to any suggestions though.

I'll be here often, reading the posts, I enjoy the stories and knowing Im not alone.

I have noticed some lack of energy too but I kind of related it to cold, snow and winter, depressing.

Took my dog for a walk thru the deep snow in the forest preserve, lol still outta breath pretty quick.

I think its going to take some time for my lungs to recover, but I have really noticed my sense of smell returning now that my cold is going away. I think its time I get rid of this carton of smokes I have, I'll give them to my brother, lol. I feel bad about that but he will just go buy some anyway so wth. Trying to get him coverted to vaping too, he may inherit my 510 when I find my ultimate set up.

keep on vaping!

I noticed the same thing with 510 manual batteries with a carto adapter...Poor performance

The Kr batts just worked better, mine are about 2 months old now and it takes a couple of primer puffs to get it going.When I got my KR stuff in early november I could get good vapor on the first puff from a good cartomizer.Now I have to get 2 primer puffs to make it work right.I have even cleaned the connectors chargers and all and still the same.These batteries need a higher voltage regulator or something to keep the volts up.I dont think they last as long as 510 batts my originals are 4 months old and still ticking well.If I have to buy new batteries monthly so be it, the KR's are my on the go model.IF they could cram 280mah into a short battery it would be awesome!!!

I will always keep my 510 stock kit.Its my primary at home and backup on the go...

when someone is ready to try E-cigs they will, it took me 4 months after I found out about them to give it a go and havent looked back since!!!


First, Daydripper, congratulations on one month without tobacco. That, by itself, is an astounding accomplishment, and an accomplishment that only an ex-smoker can appreciate.


Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

Its been a little rough here and there, but Ive done it, today marks my first month without a cigarette.

I smoked 2 packs a day and Ive smoked more than 2/3's of my life, never able to quit before.

Ive had some tough times staying off the analogs, but Ive made it this far and I have no intentions of going back to analogs. Ive smoked for 36 years.

It seems odd that the first few days seemed easier than some of the last few days, Im finding that sometimes I dont feel like vaping,

and the smell of all the sample bottles of e-liquid scattered about my desk just isnt very appealing to me. Tempted to lite up a cigaette, I managed to get thru my first month and Im hoping it gets easier from here.

Do the cigarette cravings ever go away? Im destined to find out, I never thought I could get this far and theres no turning back for me. I think Im going to invest in high voltage in hopes it will help.

Has anybody else found it harder as time goes by? get your mind outta the gutter you know what I mean :)

Oddly enough, I didn't have any problems for the first few months but as time has gone by, I crave an analog every once in awhile. If I do, I just have one, it tastes like crap, and I go back to vaping. Don't beat yourself up about it. If you have an analog every once in awhile, it's not the end of the world. I can't imagine I would ever go back to them full time but if I want one, I have one.

Oddly, I never crave one while drinking like I use to. Good luck and just take it light. Nothing is the end of the world, except maybe 2012! :lol:

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