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Ok, then here are the qualities I THINK I'm looking for: nothing stronger than a 5 volt, nothing too humongous and ummm, phallic so I can actually vape it out in public :P, also something I can switch from 3.7 to 5 if I ever want to try it... Though, sometimes even my 510 passthrough chokes me out LOL... and since I'm a girl, it has to be aesthetically pleasing. Was that ever NOT a requirement? Heehee!

Are there any that switch from 3.7 to like, 4.5 or something ? ;)

Then the all important question which no one ever seems to talk about..., should I a get a 510, 901 or 801 atty? I've never used a 801... what's that one like?

I LOVE my 510s, but it almost seems like you get more flavor from the 901, unless I'm just hallucinating from too much nicotine, HA!

I guess I never really liked to look of the fatter 801 atty attached to the battery, although you wouldn't be able to tell if it's stuck on a Mod right?...

Are there mods where you can switch from one atty to another?

And I quess most of all, the throught hit of anything over a 5 just brings back memories of smoking a bong upside down with vodka and ice or those HORRIBLE throat hits from a pipe, the kind that burn for half an hour YUCK!... Wait, what? Did I just say that? I meant my, uh friend :whistle:


Ok, then here are the qualities I THINK I'm looking for: nothing stronger than a 5 volt, nothing too humongous and ummm, phallic so I can actually vape it out in public :P, also something I can switch from 3.7 to 5 if I ever want to try it... Though, sometimes even my 510 passthrough chokes me out LOL... and since I'm a girl, it has to be aesthetically pleasing. Was that ever NOT a requirement? Heehee!

Are there any that switch from 3.7 to like, 4.5 or something ? ;)

Then the all important question which no one ever seems to talk about..., should I a get a 510, 901 or 801 atty? I've never used a 801... what's that one like?

I LOVE my 510s, but it almost seems like you get more flavor from the 901, unless I'm just hallucinating from too much nicotine, HA!

I guess I never really liked to look of the fatter 801 atty attached to the battery, although you wouldn't be able to tell if it's stuck on a Mod right?...

Are there mods where you can switch from one atty to another?

And I quess most of all, the throught hit of anything over a 5 just brings back memories of smoking a bong upside down with vodka and ice or those HORRIBLE throat hits from a pipe, the kind that burn for half an hour YUCK!... Wait, what? Did I just say that? I meant my, uh friend :whistle:

Hey Fatalis, there is the VP1, it's not too phallic looking, it's native 801 atty but you can get a adapter for either a 510 or 901. There is also the Janty eGo (props to Ofortuna for showing me this!) It's has a long battery life from what I understand. And it's a 510 atty, I believe. I believe these units are long performers, so don't think they go above 4volts but I hear it's a consistent vape.

I'm not very familiar with anything higher then 4 volts vape except maybe prodigy and the silver bullet? But those are pretty.... phallic looking. Seems more mods higher then 4 are just giant dills. Also, only one I know that switches between 4 and 5 is the VPPT, through USB it's about a 4, while out the wall socket it's a 5.


Hey fatalis, good for you for doing so much research and asking all the right questions. Frankly, I'm using your various threads to help my own research, as I'm about to acquire my own 5 or 6v unit too.

LOL - "Phallic" I can see your point, though truly it's never occurred to me quite that way. I'll just say that if I saw some chick using a big fat mod my first thought would be, now here's someone who's done her research! (Being all grey and paunchy, my conversations with young women have a much different character now than they once might have. :))

Off the top of my head the only mod I know of that you could switch between 3.7 and 6v is the Chuck, with which you'd use an extender for two batts. I like the button placement next to the atty personally, so I wouldn't consider any mod that had the button anywhere else. That excludes a lot of them right off the bat.

As to which atty, I can't say. I've only used the 801 with any success. I like it just for its size in fact. If you use a cart, it will hold a lot more liquid than a smaller atty. Since I direct drip I don't know that there's any benefit to that vs a 510 for example. You're the first that I recall saying a 901 gives a better throat hit than a 510. Cripes, I have a lot of experimenting to do yet! In any event, you're probably right that the size of the 810 wouldn't be so obvious on the body of a larger mod; just a scale issue.

I think virtually all mods have adaptors available for any atty you wish to use. You may have an added few dollars to buy a 510 or 910 adapter up front. No biggie in the larger picture I don't think.

As to the vodka/ice issue - no way! Hot water, that's the ticket. Hot water. Smoooooth... Or so I'm told.


I don't know if I can tell you anything different than what you've been told, but I have used the different attys. I had a 901, but did not think it put out enough vapor for me. Then I went to the 801 which I thought was better, but only until I got my 510. I think it's the best for vapor, but if you don't then it wouldn't be any different on a mod.

I have a VP2 and use both the 801 low bridge and the 510 with it. I switch back and forth quite a bit, but haven't really decided which one I like best. I seem to be leaning more towards the 510, but as soon as I think I like it best, I go back to the 801. I think perhaps they are very close in the vapor department. I think it feels like it takes more effort to get a hit off the 801. It's hard for me to explain, but that's about the best I can do. And the 801 is bigger (longer and bigger around), so if that would bother you, you might not want to try it. But, it does hold more juice if you use the cart instead of dripping. That can be a plus. I had been dripping, but had to try the PTB, so right now I'm using carts and like that the 801 holds more juice.

You might want to consider getting one of each of the different attys to try them out for yourself. Once you decide on the mod, that is. We can give you our opinions, but everyone is so different in what they like and why they like it, that it's hard for someone else to judge by that.


Ok, then here are the qualities I THINK I'm looking for: nothing stronger than a 5 volt, nothing too humongous and ummm, phallic so I can actually vape it out in public :P, also something I can switch from 3.7 to 5 if I ever want to try it... Though, sometimes even my 510 passthrough chokes me out LOL... and since I'm a girl, it has to be aesthetically pleasing. Was that ever NOT a requirement? Heehee!

Are there any that switch from 3.7 to like, 4.5 or something ? ;)

Then the all important question which no one ever seems to talk about..., should I a get a 510, 901 or 801 atty? I've never used a 801... what's that one like?

I LOVE my 510s, but it almost seems like you get more flavor from the 901, unless I'm just hallucinating from too much nicotine, HA!

I guess I never really liked to look of the fatter 801 atty attached to the battery, although you wouldn't be able to tell if it's stuck on a Mod right?...

Are there mods where you can switch from one atty to another?

And I quess most of all, the throught hit of anything over a 5 just brings back memories of smoking a bong upside down with vodka and ice or those HORRIBLE throat hits from a pipe, the kind that burn for half an hour YUCK!... Wait, what? Did I just say that? I meant my, uh friend :whistle:

There are lots of mods available that can do 3.7/6 volts but none that really that I know of that can go from 3.7/5 because to do so you need to add a resistor to drop the loaded voltage of the batteries from 6 to 5.

The only device that could do this was the Pure Smoker Prodigy V1 but it is no longer made and you could use it either as a 3.7/6 volt aquiring either voltage with just a simple batery change or use it as an exclusive 5 volt by changing the switch to a switch with a resitor in it which they sold seperate. The new Prodigy V2 is strictly a dedicated 5 volt device with out the option of 3.7/6 volt. The V2 is a good deal smaller than the original and looks awesome.

GLV (Great Lakes Vapor)Makes a 5 volt mod and looks pretty cool

Super T Manufacturing has the new Super Six 3/7/6 which IMO is the most awesome looking and built PV available and is also the thinnest as well.

Alt Smoke has the Silver Bullet and the BB 3.7/6 with the BB being smaller of the 2. I have the SB and its awesome but probably bigger than you want.

The Joker is coming out from Vaprlife which will be a true 5 volt mod.

GG makes some good 3.7/6 mods but again probably too big.

IMO you should go with either Super T or Pure Smoker. I have one of both on order and cant wait to get them.

As far as attys go al of the mods I mentioned can take any of the ones you mentioned you just would have to get the adapters for the ones you want.

Oh ya another to check out I forgot to mention is called the Chameleon by www.ikensmoke.com and all the adapters come with it plus its very small but I think it only does 3.7 volts you would have to check.

Hoipe this helps.



The reason you see so many portable mods with 3.7/6V is the batteries available. For example, the Chuck uses 18650 3.7V which just happens to be the length and width of a 2-CR123 3.0V battery. You can then use 2-CR123s to make 6V. I honestly doubt you would notice much difference between 5V and 6V. Current is the thing that makes the atty hotter.

Not to get super techincal but ohms law is:

I=E/R where I=current,E=voltage,and R=resistance. The atty has a constant resistence of about 3ohms. So to solve for each of the voltages:

3.7V = 1.23amps

5V = 1.6amps

6V = 2amps

As you can see, there isn't much difference between 5 and 6V. It's doubtful that there would be much heat increase with .4amps extra.

Which brings out the other question. 510/801 atty. The 510 atty has a lower resistence so the current draw and the heat is greater. That's one of the reasons you can get so much vape out of a smaller coil. The 801 has a larger coil but a slighter higher resistance.

From a practicle standpoint, I think the 801 has a much lighter draw than the 510 and it has a greater juice capacity. I switch between them depending on my mood. The best of both worlds is to get an 801 mod and a 510 adapter.

Also, AquaVapor is selling a DSE905 that is bored out to accept CR batteries for 6V operation. But I have to admit, it's kind of a "dil" model! :thumbsdown:


The reason you see so many portable mods with 3.7/6V is the batteries available. For example, the Chuck uses 18650 3.7V which just happens to be the length and width of a 2-CR123 3.0V battery. You can then use 2-CR123s to make 6V. I honestly doubt you would notice much difference between 5V and 6V. Current is the thing that makes the atty hotter.

Not to get super techincal but ohms law is:

I=E/R where I=current,E=voltage,and R=resistance. The atty has a constant resistence of about 3ohms. So to solve for each of the voltages:

3.7V = 1.23amps

5V = 1.6amps

6V = 2amps

As you can see, there isn't much difference between 5 and 6V. It's doubtful that there would be much heat increase with .4amps extra.

Which brings out the other question. 510/801 atty. The 510 atty has a lower resistence so the current draw and the heat is greater. That's one of the reasons you can get so much vape out of a smaller coil. The 801 has a larger coil but a slighter higher resistance.

From a practicle standpoint, I think the 801 has a much lighter draw than the 510 and it has a greater juice capacity. I switch between them depending on my mood. The best of both worlds is to get an 801 mod and a 510 adapter.

Also, AquaVapor is selling a DSE905 that is bored out to accept CR batteries for 6V operation. But I have to admit, it's kind of a "dil" model! :thumbsdown:

Good info jmhester.

I got to tell you though as far as noticing the differences between 5 and 6 its definitely a noticeable difference. I currently have three 3,7 mods in which one can also do 6 volts and for 5 volts I have the VP/PT. The VP/PT compared to the mods is the most consistant volt wise in its performance cause its plugged in to an electrical outlet whereas the mods voltage declines as the batteries lose their charge.Anyway even with this I still notice a big difference from my VP/PT @5 and Silver Bullet running @ 6 volts not as much of course going from 3.7v to 6v but its definitely still noticable and depending on the juice being used is sometimes better sometimes not. So for me I definitely like having the option available to vape at the voltage I'm in the mood for at the time.



Good info jmhester.

I got to tell you though as far as noticing the differences between 5 and 6 its definitely a noticeable difference. I currently have three 3,7 mods in which one can also do 6 volts and for 5 volts I have the VP/PT. The VP/PT compared to the mods is the most consistant volt wise in its performance cause its plugged in to an electrical outlet whereas the mods voltage declines as the batteries lose their charge.Anyway even with this I still notice a big difference from my VP/PT @5 and Silver Bullet running @ 6 volts not as much of course going from 3.7v to 6v but its definitely still noticable and depending on the juice being used is sometimes better sometimes not. So for me I definitely like having the option available to vape at the voltage I'm in the mood for at the time.


I'm definitely looking to go with a hv mod but I can't seem to decide. I was looking at the Chuck because of the lower cost. What do you suggest?


I'm definitely looking to go with a hv mod but I can't seem to decide. I was looking at the Chuck because of the lower cost. What do you suggest?

Theres alot to consider when getting one and it all depends what it is your looking for. The Chucks seem to be great and they have lots of loyal followers for sure but I haven't tried one. The Chucks niche however is customization and alot of people like that but for me I already have a big 3.7/6 mod.Same for the GGT as well as I don't want big

Its all about the design and quality right now for me and allthough I really like my Silver Bullet its too big for non-home use and with the Super T being so small for a 3.7/6 its perfect plus I love the button on the bottom design. For 5 volt I went with the Prodigy V2 cause its alot smaller than the original Prodigy and it looks like the Protege's big brother and the originals little brother. I've been real happy with my Protege's look and performance and the V2 looks pretty exactly the same.

Good luck with your decision and if you tell me what your looking for at this time in more detail I could give you my opinion on a recommendation on ones I know aabout.


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