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I do not put wicking material (cotton-bacon or natural cotton) under my coils. I've been watching a few builders on YouTube putting the cotton under the coil. I was wonder if anyone else does this? Maybe some pros. I'll attach a pic of how I wick 741f131f81869983cb875d6d21fb2292.jpg



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I'm no fan of cotton under the coils.  I haven't been building that long but my first instinct was to use too much cotton all around.  I'm finding the less I use the more the wicking.  I try to just let those wispy cotton ends touch the bottom of the well or poke through the wicking holes as long as in a RTA I have enough to keep the liquid from running in and flooding.  Of course there is always that odd build that defies all logic like Crystal Ball.  That thing is packed with cotton and it wicks like crazy.  


Hopefully someone here knows of any reasons to do that.  I'm always happy to hear other ideas as well.  


Its very possible too much cotton may impede airflow around the coil, some RDAs have airflow that comes from under the coil, and so it would make sense to not put cotton under the coil.

Just my 2 cents on the subject.


I've got 2 cents too. :)


I think it depends on your airflow.  You don't want to smother the wraps. Cotton underneath is fine if it doesn't contact the coil. But not too much.  In an RDA with side airflow you want the air to circulate the coil.  Same with bottom airflow.  I think there is something to be said about too much cotton below the coil.  It kind of counters the wicking action if the juice wants to migrate away from the coil.  I think it really depends on the design of the deck and the proximity of the airflow source. 



I've been vaping for years and I've done both but I prefer to put a little under the coil not touching just under in the juice well.

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I have been dripping for many years and its all about what you like when you drip putting cotton under coils can make for a tighter draw when you suck your mod and it can also allow more juice to to cloud when you hit the button  but for me I like to let the cotton hit in the bottom of the juice wells .

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