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Hi there. I just recieved my new iLeaf, iJust 2 Mini in the mail today. This is my 2nd vape pen. I also have a Kanger tech mod. I added the eliquid and let the wick soak up the liquid as well. But it seems like every time i take a larger hit my chest ends up burning so bad that i feel like i'm ganna die.. This horrible sensation is different from the burnt taste of atomizer that needs to be replaced.. this sensation is actually painful.

SOME BODY HELP!! i would love to use my new device, but i cant if this keeps happening.. i hope i didnt buy a dud..


any info would be great. thanks.


Sent from my SM-P600 using The Vapor Talk mobile app




What is the resistance of your current coil?  What was the resistance of the Kanger coil you were using?  

Chances are that your coil resistance has dropped significantly and you are getting over-absorption of your Nicotine.  As you lower the resistance of your coil, you MUST also lower the Nicotine level by the same %... Example, if you drop from 1.5 Ohm coil to a 0.5 Ohm coil, and you were using 18mg juice, you must drop to 6mg juice to get the same effect.


Yes, there are other resistance options, but I'm not sure what are available for that tank.

What was the resistance of the Kanger coil you were using?  I'd say there is a huge difference in resistance and you'll need to drop your Nicotine to 2 or 3mg... and when you go below 0.5 Ohms on a coil, you really should use juices with higher VG content... 50% minimum, 70% as an average, and preferably 80% if the coil will wick it.

2 hours ago, Earthling789 said:

Yes, there are other resistance options, but I'm not sure what are available for that tank.

What was the resistance of the Kanger coil you were using?  I'd say there is a huge difference in resistance and you'll need to drop your Nicotine to 2 or 3mg... and when you go below 0.5 Ohms on a coil, you really should use juices with higher VG content... 50% minimum, 70% as an average, and preferably 80% if the coil will wick it.

Why's that?  I'm using .25 and 50/50 or 60/40 is working fine for me.


1 hour ago, spydre said:

Why's that?  I'm using .25 and 50/50 or 60/40 is working fine for me.


In a nutshell, you're probably using a lower Nicotine level, your juice isn't giving a lot of throat hit, or you're just use to the throat hit/heat?  The higher VG content will lower the effect of Throat Hit for most people.  

I'm like you... I often use 50/50 or 40/60 (PG/VG) juices with my 0.5 and 0.3 Ohm coils, but I do use lower Nicotine levels (about half) than I would use with my 1.2 Ohm coils, due to the increased absorption of Nicotine at higher heat, and the bigger clouds mean more volume being brought into my system on every hit.

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