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My new pv came in the mail today, and I have been using it since ive gotten it, it is sooooo cool, love it!!!!


Cool! What did you get?


I got the blu model, unfortunatly i already bought it before i found this place, but i know what my next one will be!!! (joye 510) But its not bad, it actually is making me cough a lil bit :iiam:


Congrats!! I liked my first pv and it wasn't very good. But it got me started. And after a couple of other pv's, I finally got the 510. That's the one for me! So, if you order it next and it's the one for you, then you will have saved yourself a couple of the steps and some of the money I went through.

Good luck and enjoy the vaping. It really does get better and better.


Well at least you got a ecig....Blu although not the best they are a good start... Congrats on that... Buddy of mine had one and ran out of carts and went back to analogs...That was a mistake... I have told him of the 510 like I have and he said he might get one later right now he is concentrating on his upcoming surgery...

He got the Blu before I got my 510 and while I was still researching..

You will need to get used to the ecig first and the coughing will stop


My new pv came in the mail today, and I have been using it since ive gotten it, it is sooooo cool, love it!!!!

Happy Vapeing!! BUT...the question is....Are you still smoking analogs?? lol

I first started (not long ago) using my very first ecig (Njoy) and it's not great, to be sure but it did get me started. I didn't actually QUIT using analogs until my 510 came in the mail :>

Ever since then (as noted by my little signature thingy((below)) I have been smoke-free :> :>


I got the blu model, unfortunatly i already bought it before i found this place, but i know what my next one will be!!! (joye 510) But its not bad, it actually is making me cough a lil bit :iiam:

Just a word about "coughing": I used to cough a lot, especially during the night, when I was smoking analogs. Since vapeing I have noticed a HUGE change and I'm not coughing a lot anymore. Every once in a while I get one of those huge throat kicks that makes me cough, but I hear that is a good thing lol.


Honestly today is the 1st day in the past 7 years that i have gone with out an analog cig, which is awsome, I love it, i still went outside for a "smoke" on my new blu and actually smelled the ashtray and it was horrible, its amazing, ive shown everyone that smokes at my work so far and they thought that its an awsome idea, even got my g/f thinking about gettin one also. As far as it not being great, i can say as of now I have no complaints, same cartridge all day and battery, I can't believe i haven't found out about this a long time ago


Don't matter what it is it's better than a stinking old analog anytime...

Good job keep it up

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