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Had anybody used the .5 kanthal crown coils ?

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The idea of using kanthal in my crown mini is starting to grow on me,because I already have plenty of tc coils for my crown 2,and I'm about to get some ni200 triton mini coils for my nautilus mini,so I was curious as to the wattage range on these,and do they suck less juice?

You do know you can run the crown stainless coil in power
(watts) mode too, right?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, Foofightervapegirl said:

The idea of using kanthal in my crown mini is starting to grow on me,because I already have plenty of tc coils for my crown 2,and I'm about to get some ni200 triton mini coils for my nautilus mini,so I was curious as to the wattage range on these,and do they suck less juice?

I didn't even know they made .5 ohm kanthal coils for the crown.  Even Uwell's site says all of their .5 ohm Crown coils (v1 and v2) are SS316L.  For what it's worth, though, you aren't likely going to notice kanthal coils sucking less juice than TC coils.  If anything, because of the stability of temperature control you are going to go through less juice with the SS coils.

2 hours ago, smacksy said:

You do know you can run the crown stainless coil in power
(watts) mode too, right?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

@smacksy is absolutely correct.  SS can be vaped in both power and TC.  It's the single biggest reason I am slowly (but surely) converting all of my coils to to stainless (both DIY coils and drop-in coils where available).

Now...if only SMOK would get with it and start making drop in SS coils for the TFV8 I'd be one happy camper.

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Oh,I love my stainless coils!!and I know they can be run in wattage mode,it was just that kanthal doesn't wear down the battery on my back up mod as bad.but you all are right,and I would rather get the stainless in 1.2 ohm,and be happier with my wattage,lol thanks y'all always the voice of reason!!!

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Oh,I love my stainless coils!!and I know they can be run in wattage mode,it was just that kanthal doesn't wear down the battery on my back up mod as bad.but you all are right,and I would rather get the stainless in 1.2 ohm,and be happier with my wattage,lol thanks y'all always the voice of reason!!!

It's just a thought but you could upgrade to a better mod that won't use alot of battery to run your stainless coils.. Back in the day I ran the .25 ohm stainless coil in my original crown at 60w all day long,
(and then some) on my dual 18650 100w IPV4, a mod I still vape today...A good mod goes a long way is all I'm suggesting, :)

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, Foofightervapegirl said:

I'm looking at getting some more mods after the holidays,the new eleaf ipower 80 watt tc,and some others,maybe two of the eleaf because I love an internal battery!!I have five tanks now,time to play catch up,haha!

The only drawback to a internal battery mod is when the battery fails to hold a charge the mod is a throw away. I have 3 dual 18650 battery mods, and treat them like a internal battery mod, I charge the batteries in the mod. My single battery mods I switch the batteries when they need charging.

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@FXRichThis is true,but I was told by the person that gave me the rx200,triple 18650 mod that this was dangerous because it gets too hot,have you had that experience ? he gave me the nitecore d4 digicharger,4 bay.I'm not opposed to buying another one of those if I need to,I find it very safe,and I don't leave it unattended.do you need a special type of usb cable?

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4 minutes ago, Foofightervapegirl said:

@FXRichThis is true,but I was told by the person that gave me the rx200,triple 18650 mod that this was dangerous because it gets too hot,have you had that experience ? he gave me the nitecore d4 digicharger,4 bay.I'm not opposed to buying another one of those if I need to,I find it very safe,and I don't leave it unattended.do you need a special type of usb cable?

It is recommended by the manufacturer to charge the RX200 batteries with a external charger, I don't have a heat problem unless I use the usb 3.0 port instead of one of the 2.0 ports. I also sometimes use my cell phone charger to charge them, my cell phone has a 850 mah battery so the 3000 mah batteries charge slower, and don't even get warm. I also remove the battery cover on the mod while charging just to make sure they don't get hot, but with the 160w dripbox I can't remove the cover while charging, and it doesn't get hot.

All the mods I have came with a usb cord, and they all look the same to me.

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5 minutes ago, Foofightervapegirl said:

I will try it with the cell phone charger,how long does it take?would it be quicker to just use the battery charger?I seriously need to.pick up more batteries anyhow , that would help the situation until I can buy a new mod and more batteries,heehee.

Batteries will charge faster with a external charger. When charging using a usb cable and a computer a lot depends on the type of usb port you have, a usb 2.0 port will charge at 100 ma, a usb 3.0 port will charge at 900 ma. So a 3.0 port will charge batteries faster, but may cause the battery to get hot. Both a 3.0 and a 2.0 port look the same, and will accept the same plug.

Don't know about your cell phone charger, but mine charges at 550 ma, which is between the two. If your computer has usb 2.0 ports your cell phone charger will charge the batteries faster, if it has 3.0 ports the phone charger will take longer.

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21 minutes ago, Foofightervapegirl said:

I will try it with the cell phone charger,how long does it take?would it be quicker to just use the battery charger?I seriously need to.pick up more batteries anyhow , that would help the situation until I can buy a new mod and more batteries,heehee.

The Nitecore D4 charge time will depend on whether you are only charging one or two batteries or if you are charging three or four batteries at once.  When charging one or two batteries, it charges at 750 mA per bay (I'm not 100% sure if it is the two middle bays or if it is any of the bays).  When charging three or four batteries it charges at 375 mA per bay.

Cell phone/tablet chargers vary by manufacturer.  My work issued iPhone USB wall plug will charge at 1 amp.  My work issued iPad wall plug will charge at 2.1 amps.  My personal cell phone wall charger charges at 1.5 amps.  Divide those figures by 2, 3 or 4 to get the charging amps per battery if you charge in the mod.

One last thing - not all usb cables are created equal.  Like wall chargers, usb cables are rated at different amperages.  According to the literature that came with my Sigelei's, the usb cables are rated at 2 amps.  I have usb cables rated anywhere from 500 mA up to 3 amps.  This could lead to unexpected results in that you could hypothetically be using a 1.5 amp cell phone charger with a 500 mA usb cable.  The cable is only going to operate at it's maximum rating, so you may inadvertently think you are charging three batteries at a combined 1.5 amps when in reality you would be charging three batteries at 500 mA.  

Don't mean to throw all of that extra info at you and possibly confuse you.  The good news is, if you are charging three batteries in a RX200 you are going to run very little risk of the batteries overheating, but expect the charging time to be quite a bit longer than with an external charger.  However, even though the risk of batteries overheating is minimal, the risk is still present.  I personally wouldn't charge external batteries in a mod unless it's a situation where I was unable to charge in an external charger for some reason, but that's a personal preference on my part.

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Mmmhmmm.I think I will stick to my nitecore,as I have no idea what amps I am running wwith these cords,all I know is they are usb cables . I was trying it,then I read the post,the batteries were not warm,but when I took the plug out of the wall it was really warm.that probably is not good ! 

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