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Vaping impact on oral health


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Hey guys!
I am studying dentistry in Riga Stradins university and I am currently working on my research about vaping impact on oral health.

This is a completely new area in dentistry. Many people come to their dentists asking about the possible advantages and disadvantages of vaping that might affect their oral health, that is why it is crucial to know the most widespread effects of vaping in order to educate people and give them the most up-to-date and thorough information.

So please if you are currently using e-cigarettes or ever vaped them, fill in this little survey

You would really help me! Thank you all in advance!

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I don't know what kind of study you're doing, and I'm not clicking the link to find out about a few subjective or bias questions which will likely lead to zero conclusions (other than "vaping is bad", which is the go-to for the medical/dental community).

As a former researcher, I can tell you the only honest study you can do, will take at least 500 test subjects and 10-20 years to conduct properly.  You'll need 100 each of non-smokers/non-vapers for control group...100 each current smokers, former smokers who don't vape or use any other nicotine diversion, former smokers who vape, and non-smokers who vape.  You'll have to also eliminate/mitigate environmental factors, excessive drinkers, caffeine addicts, and those who consume sugar (drinks/candy), or any other known oral-health damage causing factors.

I'd wish you luck on your endeavor, but we both know you're probably not going to be investigating this thoroughly (long-term) or seriously... because next semester you'll have a new pet-project to complete for your indoctrination officials (a.k.a professors)... rather than learning real dentistry....

Sorry for the cynicism, but I've been around long enough in the medical field to know smoke-and-mirrors faux-research attempts when I see it....

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