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Smok TFV8

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My apologies if there is an existing thread on this tank..if so I couldn't find it52ed89411170f5d439ece77526c89f13.jpg

Just picked up the TFV8 from my local B&M for free (points)

Normally I'm a RTA type guy but after my brother telling me what huge clouds this thing is supposed to blow I couldn't resist checking it out for myself..

First off I had it on the Cyan RX200s using the installed .15 ohm coil..the tank got very hot vaping at only 50w..Made my new RX get warm too..Out of a abundance of caution I moved it over to my older IPV4 for now..when I feel it's safe I will re-install it on one of my RX200 mods..Hope it lives up to the type, lol

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I'm loving this tank. Awesome vapor AND flavor.

I'm also using the .15 coil, but the tank is on my Fuchai 213 at 100 watts. The tank has gotten warm a couple of times, but that was because I was chain vaping. The mod hasn't gotten warm even once.

I love this tank (and the mod) so much I cancelled my Reauleaux 2/3 and ordered a second 213 and a second TFV8 is SS (my current one is black).

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I broke in the the new .15 ohm T8 coil and cranked it up to 125w on the RX200s..much to my surprise it's not hot at all..huge, dense flavorful clouds, lol
I see why they call it the cloud beast, it truly is..[emoji12]

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Hopefully tomorrow

That's great!
You know at first I really didn't think I'd like this tank much..but after running a1/2 tank of juice thru it at 70w I cranked it up to 125w, and man, what a cloud blowin tank!
Found out it's rated up to 260w with 130-180w being best recommended range.. (Its not hot at all either)
I see why they call it the cloud beast, it truly is! Lol

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4 minutes ago, smacksy said:

That's great!
You know at first I really didn't think I'd like this tank much..but after running a1/2 tank of juice thru it at 70w I cranked it up to 125w, and man, what a cloud blowin tank!
Found out it's rated up to 260w with 130-180w being best recommended range.. (Its not hot at all either)
I see why they call it the cloud beast, it truly is! Lol

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The v8 coil is rated 260W?

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It really is awesome.  I have forever been in love with my Arctic v1 and the .2 ohm coils.  That has probably been the one constant in my vaping for almost a year and a half.  This tank totally blows the Arctic away...so much so that I have already ordered a second and I'm seriously considering ordering two of the TFV8 Baby tanks as well; one each in SS and black.  Might as well have the whole family.

Also, the included RBA deck comes pre-installed with dual claptons.  I only took a quick glance the coils, but if memory serves me correctly, they are not wicked; they do include cotton in the box, but most of us who would be interested in the RBA deck probably have piles of cotton anyway.

A couple words of warning:  This tank is definitely a juice hog.  I picked my current one up last Friday at one of my local B&M's because, like @smacksyI had loyalty points to spend and I was able to get it for less than anywhere online.  Since Friday I have gone through 3 full tanks and am well into my fourth.  This puppy holds 6ml.  My math isn't perfect, but I'm pretty sure that still comes out to close to 24ml in less than 72 hours.  For some that may be minimal, but for me that is almost double what I normally vape in a week.

Edited by Adversarious1
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It really is awesome.  I have forever in love with my Arctic v1 and the .2 ohm coils.  That has probably been the one constant in my vaping for almost a year and a half.  This tank totally blows the Arctic away...so much so that I have already ordered a second and I'm seriously considering ordering two of the TFV8 Baby tanks as well; one each in SS and black.  Might as well have the whole family.

Also, the included RBA deck comes pre-installed with dual claptons.  I only took a quick glance the coils, but if memory serves me correctly, they are not wicked; they do include cotton in the box, but most of us who would be interested in the RBA deck probably have piles of cotton anyway.

A couple words of warning:  This tank is definitely a juice hog.  I picked my current one up last Friday at one of my local B&M's because, like @smacksyI had loyalty points to spend and I was able to get it for less than anywhere online.  Since Friday I have gone through 3 full tanks and am well into my fourth.  This puppy holds 6ml.  My math isn't perfect, but I'm pretty sure that still comes out to close to 24ml in less than 72 hours.  For some that may be minimal, but for me that is almost double what I normally vape in a week.

Agreed, it does burn a lot of juice!
I vape at least three mods/tanks in rotation so I try to buy my juice online in big bottles, at least 100ml sizesbc3f6f939444b7e890a7151df3a7a765.jpg
Got 340 ml of juice this week for $32 from Verde Valley Vape out of AZ..Can never have enough juice, lol

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26 minutes ago, cany said:

I do have a spare rx200  Really want a blue/black one @Christopher

I've been reluctant to order those in simply because the wholesale prices are abysmal. (I've checked a number of vendors) The best I'd be able to do is 49 on them and that's a good $10 higher than everyone else :/

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