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Schizophretard, I wouldn't freak out yet. I know that you can't really reverse COPD but the lungs completely regenerate in 7 years. I don't know if that means anything but it sounds like good news to me.

Plus, there are exercises you can do to increase your lung capacity. If you can increase the capacity of the part that still works properly, it stands to reason that you will be much better off. Google breathing exercises and start there. Plus, some cardio wouldn't hurt you either.

I was having a hard time breathing awhile back so I went and had a bunch of test run. No COPD (thank God), no asthma, no nothing. When I asked the respiratory doc about it, he just said "the smoking is beating you up". Maybe that's all it is in your case.

Keep the faith, keep vaping, and maybe try out that lung juice everybody has been talking about. Couldn't hurt!


There are so many good comments and observations on this thread. Over Christmas, my Dad's very sweet, but very Christian, girlfriend was dubious about my e-cigarette and wanted me to explain several times how it is that I think I quit smoking. I explained that I quit smoking tobacco, and the results are cleaner teeth, cleaner skin, more energy, deeper breathing...and, I hope, a better chance to live a longer, higher quality life.

I am new to vaping, and I would like to get off the nicotine altogether at some point. However, I am first going to focus on feeling confident that I will never touch again another analog. When I am there, I am will turn my attention to getting away from nicotine.

Schizo...I have several friends who are doctors and they constantly tell me that the human body's ability to heal and regenerate itself is amazing. You are young (I am in my 50's). I am confident that your ability to quit analogs will jump start your healing process.


  On 12/29/2009 at 11:03 PM, jmhester said:

Schizophretard, I wouldn't freak out yet. I know that you can't really reverse COPD but the lungs completely regenerate in 7 years. I don't know if that means anything but it sounds like good news to me.

Plus, there are exercises you can do to increase your lung capacity. If you can increase the capacity of the part that still works properly, it stands to reason that you will be much better off. Google breathing exercises and start there. Plus, some cardio wouldn't hurt you either.

I was having a hard time breathing awhile back so I went and had a bunch of test run. No COPD (thank God), no asthma, no nothing. When I asked the respiratory doc about it, he just said "the smoking is beating you up". Maybe that's all it is in your case.

Keep the faith, keep vaping, and maybe try out that lung juice everybody has been talking about. Couldn't hurt!

I'm not freaking out. When I say that I can tell I'm dying I'm not saying tomorrow. I'm just saying that if I continue to smoke it is very likely that I'll die way earlier than I wish. Where did you hear that the lungs completely regenerate in 7 years? I never heard that before. I've heard much longer like 15 years. Also, I've never heard that they completely regenerated but get to the cleanest they can be. Are you saying that if I quit smoking then in seven years my lungs would look like I never smoked? They would go from black to totally pink? I wish I had my fiancee's grandpa's lungs. He has been smoking his whole life and is almost 90. His lungs have no sign of smoking. One time a doctor checked them and said,"I see you're not a smoker." Those must be some good genes! I hope Schizo Jr. gets them. It feels like vaping is a lung exercise. You have to take long drags to get a hit. The only exercise that I've been able to motivate myself to do is biking. It seems to work well. I could lose all the weight I want in just two weeks biking and over all would feel healthier. For some reason I can ride a bike fine but I can't run. Whenever I run I lose all my air and start feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack. I get the chest pains, sore left arm, and all the rest! It is a horrible feeling! If my lungs really would regenerate in 7 years then maybe I'll regain the ability to run. That would be nice. Thanks for the advise.


  On 12/30/2009 at 12:26 AM, dlynne said:
You are young (I am in my 50's). I am confident that your ability to quit analogs will jump start your healing process.

Sometimes I don't feel young. It seemed to take an eternity to grow up but now each year gets shorter and shorter. I graduated in 2000 and it feels like yesterday. To you being my age probably also feels like yesterday. Once we grow up we only have a week to live, so you're only a day or two older than me. Life is short but that is what makes it so valuable. I hope we all make it to the end of the week.


Regardless of how long you smoke, your body will eventually repair itself. I think the statistic shows that within 15 years your body will be the same as someone who has never smoked


That's good news but seems like a long wait. That is more than half of what I already lived. What is confusing me is if it takes years to heal then why is everyone on here that has completely quit smoking noticing their health improving quickly?


I think it is just mind over matter they beleive it will help and it does. Then later down the line there bodies do repaire it self. Lets use me for a example. My doctor told me to Quit or die that if I didn't quit I would be dead by the time I am fifty. Thats why I am doing it. Also I tell people that it is my breathing treatment, with nicotine. :thumbsup:


  On 1/2/2010 at 11:45 AM, Schizophretard said:

That's good news but seems like a long wait. That is more than half of what I already lived. What is confusing me is if it takes years to heal then why is everyone on here that has completely quit smoking noticing their health improving quickly?

Somewhere among all my quit-smoking support info crap that never worked, I have a chart showing the changes your body goes through almost hour by hour when one quits smoking. A lot of that is related to quitting nicotine so doesn't equate to vaping, but most of it has to do with ditching the effects of smoke. Our bodies start getting back to normal within minutes of the last smoke, and that effect accelerates for several weeks. After that the rate of change tapers off for a few years but never stops until we're as close to as good as new as we can get.

Our bodies are wonderful things, regardless how they may look in our respective stages of life. :D


  On 1/2/2010 at 5:03 PM, ddavelarsen said:

Our bodies are wonderful things, regardless how they may look in our respective stages of life. :D

I keep tellin Holly that, but.....no sale.

Posted (edited)

At Christmas my uncle made similar comments. Non-stop jokes. It was funny because I predicted it to everyone else at the holiday party before he arrive. Anything "different" is a big deal for him and he doesnt like anything out of the norm. Be fore he arrived I made jokes yelling "ewww it's difffferennntt....ahhhhhh......DIFFFERENT"

I basically predicted his reaction to a tee.

Edited by VapinCT

I only tell kids that it's my "fake cigarette"...then, I demonstrate it for them.

To others, I tell them it's my "e-cig" and that it helped me to stop smoking. Everyone

tells me how stinkin' cool that is :lol:


Initially when we stop smoking (after all the withdrawal stuff)--we notice the obvious changes. For me it was the cough I have had for the last couple of years--sounded liked I was going to cough up a lung, now I rarely cough.

Over time the underlying parts of our systems start to heal--lung tissue regenerates, circulation improves, heart damage etc.

We get the benefit of short term and long term benefits.


I keep getting, from several smokers, "you still smoking that thing", and "we'll see how long that lasts". They are fools! If they only knew how much better it was. How much more enjoyable, and how much more cost effective. Not to mention health benefits! If they don't want to try it, that is their business. But I will inform anyone who shows an interest. I have a couple of people that are interested. And supprisingly, most of the non-smokers I know are very supportive. I will go back to the old saying my (and everyone else's mom would say), they are just jealous!


  On 1/4/2010 at 6:35 AM, wright306 said:

I keep getting, from several smokers, "you still smoking that thing", and "we'll see how long that lasts". They are fools! If they only knew how much better it was. How much more enjoyable, and how much more cost effective. Not to mention health benefits! If they don't want to try it, that is their business. But I will inform anyone who shows an interest. I have a couple of people that are interested. And supprisingly, most of the non-smokers I know are very supportive. I will go back to the old saying my (and everyone else's mom would say), they are just jealous!

You know, a lot of people just resist change with everything they have. I've noticed that with smokers too. It's their loss though. My biggest concern is for the smokers at my employment - one day soon our campus is going to be non-smoking all the way and no one will be allowed to smoke on the property anywhere anymore. I've approached a few of them with vaping but they just shrug it off. At least they know about vaping generally now and will have an option when that day comes. But it always surprises me when someone looks 'down' on the idea. Too bad for them, I guess.


Kind of a weird connection but my brain tends to do that a lot.... anywho, when I first read about your feelings on how other's see your "fake" cig it made me think about when the blutooth headsets first came out lol. I was one of the first people in my circle to get one before almost anyone had seen one or even heard of one and I got crap for it all the time. (the name "Spock thingy" stuck the most lol) But it was safer,more convenient worked great for me and I liked it. Now it's illegal to drive and talk on a phone without one (or something like it). So that's pretty much how I hope to see E-cigs turn out. It'll start out as kind of a fad (to others) then when people realize how effective and safe they are then turn legit (in the general public's eyes) Just a thought from someone who's life was literally saved by these products. I know I'm still a noob but I can already tell that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship :D

Sorry for the novel, I love my 510! lol

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