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I've narrowed it down to either a Spade Mod or a big or little Chuck... I would appreciate any thoughts or opinions on both? Thanks! :rofl:


I think this is the S.P.U.G. forum (spade users group) Just a little humor, but I think you would get better support with the Spade. :lol:


Don't know anything about the chuck other than watching a review. However, I can highly recommend the Spade or the VP2.


I'll also chime in to say that the Spade is an awesome unit. All I know about the Little Chuck is that Stuart has his listed in the classified's because it's "a bit heavy." The Spade might not have the battery life of a Little Chuck, but it is light and easy to carry around.


Fatalis, well you picked two very different units. It all depends what you're looking for. The Spade is stylish and lightweight. The Chuck is pretty basic style wise, but there are people out there that do fancy graphics for the unit. The Chuck has the option of running at 3.7 or 6 volts while the Spade is solely 3.7 volts. You can't go wrong with either unit, it comes down to what you're looking for. There is a review of the Chuck in the video review section of the forum. Let us know what you decide.


I don't have a chuck of any kind so can't make a recommendation on that. I don't know anything about them. Might have to watch the videos. hmmm. I have the Spade and the VP2 and could recommend the VP2. The VP2 has great battery life, but is a bit heavy and bulky for me, but I still love it. If the chuck can be used at 6 volts, you might like that better. I'm wondering it 6 volts is what I need. I'll find out when I get my VP/PT.


It all boils down to, a mod is a mod is a mod. The differences you will find will be in battery life mostly. A Chuck with a 510 adapter at 3.7 volts should perform the same as the Spade, with the Chuck having an edge on battery life (I believe) but in trade the Chuck would be bigger and heavier. I don't have a Chuck but it does have many followers so I'm sure it's a good unit. I got my Spade because the size and weight are nice, and battery life compared to the 510 I was already happy with is excellent. If you want a better hit than what a freshly charged 510 gives you, you probably want to go with a 5 or 6 volt unit. If you like the hit a fresh 510 gives, but just wish the batteries would last longer, a 3.7v unit like the spade is great.


Travis, that makes great sense to me. I've been thinking about a 6V unit, just because -- more is better, right? ;) And the Big Chuck is what I've settled on to get, eventually. I'm using a VP2 and find it exceptional. 3.7V has its merits and the battery life is what I need. I'm just really curious what 6V will do for me, if anything. Perhaps some of the juice I have that hasn't blossomed, will under 6V. Or maybe I'll consistently get that great throat hit I love. Or just throw bad money after good. Dunno yet.

In any event, I'm really looking forward to the results of your decision, Cade. Please keep us posted. Are you leaning towards more voltage?


Dave after seeing some of the things you have made ,you should just make your own PV.with an old battery for the fittings the rest is not that hard for someone with your talents.Who knows you might could sell a few brass and teak artworks.


Dave after seeing some of the things you have made ,you should just make your own PV.with an old battery for the fittings the rest is not that hard for someone with your talents.Who knows you might could sell a few brass and teak artworks.

Cripes man, me and electrical stuff are a disaster! :D But I admit I've been thinking about DannyBoy's idea for an American-made atty. We need to follow that one up. But I think I'll leave it to the eggheads out there. I'm just a hack.

But thanks for the vote of confidence mcquinn! You made my day. thumbsup.gif


The electrical part is like a flashlight,the hard part is making a stylish user freindly case.


The electrical part is like a flashlight,the hard part is making a stylish user freindly case.

I hear you there. I think battery dimensions come into play a lot on that score. Me, I'm big on big batts! :D But I sure know what you mean about style.

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