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I need serious help

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I would post this on the ask a question but from what I read those seem to be more about Vapor units then something serious like this. 

So I haven't smoked in 2 weeks after switching to the vapor. Working great, I get my nicotine and don't kill myself... win win right?

Up until a few days ago I slept better than I have, my allergies don't bother me like they used to, I got some color in my face.  Now I can not sleep, my depression is getting worse,  my anger is getting worse and I can not sleep for the life of me.  I got 3 hours last night with me tossing and turning and I take prescribed bed time meds... they are not working. Now I done research on cigarette withdrawal but everything I find is for nicotine leaving your body. I am getting my nicotine just not the other 7000 other chemicals... what is going on with me? Why all of a sudden change? Is it because I am vaping and getting too much nicotine or is it because my body was adjusting to tar and other harmful chemicals? I read this symptom is current on the first week of not smoking so why is it hitting me the second week? Can some one out there with knowledge of this help me out?

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Hi. Good for you to put aside the cigarettes and get onto vaping. I'm going to preface my comment by saying I'm not a doctor nor any medical professional, this is just my opinion.

Some of the symptoms you describe sounds like withdrawal from all the chemicals and carcinogens that cigarettes contain. Not all of it will pass in just one week. Some of us have either experienced ourselves or heard from others that it's even lasted a month or so -- the worst of it within the first week or two.

Since you started vaping, have you increased your liquid intake? Drinking lots of water is essential because vaping will dehydrate you. Don't increase your coffee, tea, soda/pop, other drinks... just plain water. That will also help to flush out all the toxins and such from your body.

What level of nicotine are you using? What tank? Those will also make a difference. If you're vaping a higher level of nic in your juice (or even a low level with a sub-ohm tank), the amount of nicotine will disturb your sleep, especially if you're vaping a lot within an hour or so before bedtime. Losing sleep will worsen depression, lack of sleep will also make you crankier. Try a lower nic juice a few hours before bed or even 0 nic and don't chain vape. See if that helps?

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Tam is right on the money... most of us hit that "wall" within the first 2-4 weeks, depending on the level and frequency of our smoking addiction.  Your body is finally detoxing all those 4000-10,000 chemicals out of your system, and it can be a bad feeling for some people.  The way to push through it is to vape a slightly higher Nicotine level throughout the day, and maybe even higher in the mornings to give you that jump-start?  Tapering down before bedtime to a lower level is a great way to ensure you get better sleep, and as always... DRINK MORE WATER!

When I had issues sleeping, and irritability in the mornings/afternoons, I was using 18mg all day long (with a 1.8 Ohm coil in my tank).  I switched to a 1.5 Ohm coil and used 24mg juice in the first hour or two in the mornings... 18mg during the day, and about 3 hours before bedtime, I dropped to 12mg... then 6mg in the last hour before bed.  Yes, I had to have multiple tanks (at that time I was rotating about 10 tanks with different nic strengths and flavors).  I also cut out coffee and cola, and increased my water intake to roughly 4-liters per day on average... some days, 6-8 liters in a day!  Within a week, I noticed a major change in my sleep and mood... I slept through the night and was a much more pleasant person to be around :D

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Thanks so much for the replies. I am using a standard v2 pro so what ever tank that comes with it and  my nicotine is 1.8%. I chain vape a lot. I change the cartridge every day or so. Like i stated a week after I stopped I got some damn good rest and now with me already suffering from depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar, and agoraphobia, the depression is hitting very hard from not getting enough rest. I get jumpy with my kids over little things, then I get sad, and then I think about suicide, its a feeling I can beat but it lingers.  I just need to know that it will pass.  

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Are you drinking a lot of water? Chain vaping that much will really dehydrate you, which will add to your feeling of not being well. Try getting some lower nic juice for evening -- say around an hour or two before bed and see if that helps.

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I completely understand about the bipolar,I suffer from it too.I have to drastically lower my nicotine,to three or zero at night,my psychiatrist prefers no nicotine four hours before bed,but sometimes those cravings just kick my butt,and I have to have some.if you look it up,nicotine has a half life of four to six hours,a half life is the time it takes for something clear your system.however,females clear nicotine faster than males.maybe a temporary increase in your sleep meds (talk to your doctor I am not a medical proffessional,familiarizing my psychiatrist with my vaping habits helped alot!!)would be in order until you can get all those nasty chemicals out of your system.as you know,bipolar is a chemical in balance in the brain,so when you add or lose chemicals,there will be an adjustment period,just like stopping or adding a med,your body needs time to adjust,and that's going to take a while,I know it did for me!I was on a rollercoaster when I quit smoking,even people without bipolar are!I would strongly suggest an appointment with your psychiatrist/doctor, whoever is treating you,so they know what's up.for me no sleep usually equals mania.and like was stated earlier water,water,water and more water!!in addition to hydrating you,water flushes out those nasty cig chemicals.again,since you see your symptoms flareing up,I would see a doctor asap!bipolar can be a nasty monster,this I know,and I don't want you to suffer!!best of luck to you,and congrats on quitting smoking,you can do this! !!

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Something I forgot to mention ,sorry for the double post, admin.cutting back on caffeine does wonders when trying to sleep.but if you are drinking alot, you will have to taper it off ,caffeine withdrawals are mad!I am down to no caffeine now,but it took me awhile.nicotine is a stimulant,as we all know,and so is caffeine,combining the two can lead to sleeping trouble.escpecially before bed time!again best of luck to you and I hope you are sleeping soundly soon!!

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The first few weeks after quitting smoking can be tough I'm about 40 days without a smoke (analog) My sleep varied a lot until about a week ago. Try lots and lots of water to help flush the analog chemicals out  ..... It's one of the hardest things in the world to quit smoking the big tobacco companies know that. Just remember you did yourself a favor.Your Kids will be really forgiving if you explain that it's from quiting and how hard it is but you're doing it for them and you. and soon you'll be better.

Hang in there and good luck!


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