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Ok, I'll Write My Story

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Ok, I guess I will start at the begining ( this may get long) It started out with me and my wife going to a local smokeshop in richland washington to get me stocked back up on my tobacco supplies. I was a roll your own smoker for many years because of the cost savings and we went there to get another 6 oz bag of tobacco and 400 papers that usualy lasted me 2 weeks and cost around $40.00 for the cheapest I could get. I had picked out my usual stuff when I noticed a sign for the "envy bliss" electronic cigarette. Well I got very interested because I have been feeling what tobacco has been doing to my health. It was in a green and black cigarette pack like box and was selling for $36.00 +tax and claimed that each of the 5 carts included lasted as long as a pack of ciggs ( I am sure we are all now familiar with this lie). and they had 5 packs of carts for $12.95 or something so it seemed like it would be alot cheaper in the long run so I decided to give it a shot. Well at first after charging for the appointed time I took my first drag and thought ,. Huh, but continued to fiddle with taking longer drags etc,.. untill I actualy got a decent lung full of vapor and started thinking " hey this could be alright". After about 10 - 15 drags (what I figgured was a cigarette worth) I set it down and thought that it was prety much curing my nic fit. Well I started using it when I normaly wanted a cig and it was working fairly well but Before I had vaped what I considered equal to about 5 cigs the taste started changing and getting wispy. I pulled off the cart to investigate and the thing was dry. Started to do some calculations and got bummed since it was going to be almost twice as expensive at that rate as what I was spending on rollies.

Then I decided to look online to see if I could get carts cheaper or something and discovered some reviews talking about refilling with juice and even though the envy bliss said using anything other than their carts would void the 30 day warranty I decided to try this route since it seemed it would be less expensive and ordered some grape and capuccino as well as a couple tobacco flavors from freedom2vape, and started anticipating the day it would arive. Well I decided to sit back and relax with a vape and since the first cart had dried up I put on another and started to vape for about 5 drags before the battery led started blinking longer than when the cut off had been reached and with some testing discovered the battery was already dead. I was upset, ( not even 6 ciggs worth and the single battery in the kit was dead) back to analogs while I waited for it to charge :( To shorten this up , after a couple days of fiddling with this thing I was looking on the net again to see what I was doing wrong or if there was better versions out there or at least more batteries for this one. Well there were no extra batteries available, I would have to order a whole nother kit. While looking around I came across wordupecig.com and saw they had kits that seemed like larger better made versions with 2 or more batteries in the kit for not much more than I had paid for this kit. I wanted to be sure of my choice this time so I called the phone # on the site expecting to get the usual 15 minutes with a machine before even hoping to talk to a real person or possibly just get a message machine, but wait! Some actual human was answering the phone, I thought "this is strange" but proceeded to talk with the person who introduced himself as Jeffrey. after a lengthy conversation he had convinced me that a 520 kit(510 with megga battery) would be right for me. So I hung up and thought about it a little more and did some more research and decided to do it, got the kit with 2 big batts and 2 attys and a case and some e-juice from him too ( 10ml was included in the kit). Then back to waiting for stuff to arive and smoking analogs whenever the batt on the envy ran out. well by now 4 days had passed since I got the first kit and ordered the other juice from freedom2vape, and 1 day since I ordered from wordup, checked the mail and the package from freedom had showed up and I tried refilling the dinky stupidly designed cart ( made alot of mess at first) and discovered I like using other flavors besides tobacco and every time I had to resort to analogs they tasted horrible now. (ok this is getting way too long now so I am gonna chop it prety drasticaly from here out) got my package from wordup 2 days after order and was amazed at the customer service and delivery. Well this (after charging etc,..) turned out way better than the envy and I was a happy vaper now and never touched a cigg again. Thought to myself, hey my sis 70 miles away smokes as well as her husband and my nephew. Drove out ther and insisted they try the envy and my 510, They liked it and I let them keep the envy since my 510 was doing well for me with 2 batts. Gave em some advice since by this time I had gone through some trial and error I could help them avoid and had become a VT noobie, I suggested they talk to Jeffrey at wordup and get "real" kits since I knew the envy would not cut it for them either. they now both have 901 kits and have not had a cigg since they got them, and my nephew now has the envy and is looking into a better kit for himself. I also thought my brother in the mental hospital smoked, I wonder if he can get approval to try one there, I talked to him and he talked to his doctor and got the goahead. So now I am sending a kit to him and hoping for the best. Well at this point If it continues to work for all mentioned then my entire immediate family will be off cigs for christmas :) praise GOD and joy to the world and may everyone opposed to e-cigs recieve a labotomy for christmas and may every smoker recieve an e-cig kit for christmas. My family is all on their way to being healthier and they are all telling me that introducing them to the e-cig was the best christmas present they have ever gotten from anyone. And I am thanking the e-cig for my family and myself having a new lease on life and for bringing my immediate family and myself closer together. I am also thanking everyone in the VT forum for contributing in some way to all of this. Thank you all and merry christmas, I love you all! :)

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lol cute story!!

Funny how it all kinda snowballs, huh? First there was my daughter, Tracy and her hubby (Jeffb on VT forum); then me; then my hubby; then my Dad, then my other daughter, Antoinette (Celtic on VT forum); and now my step-daughter, Donna (soon to be on VT Forum)!! I'm going to try and save up enough to send my son, who lives in Oklahoma, a 510 kit so he can be next!! :>

Pretty soon I figure my whole family will be smoke-free and I will be very happy!

Congrats to everyone, and keep up the good work to spread the word!

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DannyBoy, that's a wonderful story! And I'm really pleased that so many families have taken up vaping. That's just more proof that this really works. And yes, both of the smokers in my family have quit in favor of vaping too. My brother just doesn't grok forums. (Or maybe his time is too valuable to spend it helping others or learning new stuff.) I wish he were here, but he's not.

And we often dis the commercial e-cigs that introduced us to vaping, but look at all the good they do. Even if they suck. DannyBoy's envy has really made the rounds, converting smokers as it went - how cool is that!

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