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i've been reading alot (and watching vids) and got the message loud and clear that this e-cig thing boils down to personal preferance. i like the idea of the 501. i think i like the 901. oh but wait, i think i like the idea of the prodige and then there's the janty stick. i'm sure they all have thier place. i know i'm going to want a throat hit and i'm pretty sure i'm going to want good vapor as well. and i want the battery and atomizer to last for ever. :lol: and i want it for next to free. is that asking too much. :innocent: all the difference of opinion has got me spinning. i'm so confused. :(

a little about me, i am 50 now and been very active my whole life. my analog cig habit is starting to take its toll on me now. i've never been a heavy smoker (2 to 3 packs a week) but i really really like smoking. it's my last vice and i can't get control of it. vaping makes alot of sense to me. i'm praying this is my way to a healthier, and better performing life style. dirt bikes and snow skiing require good lungs and struggle as i may, i keep going back to the smokes. i luv my marboros. i am a cheap bastad and demand great performance, bullet proof durability, and low maintenance in pretty much all that i work with. and i don't like to compomise very often. that being said, i am a heavy equipment operator and work in remote areas often. so i know that reality requires that you do whatever it takes to get the job done. i like to tinker with things to get better performance. i'am also happy to do maintenance to insure good performance. but do overs bother me. i've got alot more time than money, so i have no problem doing alot of homework to prevent bad spending. information from an experienced human, i feel is far more valuable than anything else in my opinion. when buying a car i'll talk to the mechanic before the sales man.

i haven't seen a vid or read any info from someone that describes themself as having this sort of background. if i could hear from this kind of person it would help give me confidence in the decision making process.

the size of mods doesn't bother me but portability and durability and convienence in adverse conditions is paramount. work and play for me is in hot, dirty, dusty and somtimes wet enviroments with alot of vibration and impacts. in the winter, well lets swap the word hot with cold. i also forsee charging batteries as being a challenge for me. sometimes it's just me and my bulldozer in the middle of nowhere for up to 12 maybe 16 hours.

any and all suggestions and recomendations are welcomed. i just want to start with the correct foot forward as inexpensivly as possible.

thanx so much for taking the time to read my rambling.


Well, first, let me start by welcoming you Oper8tor, and good luck. I gather your looking for advice on which unit to purchase for your first model. I can only tell you what I use, which is a joye510, and I love it. BUT, Im not operating heavy machinery. So Im gonna let some other members help you out with that. Im also going to move this post to the area where a lot of people will be able to help you. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress, we;re here to help !


Well we're going to tell you what everyone else will, start with the Joye510. We say that model because not only is it small but it's a manual battery. So if you choose to direct drip in the future (and at some point everyone does) you have that option. Automatic batteries are great but they die out very quickly because the juice enters the battery.

You say you only smoke a few packs a week so I would start with 16mg for strength personally. Again though it's always easier to start low and move up and the start high and move down.

As for feeling confident, well in time you will see! This is not like the patch or the gum, this alternative will have you off analogs in no time :D Welcome to the forums!


Hey Oper8tor2, welcome to the forums...I've been in the healthcare industry for years and have returned to nursing this last year, but I too have been an operator. Most of my experience, (about 5 yrs) has been on dozers. Lol, so I have a pretty good idea of what your day is like. From one dozer operator to another, I'm kinda worried that your gonna have trouble vaping while pushing. When I smoked I couldn't drive to the store without a smoke. And I always had a smoke in my mouth while pushin'. You say your not a heavy smoker, so this may not be an issue for ya, but then again, it might. It's pretty tough to hold an e-cig in your mouth while dozin'. But it's not impossible.

The 510 really is the most popular model out there. And it's pretty economical. I've been smoke free since October 24th and I've only spent $230 so far. And I can vape with what I have now till February! Check out my topic in the general e-cig section of this forum titled "Are E-cigs economical?". You might find it interesting.

Manual batteries are considered better than automatic batts because of dripping. Dripping with automatic batts can be hard on the batts because of the hole at the end of the batt. E-liquid gets into the batt, thru that hole, and messes up the switch, I guess. But manual batts have a button that you have to push in order to activate it. So you have to use one hand to vape, and that might conflict with your ability to work efficiently, huh? You might get away with one hand operation in a Loader, or a Scraper, or a haul truck, but not in a Dozer or Blade, am I right?

Also, the 510 has round carts. A round, hard, plastic mouth piece that might be a little difficult to hold in your mouth. But I think you can get flat-tipped carts that are much easier to hold between your teeth. I would also think about getting a tether, or leash for it. Droppin' that thing in yur dozer is gonna piss you off, lol. It should hold up to the jarring tho.

The 510 has a fancy charging accessory called a PCC. This would be all you need for charging. It will keep your gear safe and in a nice organized case that will fit in your front pocket. I don't know what kind of equipment you run, or if it's new or old, or if your in the same rig every day or are in a different dozer all the time but it might not have a working cigarette lighter in it. The PCC will re-charge a 510 batt 4 times before you need to recharge the PCC. And your probably pretty used to keeping stuff in plastic bags because of the dust already. Your e-cig gear should be kept safe from dust. We're not talkin' about normal amounts of dust, either. This is Industrial grade dust!!

You might find something better, bud, but I think the 510 is the way to go for you at work, anyway. You want something light but durable. Thats the 510...

What kind of work do you do? I worked mostly in our local open-pit coal mines. I've run mostly Cats. My last job was on a D-11N, but I've run 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's, and 10's too. I love the new D10T.

Let me know if this stuff helps ya bud. And feel free to PM me if you have more questions.......


I would get the 510 a couple extra atty's ,some mega batteries and a passthrough .And makes sure you keep enough juice on hand that you don't run dry.I use a little over 15 ml a week and I get paid every other week and it three to five days for shipping so I try to keep four or more bottles on hand.I had a few times sweatin it out waiting for the mailman to arrive.


  On 12/25/2009 at 2:49 AM, mcquinn said:

I would get the 510 a couple extra atty's ,some mega batteries and a passthrough .And makes sure you keep enough juice on hand that you don't run dry.I use a little over 15 ml a week and I get paid every other week and it three to five days for shipping so I try to keep four or more bottles on hand.I had a few times sweatin it out waiting for the mailman to arrive.

first of all, thanx for all your response. to speakeasy, your right there are no free limbs while pushin with a dozer. not a big deal for me though, i just include half a smoke when i take a leak. then make up the difference at lunch and break. D11!!!!! i'm jelous!!!! 6 and 7 are my favs. they are like the race car of dozers. great for roads, building pads, fire breaks. plenty of juice, copy that, it will be in the lunch box. passthrough cant work for me, nothing to plug into. i'm concerned about the two hour batt life of the 510. i think its a little short for my needs. with extra atty (just in case), extra batt's, juice, carts, pcc, and what ever else i'm forgettin, my shirt pocket sounds like it's gettin a little full. maybe i'm leaning toward a mod. are they tempremental?


  On 12/25/2009 at 2:55 PM, oper8tor2 said:

first of all, thanx for all your response. to speakeasy, your right there are no free limbs while pushin with a dozer. not a big deal for me though, i just include half a smoke when i take a leak. then make up the difference at lunch and break. D11!!!!! i'm jelous!!!! 6 and 7 are my favs. they are like the race car of dozers. great for roads, building pads, fire breaks. plenty of juice, copy that, it will be in the lunch box. passthrough cant work for me, nothing to plug into. i'm concerned about the two hour batt life of the 510. i think its a little short for my needs. with extra atty (just in case), extra batt's, juice, carts, pcc, and what ever else i'm forgettin, my shirt pocket sounds like it's gettin a little full. maybe i'm leaning toward a mod. are they tempremental?

I usually get 2 - 4 hours off a 510 batt, and thats with chain vaping. If you have access to your car during the day, a car charger might help. Im not sure I would take a mod to a jobsite, just because its too easy to have one break, and they are a little more expensive to replace. One thing to consider, units like the Blu or Volcano with auto batts are easily tripped off by sound, so working heavy equipment MAY kill yer batts REALLY quick. A 510 or any unit with a manual batt is the way to go, IMHO.

Posted (edited)

the Joye passthrough at less than $20.00 has the same 360 mAh battery that the popular 3.7 volt mods have and you can get a 24 volt usb charger.

Edited by mcquinn

I carry about 10 510 batteries (mega and regular) in my pocket,hardly takes any space at all.Keep a charger in the car and just make a trip to the car when I can to pull out a charged batt,and plug one in for charging.


Wow I wish I could afford 10 batteries.If I bought that many I wouldn't have any money for e-liquid.Since I use the passthrough most of the time,I have one at work and another at home I usually only have to charge one or two batteries a day.I use the DSE 801 280 mAh batteries with 510,901 or mostly 302 attomizers.


  On 12/25/2009 at 3:45 PM, mcquinn said:

the Joye passthrough at less than $20.00 has the same 360 mAh battery that the popular 3.7 volt mods have and you can get a 24 volt usb charger.

24 volt usb charger? wow, i would have never expected that. i figured that would be a rare need. good info, thanx.

as far as having a car close by, no way. on the rare occasion on a small job but generally it's just me the dozer and my lunch box and tunes, gotsta have the tunes.

i just watched the vid review on this site of the vp2 with the 510. he mentioned he droped it like 4 times with no ill effects. fragile is bad but this sounded like at least a light beating. i think that is as tough as i need. bullet proof is ideal but i'm also a realist. i'm starting to get excited. the field of choices are narrowing.

thanx again all!!!!!!!!!!! this is a great place!!!!!!!!!!


The VP2 id definatly a workhorse. I don't think you could hurt it if you wanted to. Great battery life & vapor production. This mod is a winner. Good luck


Welcome to the forum.

It looks like you've already gotten a lot of good advice. I'd go along with all of it. My favorite is the 510. And the VP2 is great. I haven't had mine all the long and am careful not to drop it, so can't speak to how tough it is, but I've heard it is. It may just be the right thing for you.

Good luck in whatever you choose. Ask any questions and they will be answered. Keep us updated on how you're doing.


Hey Oper8tor.....

Jealous of the D11? I wouldn't be. Sure it's big and all but it's also really boring. Dozer Push in a coal mine is 12 hours of long pushin' overburden at a 6% downhill grade. Just back and forth. Nothin' fun like buildin' roads or pads. I think my favorite would have to be the D8R.

As I'm sure you know, the most important thing is just bein' able to get off those damn analogs. Thats all that matters really.

Keenan has a good point about the automatic batteries. I forgort about how sound and pressure changes can activate those things. I'm also really wondering how ANY e-cig is gonna hold up to the dust. I think thats what gonna be most harmful. Most people don't realize just how dusty a dozer can be, even in a tight cab. It's worse than spendin' all day playin' beach volleyball! I'm really interested to hear how they hold up for ya.


ok.. i'm down to the play off.. my starter kit will include, manuel batt, 510 and 901 attys(high bridge low bridge whats the difference?), alots of different juice's, spare batts, extra carts, refill tools, then last but not least a PROTEGE or VP2... maybe a coin toss to make the choice. anybody have any dirt on these two?

any ideas how i can save a buck on the protege or vp2? maybe a lead on a discount code. have i forgotten anything on my shopping list?? another thought just ocurred to me. i plan on skiing my butt of this winter and california skiing can get very wet at times. any issues with a wet enviroment? sometimes i don't know when to come out of the rain.

THANX AGAIN ALL FOR BEING SO HELPFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome oper8tor2. I gotta say, your opening was about the most thorough one I've seen yet. You really have done your homework. I appreciate all of the physical constraints that your work requires, but I really only have experience to address battery life. Speakeasy sure covered everything anyway.

As to battery life, I'd have to recommend one of the mods. I have a VP2 and get 8-9 hours of vaping out of it. Carrying an extra battery is no hardship. Usually I carry the VP2, a double-A battery case with a spare battery and atomizer, and a 6 ml bottle of juice. That's enough juice to last me two days of vaping, so a smaller bottle might work and fit into the battery case as well. Any of the mods will have an adaptor for your preferred atomizer.

Dust and a wet environment are a consideration. I'm not sure the best way to protect your stuff from that really, but you'll want to. The VP2 with an 801 attached is about 6 1/2" long; kind of big to fit into a box or bag. You can of course unscrew the atomizer and it's then pocket-sized in two pieces. Some people carry all their stuff in a small camera or hard drive bag. That might work for you, and provide some cushion for the stuff inside.

I'll be very interested to learn what you decide on, and how it works for you.


I take my E-Cig gear with me everywhere, bad weather, boating and all..When I feel any of it is at risk to get wet or dirty I put the cases parts etc in the small heavy duty ziplocks that the mail order E-liquid comes in to protect it.Doing this saved me from a leaking soft cooler front pouch that somehow got flooded and could have taken out a bunch of my gear!!!

In a work environment like yours take care of your gear and it will work great..There is also a thing someone did by emptying a hand sanatizer case that looks like a sharpie from the local drug store and removed the inner cap cleaned out and it converts to a nice case with clip to store a E-Cig.It was made for a 510 in the video I saw, but i am not sure if any longer/wider units would fit.


Welcome to the VT forums Operator :) Just a thought on having a 12v power supply for recharging/passthrough or whatever,.. would one of the rechargable jumper pack for starting dead car batts fit in the cab of the dozer somewhere with you? Most of them have the utility of a 12v cigarette lighter plug or 2 as well as the jumper cable utility and would last for TONS of recharges for an e-cig, and very long usage for a passthrough (like 36hours or more). just a thought.


  On 12/28/2009 at 12:01 AM, DannyBoyfromWashington said:

Welcome to the VT forums Operator :) Just a thought on having a 12v power supply for recharging/passthrough or whatever,.. would one of the rechargable jumper pack for starting dead car batts fit in the cab of the dozer somewhere with you? Most of them have the utility of a 12v cigarette lighter plug or 2 as well as the jumper cable utility and would last for TONS of recharges for an e-cig, and very long usage for a passthrough (like 36hours or more). just a thought.

thanx for the suggestion.. it's usually a fight just to find a place for the lunch box. don't think this idea is workable for my situation.

on another note, whats the deal with high and low bridge attys?

where can i look for discount codes for VP2 or PROTEGE?

any negatives on either of these models?

thanx again all........................


  On 12/27/2009 at 3:49 PM, SteveD1 said:

I take my E-Cig gear with me everywhere, bad weather, boating and all..When I feel any of it is at risk to get wet or dirty I put the cases parts etc in the small heavy duty ziplocks that the mail order E-liquid comes in to protect it.Doing this saved me from a leaking soft cooler front pouch that somehow got flooded and could have taken out a bunch of my gear!!!

In a work environment like yours take care of your gear and it will work great..There is also a thing someone did by emptying a hand sanatizer case that looks like a sharpie from the local drug store and removed the inner cap cleaned out and it converts to a nice case with clip to store a E-Cig.It was made for a 510 in the video I saw, but i am not sure if any longer/wider units would fit.

sounds like you don't know when to come out of the rain either. thanx for the tip. ziplocks will be my best freind from now on.

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