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My Christmas Ina Poem

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Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature

was stirring except for my spouse.

The relatives were coming over to share the Christmas joy.

As I was wondering what was under the tree maybe a wonderful electronic toy

I in my computer room and my wife wrapping gifts galore

I could not help to think what santa had in store

When all of a sudden what do I hear

It was my wife screaming come here dear

I ran to her to see what was her big deal

She hooped and hollered I got so much stuff to do and she began to squeal

She spoke not a word gave me the evil eye and called me a jerk

I knew that that moment I'd better get to work

My computer room was a mess with computer parts and routers to tweak

I knew that this task could take me more than a week

The presents were being wrapped at a furious pace

my wife was still screaming clean up this place

And during the commotion I began to work on the mess I had made

So into the sea of computer parts I began to wade

I started with the small parts and went to the big

Misty was right it looked as if it was lived in by a pig

As I was finishing my chore and I was all tuckered out

"Your parents are here Misty exclaimed with a shout.

At that instant I jumped to my feet

I ran to the foyer..My parents to meet

I opened the door to their smiling faces

They both sat down at their usual places

The aroma of chocolate coffee lingered in the air

I was just so happy my parents were there

When we were done exchanging gifts

My parents were leaving to sudden too swift

But as they drove out of my driveway and down the road

I immediately switched back to my wondering mode

Did I get an Ipod or socks or a maybe a flashlight

I really don't care anything will be alright

I just wish everyone I know has a Merry Christmas and also a good night

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