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I am appalled beyond words that this was allowed to happen. The link isnt working, but evidently an atheist in Sonoma County, California, requested the angel atop a Christmas tree at a Govt. Building be taken down because he finds it offensive. REALLY ! Why, oh WHY did they find it necessary to appease this dillweed and take it down ? Now, I absolutely dont want to offend ANYONE unnecessarily, but PUHLEEEEZE !!! This spankapotamus is ALSO petitioning to have a cross taken down at an accident site that the family put up as a memorial. This political correctness BS has gone too friggin far. Go to Fox news and read this and tell me what you guys think. Am I the only one that wants to give this clown an atomic wedgie, I really wanna know.

Edited by keenan
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Yea - I saw that on FoxNews earlier and almost posted it. Another attck on Christmas and Christianity. Although he says he's opposed to ANY relieous symbols, I don't see him going after anything else. Once again, anything goese unless you're a Christian.

What a door-knob.

My link

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I believe that would come under the First Amendment. What these 'wipes don't seem to understand is that the Constitution guarantees free speech (which would include govt agencies); it does not guarantee anyone won't be offended by someone else's free speech. That big f-n' p**sy just needs to go cry himself to sleep and leave actual people with real lives to them. This crap makes me sick.

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I love the way you put it, Dave. I agree with you guys. Completely! I am so sick and tired of these people who seem to be so "offended" by anything Christian. What is their problem? I mean really!! I am not offended by any other religions symbols. Or by anyone elses symbols of any kind. What is there to be offended by? I don't get it. I mean, if I see something I don't like, I don't look. Simple. But, "you can't fix stupid".

I read something once that I really liked. It went something like "Since 86% of the people in the US believe in God, why don't we tell the other 14% to shut up and sit down?" I agree with that.

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“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

I really think that this is what people should be thinking. Personally, I think that people should say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. It makes life so much easier then I don't need to think about what I say to other people and if they will get offended. I hate the non-denominational seasonal jargon. I'm christian and it takes a lot to offend me. I wouldn't feel bad if someone told me to have a Happy Chanukah. In fact, I would feel happy because the stranger would wish me to have 8 days of happiness instead of one. XD

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I live in what is essentially a secular society (the UK). I'm an atheist, my friends are a mix of atheist, agnostic, christian, moslem etc. No-one objects to christmas trees with angels on top (or anything else on top for that matter). I'm sending christmas cards to my friends and family - christmas is a christian festival - I don't mind that, why should it offend me?

My only objection to religion is when people use it to interfere with the freedoms of others...

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Yeah, there isn't much anyone else can do that offends me. Why would I care? Well, other than trying to control my life or attempting violence against me or my family (or anyone else's family for that matter; violence is not okay), in which case I'll intervene with extreme prejudice. But other than that? Pffft! Go for it. Diversity is what makes for progress.

This kind of leads to one of my favorite sayings - actually I wish I could boil it down to a catchy phrase; it's more like a lecture at this point. :) But anyway, I like to say that if it weren't for diversity we'd still be living in caves, waiting for lightening to strike somewhere so we could cook the chunk meat we scavenged. I think it would be the worst of all possible worlds if we all thought alike.

This poor sap is just looking for his 15 minutes in the spotlight. But I'd like to slap him for his effort. He's welcome to believe whatever he likes; he's not welcome to shove it down anyone else's throat.

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Just to clarify... I am not saying anything bad about those who do not believe. It just irrates me when they try to tell me I'm wrong, or offensive in some way. I don't tell them that. And I'm not saying that all non-believers are that way. It's just the ones that are, upset me.

Profbeard, you said, "My only objection to religion is when people use it to interfere with the freedoms of others..." I agree with that. I don't like it when they do that either, but I also don't like the non-believers using that to interfer with my religious beliefs. I respect others and their opinions and only want the same respect in return.

I also don't like people of other religions trying to shove their religion down my throat and trying to "convert" me. I have my beliefs, I will always have my beliefs, and they cannot change my mind or make believe something different. I may not agree with their religion, but I don't knock it either. And I would never try to interfere with their beliefs.

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