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I just started vaping yesterday, and I'm a little frustrated.

While I did cut down from about one and a half packs a day to about six or eight analog cigs yesterday, here's my problem...

When I take a drag from my e-cig, it really irritates my throat and makes me either cough, or feel like I'm about to cough. I really want to stop analog's completely.

I'm not sure if this is due to the fact I purchased only tobacco tasting juice (Marban and another smoke flavored cart), or that I'm using 18mg carts, or that it's a new atty, or what?

I really want to switch completely, and I'm still syc'ed about vaping.

I ordered a sample pack of different flavored juice yesterday, some 18mg and some 12mg... I ordered Red Bull, Cappuccino, Chocolate Hazelnut, etc.

Sooo... any suggestions, other then trying different flavors, to help reduce the throat irritation? Do you think it's caused by using a new Atty? Perhaps just vaping a few days and I'll get more used to it?

Any help is greatly apprecaited!


Hey Shel, i too get bad hiccups from vaping 34mg juice. Sometimes the 24mg juice if i heavily huff on it. If its irritating your throat thats what us vapers call throat hit. It has a little tingle to it, this is something you will get used to. Changing juice and will help with this feeling. I know Johnson Creek Juice gives me a bad throat buzz. My advice is to have something to drink near by and try some different juices :thumbsup:


Hey shel, I had the same issue when I first started. I think it I just had to get used to the PG in the juice. Remember PG can dehydrate you so keep on drinking plenty of liquids.


Shel, Im pretty sure it will go away, once your throat gets used to this new sensation your hitting it with. I had the same problem at first, but the awesome flavor made me just tough it out and it went away. I also found out last week, I got my first cold of the season, and vaping does not mix well at all if you have a bug. I couldnt take the slightest hit without hacking up a lung oyster. It was REALLY frustrating, cause I so wanted to vape. I think if you give it time, it will go away. JMHO


I experienced the same thing when I started vaping. It is just like when you started smoking. After a couple days, the irritation goes away and the coughing stops.

It didn't help much that my throat was tainted with analog smoke.


It takes some getting use to. Sometimes I still get this for the first few drags off of a freshly charged battery. I didn't have much of an issue with it when I first switched. However, due to a snow storm knocking out my power this past weekend, I had to smoke analogs for a day after all my batteries died. When the power came back and I had my batt charged, it was a bit of a surprised at how hard the vape hit me. Probably took about an hour to get use to it again. I'd give it some more time and try some other juices.


It takes some getting use to. Sometimes I still get this for the first few drags off of a freshly charged battery. I didn't have much of an issue with it when I first switched. However, due to a snow storm knocking out my power this past weekend, I had to smoke analogs for a day after all my batteries died. When the power came back and I had my batt charged, it was a bit of a surprised at how hard the vape hit me. Probably took about an hour to get use to it again. I'd give it some more time and try some other juices.

Thanks for everyone's feedback.

Definitely sticking with it. I'm now trying a lower mg cart, but it's still irritating my throat.

I hope to receive caramel juice today or tomorrow, and a variety pack shortly after that.

Really appreciate everyone's help!


They smoke different than analogs don't suck it straight to the lungs or they will choke ,you puff a mouthfull then inhale,exhale some or all through the nose to get the full flavor and let it cool down when the atty starts to feel hot.It is different but better.


Heh, I know how it feels. My voice actually got lower for about a week because I was new to vaping and I was trying to get into my friend's scream-o band XD

My throat felt like heck. I was coughing up nasty loogies. After a while, I got used to it, I guess, and now I don't cough as much. I also stopped coughing up the nastiness. I think it is the bad stuff you get from smoking analogues. It is the transition that got to me. Once, I tried to do a direct e-cig-to-lung puff (where as I usually did the mouth inhale then "gulp") and it really irritated my throat. My advice is to do the mouth inhale then gulp to reduce the irritation. Good luck!



I'm a noob here and to ecigs myself! I've been vaping for about 3 weeks now, and have the opposite problem that you have. Although I must say that I did cough a few times when I first started vaping the 510. Got tons of vapor! But just after that first day with the new ecig, I wasn't getting much of a throat hit at all and no coughing. It took some practice to finally get a least little bit of a throat hit. I've got 3 different kinds of ecigs now. Trying to find one that the batteries will last longer than a couple of hours, and produce a better throat hit, sick of the flooded addy's, etc.

I am down to smoking reg. cigs to about 6 a day. I would be able to totally give them up if I could get a good throat hit.

Maybe the menthol crystals I've added to my different juices made the throat hit less??

I smoke and vape the exact way that mcquinn says. Maybe I should try to vape by sucking it straight into my lungs. But my old habit dies hard. :-)

Good luck!


The thing to keep in mind here is that the higher the nicotine the higher the throat hit. (nicotine is what actually causes most of the throat hit) If the throat hit is to much you may want to move down to a lower strength. My sister in law just moved over to vaping and I started her with 24mg (it's what I was using at the time) and it was much to strong for her, I moved her to 16mg and she hasn't looked back. Going on a week now without smoking :D


Well, I decided to purchase a Joye 510 along with my 810, and figured I'd use the 510 when out and about.

What's strange is, the Joye 510 arrived, and it doesn't irritate my throat nearly as much as the 801 did!

I get great vapor from it.... not sure what's different... the atty, the juice I'm using... but whatever it is, it is MUCH easier on my throat, and doesn't cause me to cough like the 801 did.

I decided to return the 801, and get a Personal Charging Case for the 501, and just stick with that.

Now waiting for my variety pack of juices... thanks again to all of you, and Merry Christmas!

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