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My last atty died last night around 7 :o !!!!!!!!!! I knew I had some coming from Arno today,but that was 17 hours away :( .Long story short I had to smoke analog(beyond NASTY)! I could only stand half at a time,and then only when I had to.My mail runs a noon.I was out there waiting at 11:30 lol.He always comes down the opposite side first,goes around the loop,then comes up my side. I waylaid his butt DIRECTLY across the street lmao.He looks real suprised but he handed over the package lol.He said "we're really not supposed to do this".I'm usually very polite,but I was half sick and jonsin bad lol !! I told him "I don't care!!"lol Thank God for small towns,he knows me lol.So here I am Vaping like a fiend rofl.BBL



My last atty died last night around 7 :o !!!!!!!!!! I knew I had some coming from Arno today,but that was 17 hours away :( .Long story short I had to smoke analog(beyond NASTY)! I could only stand half at a time,and then only when I had to.My mail runs a noon.I was out there waiting at 11:30 lol.He always comes down the opposite side first,goes around the loop,then comes up my side. I waylaid his butt DIRECTLY across the street lmao.He looks real suprised but he handed over the package lol.He said "we're really not supposed to do this".I'm usually very polite,but I was half sick and jonsin bad lol !! I told him "I don't care!!"lol Thank God for small towns,he knows me lol.So here I am Vaping like a fiend rofl.BBL


I understand the pain you went through, and I probably woulda snatched him out of his jeep :)


That's funny! But it's why I have the rule of never getting below 2 extra atty!


That's funny! But it's why I have the rule of never getting below 2 extra atty!

Agree, I have nightmares of not having an extra atty to go to! Well hey, kudos to the Postman! :thumbsup:


After last weekend's two day power outage, I'm in the process of stocking up on batteries! I've got 11 working atty's at the moment, but will probably just get a few each time I order anything. :)

Sorry you had to use analogs.


I try to order some extra juice and a couple of attys every payday. That way I stay ahead.


I don't think I could even begin to pick up an analog anymore. The thought sickens me! I have 11 510 attys, 3 LB 801 attys, and 3 regular 801 here right now. And I plan on buying more each month and really stocking up. We've got a snow storm headed this way right now. We've got a bit of ice and now it's starting to snow. They're saying we may get 15 to 20 inches of snow and a half inch of ice. I'm worried about losing power, so I've got my 4 batteries for the VP2, 4 batteries for the Spade, and 4 regular 510 batteries all charged up and sitting on a shelf. I'm only using my 510 passthrough right now. I want all my batteries charged and ready to go - just in case. I have a car adapter so I can charge my regular batteris in the car and I have an adapter for my passthrough so I could use that in the car, too, if I have to. I think I'm all set. I've even got plenty of snack food and sandwich stuff stocked up so we have something to eat. But my first thought was my ecig stuff. :whistle:


We've got a snow storm headed this way right now. We've got a bit of ice and now it's starting to snow. They're saying we may get 15 to 20 inches of snow and a half inch of ice.

Hope it doesn't get too bad. I've been keeping a close eye on that storm. Earlier in the week it first showed us (WV) getting mostly freezing rain/ice. I was worried. Now it looks like we'll be getting rain on Thursday changing to mostly snow on Friday. I hope it stays that way.


I got my first shipment of 801's from Arno on 12/2, then received my 501 from him on 12/12. I haven't had an atty or battery go bad yet. Am I getting lucky? :thumbsup:


My last atty died last night around 7 :o !!!!!!!!!! I knew I had some coming from Arno today,but that was 17 hours away :( .Long story short I had to smoke analog(beyond NASTY)! I could only stand half at a time,and then only when I had to.My mail runs a noon.I was out there waiting at 11:30 lol.He always comes down the opposite side first,goes around the loop,then comes up my side. I waylaid his butt DIRECTLY across the street lmao.He looks real suprised but he handed over the package lol.He said "we're really not supposed to do this".I'm usually very polite,but I was half sick and jonsin bad lol !! I told him "I don't care!!"lol Thank God for small towns,he knows me lol.So here I am Vaping like a fiend rofl.BBL


OH!!! I feel your pain! I just lost 2 atty's this week! I'm down to a semi-used backup backup! I ordered 2 more, but looks like I might have to order another 2 sets. I hope my package comes tomorrow, using this old atty isn't producing much and I'm afraid it might die on me.


No a lot people get good mileage from the gear.I have a 302 atty that is over six months old and going strong the only ones that went bad were the DSE 801's.And I am sure the 801's were responsible for my first four batteries going bad.Some liquids seem to leave more residue and require frequent vigorouse cleaning.I have some 510's and 901's that are chugging along as well.What ever you are doing keep it up.

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