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Web Design...funny

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Yeah, that is a heart breaker.

If you know any accountants, it can be almost the opposite situation. Try convincing one sometime that graphic design can make numbers more accessible... That white space matters, or that fonts can convey meaning, or that color can organize information. They will look at you like you're an alien.

Thanks Christopher, I needed that today.

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Yeah, that is a heart breaker.

If you know any accountants, it can be almost the opposite situation. Try convincing one sometime that graphic design can make numbers more accessible... That white space matters, or that fonts can convey meaning, or that color can organize information. They will look at you like you're an alien.

Thanks Christopher, I needed that today.

Hey! I'm an accountant and I resemble that remark! :) Just kidding - I really am an accountant though, but I feel for you guys.

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