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No Power


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Hey all. Just got power back on here in WV. It's only been a day and half, but seems like forever. Went off at 5am Saturday morning. My Spade and 510 batts lasted me until about 3pm - after that it was back to analogs. Ich. Guess I experienced vapor rage for the first time and definately felt some anxiety knowing that my battery supply was limited. Anhow, power came back on about 1pm today and my Spade batt and two 510's are charging. Be back to vaping soon - gosh, do I miss it. Reclon I need to start going through my freezers to see what needs pitched. I'm probably one of the lucky ones as I know there are a lot of people without power around here and up the coast.

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Oh Brian, how awful for you!!! My other worry - other than not having enough supplies and running out - is not having power. At this point, I don't know that I could go back to analogs, so I've been trying to plan ahead for the power outage possibility. That's where the passthroughs come in for me. Along with the car adapter. Plus, I plan to buy even more batteries for my VP2 and my Spade. I already have 4 for my VP2, but I'm thinking I need more. Like maybe 4 more. And probably at least 8 for my Spade. I think that would all keep me covered for a few days. We've never been without power that long, but I really want to be prepared for the worst.

Glad you've got power back and will soon be back to vaping heaven.

@jeff - LOL I've said the same thing. We might need a generator for just the same reason. Well, and for the computer.

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They are awful Jeff, just awful. I can't imagine what was going through my mind when I first started smoking 20+ years ago... "oh, that tastes like crap, let me have another". :wtf:

@nana - I have two more Spade batts on the way, probably be here tomorrow. Also ordered a VP2 last week, which should also be here early this week. Just a little late, but I'll be better prepared next time. I'll definatley be ordering some more batts and getting a car charger.

Worst part of this story - we had just got done wasting $300 at Walmart on crap that I don't need now. :) Not so bad, we'll be a little more prepared next time. Walmart was picked clean, but I did manage to get a coleman stove so I could at least heat some water for coffee and heat soup for kids. So we got home and I was getting the stove ready. Filled it up with gas and had it all hooked up (for outdoor use only). Came in and filled a pot of water (was dieing for some coffee). I was feeling pretty manly at this point - going to braze the cold to boil some water for my coffee (even though it wasn't much colded outside than it was inside). :) Anyhow, I was heading out the door with a pot of water and my wife yells "honey". I say "hold on a minute" - of course I was thinkg "can't you see I'm busy". So I come back in and she points to the lights - they were on!!! We celebrated, and then I became a little sad that I didn't get to use my new gas stove, but not too sad. Power's been on over an hour now and it's just now up to 66 degrees in here! Man it was cold.

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I am so glad your power went back on! What a pain that must have been. I hope your food survived, freezers are pretty good at staying cold if you don't open the door. I guess it is better to have it out now and not during Christmas.

A few years ago we had a huge snow storm the day before Christmas Eve. I was lucky and didn't loose power but my hot water heater broke. They installed some pretty junky hot water heaters in our condos when they built them. It took a week for my hot water heater to get fixed. I was so sick of boiling water! It is amazing how dependent we are on electricity, gas and hot water!

I agree stocking up on batteries and some type of car charger is a good idea!

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Hey all. Just got power back on here in WV. It's only been a day and half, but seems like forever. Went off at 5am Saturday morning. My Spade and 510 batts lasted me until about 3pm - after that it was back to analogs. Ich. Guess I experienced vapor rage for the first time and definately felt some anxiety knowing that my battery supply was limited. Anhow, power came back on about 1pm today and my Spade batt and two 510's are charging. Be back to vaping soon - gosh, do I miss it. Reclon I need to start going through my freezers to see what needs pitched. I'm probably one of the lucky ones as I know there are a lot of people without power around here and up the coast.

Brian, you poor thing in Florida we get hurricanes and when I first moved to my new house, we didn't have power for almost a week one time, thank goodness a friend loaned me a generator after four days..... i wasn't vaping then, but no coffee, well, it was awful. I thought I read Spade would take regular batteries, maybe it's my imagination. kind of makes you realize to get stocked up. glad your power is back up.

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They are the same size as a AAA battery but are 3.7 volt lithium ion cells.They sell chargers for most regular E-cigg. batteries that go in your car lighter socket,I have not seen one for the AAA Lion batteries but I am sure someone makes one.A person cannot be to careful ,I hate the thought of having to go to Piggly Wiggly and buy some analogs after all I have been through.

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freezers are pretty good at staying cold if you don't open the door.

Would you tell my wife that... she doesn't listen to me. ;)

I have what I reckon you could call a phobia regarding spoiled meat, so most of it got pitched.

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Would you tell my wife that... she doesn't listen to me. ;)

I have what I reckon you could call a phobia regarding spoiled meat, so most of it got pitched.

I hear you on the phobia.... I am the same way....

I think I would have swiped the battery out of lawn mower and hooked up my power converter....

But glad to hear you got the electricity flowing again....

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Would you tell my wife that... she doesn't listen to me. ;)

I have what I reckon you could call a phobia regarding spoiled meat, so most of it got pitched.

I understand about the meat phobia, I get that way too. However, if the meat was still cold, it is still good. You can actually thaw meat in the refrigerator and then re-freeze it if needed. As long as the date on the packaging is not expiring.

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I have a power inverter in my truck. I can run chargers and/or a usb pt off it so hopefully I'm good. My biggest problem would be getting fuel. Back in 2000 we had an ice storm here and lost power for over a week. Luckily I was able to get fuel in the next town (about 15 miles away) so hopefully if we run into a no power situation again I'll be okay. My truck is a diesel and I'd be able to idle it for a long, long time to run my power inverter on minimal fuel.

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They are awful Jeff, just awful. I can't imagine what was going through my mind when I first started smoking 20+ years ago... "oh, that tastes like crap, let me have another". :wtf:

@nana - I have two more Spade batts on the way, probably be here tomorrow. Also ordered a VP2 last week, which should also be here early this week. Just a little late, but I'll be better prepared next time. I'll definatley be ordering some more batts and getting a car charger.

Worst part of this story - we had just got done wasting $300 at Walmart on crap that I don't need now. :) Not so bad, we'll be a little more prepared next time. Walmart was picked clean, but I did manage to get a coleman stove so I could at least heat some water for coffee and heat soup for kids. So we got home and I was getting the stove ready. Filled it up with gas and had it all hooked up (for outdoor use only). Came in and filled a pot of water (was dieing for some coffee). I was feeling pretty manly at this point - going to braze the cold to boil some water for my coffee (even though it wasn't much colded outside than it was inside). :) Anyhow, I was heading out the door with a pot of water and my wife yells "honey". I say "hold on a minute" - of course I was thinkg "can't you see I'm busy". So I come back in and she points to the lights - they were on!!! We celebrated, and then I became a little sad that I didn't get to use my new gas stove, but not too sad. Power's been on over an hour now and it's just now up to 66 degrees in here! Man it was cold.

Sounds like you went through an e-cig Y2K! Be prepared for dooms day!

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