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Hello all!! Please excuse me if this is not the correct location to post this but I am techinically not new to vaping so I didn't feel that it was fit to post under that topic. 


First of all, I have vaped for a couple of years now but have always just bought the kits from local stores so I have never really had to deal with external batteries and such. I got a deal off ebay for $85 that included a sigelei 150 watt, smok tfv4, some boost IMR 18650 3.7v 2600mAh batteries, and a nitecore charger. Now the problem is, when I received it, the boxes inside the main package itself were soaked up with water. This was pretty infuriating since the main package wasn't wet so it was shipped that way. But nevertheless I aired everything out and dried it all up. And now, one of the batteries are fully charge (or so I think) and the other is half charged (or so I think lol) according to the nitecore charger indicator. I inserted the batteries just to make sure the mod worked properly and it keeps saying low battery. I have let the batteries charge for an accumulative time of around 2-3 hours so I would assume there should be some power in there? Now since I have never dealt with anything like this I am not sure if these batteries take forever and a day to charge or if the batteries are just bad and won't charge properly. OR if the mod is messed up. This is my first time really dealing with anything on this level so I guess you can call me a noob to an extent. So any help or comments will be fantastic. Thanks ladies and gents! 

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That is the reason I don't buy vape gear on ebay, you don't know if it is good or bad until you get it. Sounds like you might have gotten bad batteries. Did the mod and tank come in sealed packaging or were they possibly used?

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Sounds like you got used stuff that might have been a return from a unsatisfied customer, or someone used ebay to dump some stuff they didn't want. You can try new batteries but that might not work. All the vape gear I have received has been in sealed packages, and not wet, they might not have let them dry after cleaning them up.

Batteries shouldn't take over 4 hours to charge.

Edited by FXRich
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I'm not familiar with that mod, but most mods have a charging port, you can try that, but with those batteries I would not recommend it. Read some of the posts on here and get a couple of good Samsung, or LG batteries.

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From what I understand that if the mod is capable of more than 50 or 75 watts they use external batteries, and if the mod is not capable of that they use an internal battery (what I'm used to). And just a little while ago I just left the one battery on solid charge for at least 4 hours and it was indicating that it was fully charged. The mod turned on, showed half battery life and when I went to fire it showed low battery. So I'm just hoping that these batteries are garbage. I've been looking at some NEW Samsung batteries on Amazon so I'll probably just pull the trigger on them. Thanks for all your help!! 

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Let's hope the issue is the batteries, and be sure to get Samsung 25R (green) or 30Q (pink) batteries, and that the seller on Amazon has a good rating (99% or higher, with at least 1000 reviews - and NOT from China).  Otherwise, purchase from reputable sellers such as 101Vape, VapeNW, etc... or a good battery whole-seller... read the past threads on here regarding batteries (over the past 6 months), and you'll find a huge number of links provided by members such as @jasonculp where you'll find authentic batteries, guaranteed, and at good prices.  An average, good price for a 25R is about $5.50 each, so don't over pay, even on Amazon...

If new batteries give the same results... that means the MOD has a damaged chip-set, possibly from water-damage, and you're out some cash to an unscrupulous eBay seller :(

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HAHAH! Coincidental enough a story just came out a couple of days ago of a guy who's batteries exploded in his pocket at a convienent store, which fed the skeptics and nay sayers. 


And thanks for for the advice Earthling, I was looking at some Samsung batteries off amazon bt upon further research some reviews claimed them to be counterfeit so looks like it's back to the search again. I'll definitely check out the options you listed, as I said before I have never had to buy batteries so this is uncharted territory for me. And I have also already gotten in touch with the seller and voiced my frustration, he claimed to have no knowledge of the packages being wet (whatever). But he said if the batteries did not fix it and if I could provide proof of the packages being wet he would refund me. So thankfully if this doesn't work I'm not totally screwed. 

Edited by sheepdog918
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Boy these ebay stories come up a lot, no? Ive never used ebay for vape gear at all so have no experience but the stories are pretty frequent - the ones we hear about anyway. Clones/knockoffs or funky packaging seems to ne the rule.

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1 hour ago, sheepdog918 said:

Yeah I understand the risk of going with Ebay, but if it only ends up being the batteries as the issue I still feel that I got a pretty good deal. Considering that the Sigelei batteries are usually $80-100 by themselves 

But are you absolutely sure that they're not knock offs? Also, since they got wet too, are you sure you don't now have a pretty paper weight?

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