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We frequently get asked, "What's the best..." from new members / new vapers on this forum. "Best" is a very subjective thing in the world of vaping. What's best for one person will not work for another. Yet, despite us saying this over and over and over again... we still get asked the same questions.

What's the best battery?

What's the best mod?

What's the best tank?

What's the best beginner's kit?

Let's have a discussion. What's the best for YOU and why is it the best?

Okay... go!  :D

Posted (edited)

YAY, I'll start this off :D

  • Best battery - for me would be the Samsung 25R (blue or green).  They are cheaper than the other "premium" batteries, test to 20A continuous discharge, and last all day @ 2500mAh.  My next choice is the LG HE2 or HG2... price and performance are great, but the Samsung are usually cheaper.
  • Best MOD - That's a toss up for me... I prefer the Cloupor Mini (30W) and Mini Plus (50W-TC) for function, size and reliability, but I also dearly love my IPV-minis (V1 and V2), as well as the Wismec Presa 40W (for built-in battery) and the 75W-TC (size and it just works)
  • Best Tank - I've got a few... Subtank Mini is a workhorse with plenty of available coil resistances and an RBA deck, so I'd say it's the best all-around tank you can get for under $30.  I also like the Triton V2 for the same reasons as the subtank mini, but coils don't last as long.  For starter and portable (okay if I lose it) tanks, I really love the Kanger AeroTank (V1 or V2 with V3 air-flow control bases) and KPT3-mini (lots of BDC coils out there in different resistances).  For more advanced flavor and control... I can't praise The Russian 91% enough, but they are pricey and not for the novice!  The Aspire Nautilus gets points from me, but not my favorite, but the SO swears by them, and regularly uses two in rotation.
  • Best beginner kit - My #1 pick would be the 50W Kanger SubTank Mini kit.  #2 would be the 75W-TC Kanger Top-tank mini kit.  From there, the Subbox nano kit, SubVod kit, and Nebox all are good starters.  EVic are good looking (but I don't own one), and the Aspire Pegasus kits with Triton, Triton mini, or a Nautilus are always a good starter too!
Edited by Earthling789

Best batteries - for me would be the Samsung 25R like earthling said.

Best mod - i currently switch up between an Ipv 3 Li and a Sigelei 150 watt. Both of these mods are great all around and i mainly use the Ipv3 for running Temp. Control.

Best Tank - i run a Herakles tank with Ni200 coils as my work setup and the tank is a workhorse. I also run a Arctic tank when im at the house.

Best beginners kit - i have to agree with Earthling again on the Kanger subtank mini kit.


Great topic!

It is a little hard to make a comprehensive list as the vaping technology changes so quickly!

I can only base my opinion on what I have actually used.

  • Best Battery - Hands down, the 25R for the most versatile.  It can be used in just about any situation
    • Runner up: less than 60W the 30Q and HG2
    • Runner up: over 60W the HB2, HB4, HB6, or the VTC4
  • Best Mod
    • Single 18650 - Wismec Presa 75W or Evic Mini VTC.  IMO the Presa wins due to ergonomics, (they both use the same board)
    • Dual 18650 - (I don't have enough experience in this area)
    • Triple 18650 - Wismec Reuleaux, I only own the RX200 an it is a great mod.  TC works great. Fits hand better than many dual 18650 mods.  Also available in the DNA200 version.
  • Best Tank
    • Sub Tank Mini just for versitility.  It can be restricted enough to Mouth to Lung Vape, and opened up for Direct Lung. It has a good RBA.
    • Uwell Crown for Direct Lung.  It has great airflow and pretty good coils.  The RBA is easy to build on.
  • Best Starter Kit - I am not a big fan of the starter kits.  Most of the newer kits are a little bit over powered for  and over sized for beginners.  I personally think the Kanger kits are the best for simplicity and versatility.  I think if a friend came to me to buy one today I would recommend a Wismec Presa 40 watt, or a iStick 40TC and top it with a SubTank Mini.  I would also set it up for Kanthal (non TC) coils

Great topic! It is a little hard for me to classify "best", as my favorite changes from week to week... and I am both mouth-to-lung and direct-lung vaper. 

My best for the past couple of weeks so far are:

Best Battery - LG HG2 and Samsung 25R (I vape from 18W to 90W and everythng in between) for reliability,  performance and price point.

Best Mods

  • Kangertech KBOX(1st version)for my out and about mod.
  • Wismec Realeaux RX200 for battery life, power range, and TC function - used mainly at home and in the office.

Best Tank

  • Tube RTA (Limelight) deck with Kayfun V4 tank and chimney for a slighlty airier MTL experience, and one of my top flavor tanks.
  • Steam Crave Aromamizer RTDA for my lung hitter. Great in both flavor and vapor production.

Best Starter Kit - I cannot recommend what I used. haha But if it were available when I started, or now just starting vaping I'd go with a Kangertech Subtank mini, and Joyetech evic  VTC mini combo for it's versatility, affordability, and proven track record.

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