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Posted (edited)

How many more times you gonna ask this question without a response the ones you've already opened?  Your other thread is generating some good answers to this same question...

Edited by Earthling789
7 minutes ago, Earthling789 said:

How many more times you gonna ask this question without a response the ones you've already opened?  Your other thread is generating some good answers to this same question...

im sorry man i was trying to start another conversation. dont gotta get so mad bout it


Not mad at all... I didn't mean to sound that way... just pointing out that this could be perceived as spam/trolling by the admins since you've not chimed back in on the existing thread that has answers...

Feel free to post as many questions as you like, but no need to post the same question multiple times... members are more than happy to respond, but sometimes it may take a day or two for everyone to weigh-in with their suggestions/opinions.


That's the beauty of vaping... personal style and personal choice :)  There's lots of good devices out there, really... MODs, Tanks, RBA/RDA/RTA, Mechanicals, etc. 

We love to help people out, and help them spend their money, lol... but ultimately it comes down to what YOU prefer, and what you can afford (or what you can find locally if you're not an Internet shopper).

My personal favorite is the Authentic Russian 91%, but they are pricey and not for the novice... and you still have to have a MOD to run it, lol...  My second favorite is the Kanger Subtank Mini... next would be the Kanger Aerotank V1/V2 (with the V3 aif-flow controller).  Mods... I like 'em small and under 75W... TC is not necessary, but I do use it... but my absolute favorites are the Cloupor Mini, Mini-plus, and the IPV Mini V1 (all of them take external 18650 cells).


ok man thanks alot for this yeah this really helps. im also, by the way trying to get a complete set for the vape i will buy, it doesnt have to have batteries with it though.


Will you be buying locally from a B&M shop or online?  If online, check out the starter-kit offerings form sweet-vapes.com, 101vape.com, vapenw.com, vapordna.com, gearbest.com (try to select their US warehouse, or you'll be waiting a while for arrival), and any of the vendors listed here on the forum, INCLUDING the Vapor Talk store... 

Posted (edited)

how big of a difference is there between vapes? if im going to buy my first vape, should i really worry about all the different models and brands if they are all around the same wattage and price? for a begginner, should i worry about all the differences in the vapes if they are all still great models since i am un- experienced with all the vape differences and may not notice or care?

Edited by charliemen

Until you experience a lot of different things, you'll probably do better with a "proven" rig, that even seasoned vapers (as well as beginners) enjoy.  I'd not worry about all the different brands, but I would stick with a well-known name-brand for reliability.  As a beginner, you're likely not going to need more than 20W, so getting a MOD that is over 50W is just paying for something you'll never use... like buying a Ferrari to drive 1-mile to work and back daily.  I'd also recommend a tank system so you can fill it and vape for a while before refilling.  Get something with factory coils in the 1.2-2.0 Ohm range.  Having a tank with an available (on included RBA deck) is nice so you can expand into building your own coils after a few months of vaping (if you choose).  Batteries for your MOD are a HUGE issue with us... stick with name-brand and buy from reputable sources.  Samsung 25R or LG HE2/HG2 will be your best bang for the buck, and they are RELIABLE!

For all the things I've listed... there are a few starter kits that will do all of these things for under $60, and they're from Kanger and Aspire primarily, but also some good ones from SMOK, Eleaf, Cloupor, and Joyetech to name a few...

Once you decide on a few... narrow it down per-se... open a new thread to list out your selections and we'll be happy to weigh in on the pros and cons of them, and maybe point you to where you can get the best prices?

5 minutes ago, charliemen said:

ok as in thread you mean convo?

Yep, which you've just opened a new thread/conversation for "difference in vape", so that will do nicely to list your choices :)

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Earthling789 said:

Yep, which you've just opened a new thread/conversation for "difference in vape", so that will do nicely to list your choices :)

im sorry, so you want me to make a new conversation? or add to the "difference in vape" converation?

Edited by charliemen

Either way works... add to the one you have, or start one to say "help me choose between these"... we read and comment either way ;)


9 minutes ago, charliemen said:

im sorry, so you want me to make a new conversation? or add to the "difference in vape" converation?

You are posting on a forum. What you're calling "conversations" are called "threads" on a forum.  :)

Why are you so eager to begin vaping? Are you trying to stop smoking?

1 minute ago, Tam said:

You are posting on a forum. What you're calling "conversations" are called "threads" on a forum.  :)

Why are you so eager to begin vaping? Are you trying to stop smoking?

i want to start vaping because me and my girlfriend have recently tried it from our friends and now we want to start doing it. sorry if i come off as eager, i want to start trying this, a new thing, to have some fun with my girlfriend and our friends.


Most of us on this forum use vaping as a means to get off cigarettes. While we believe that vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco, there are no long term studies that have proven research that conclude vaping is safe.

If you still want to take the risk, then I would encourage you to start reading threads on this forum to gain information about vaping, different tanks, coils, coil resistance, PG/VG ratios for different vapor output, heat output, watts/volts, different metals and wires, battery safety, amps, etc. There is much to learn in vaping. We stress safety. Always.  :)

Posted (edited)

yes i have been learning about those things throughout the week. i plan to learn as much as i can about vaping. i also know that there are no studies to show vaping is safe, but im ok with that right now

Edited by charliemen

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