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So I bought this as my first vape. Had it for maybe two months, now I am changing the coil every week due to it turning all my juice to thick brown liquid, a lot of spitting and gurgling, and major leakage somewhere I cannot figure out. I need help. When I get paid Friday I plan on buying a box style vape, but until then I need this to last.


Welcome to VT!

The vape-pen you have is a knock-off/clone of the KangerTech EVOD battery and looks like an MT3 tank.  These can work well, but you have to ensure you are using the correct coil resistance (and the correct coil, period).  For this, I would recommend a 1.8 Ohm coil at the lowest.  If it is cooking your juices (making them dark and thick, it is too hot, so use a coil higher than 2.0 Ohms and it will reduce the issue.  Another issue could just be the juice you're using...

I highly recommend a variable-wattage box-mod, and a much better tank.  Tanks from Kangertech, Aspire, Anyvape, Smok, Uwell, and a few other Name-brands will function far better than the MT3 clone you're using now.

There are also plenty of good starter kits out there which will provide you with battery and tank in one package.  I highly recommend the Kangertech SubTank Mini or Nano kit, which can be found online for $39-55, and your local shops will have them for about 20-40% markup, but you can have it "today".


That's perfect help. Is this forum based in the US, I hope? I posted to one from the UK and they were quite nasty. So kangertech is a good brand? That's right in my price range. Do they have models that are box style with plug in battery, add I really don't understand the changeable battery concept.

21 minutes ago, vampsessed said:

That's perfect help. Is this forum based in the US, I hope? I posted to one from the UK and they were quite nasty. So kangertech is a good brand? That's right in my price range. Do they have models that are box style with plug in battery, add I really don't understand the changeable battery concept.

Yes the forum is based in the US, as are most of the members.  The Store that supports the site is also in the US.  Kanger is a great brand and @Earthling789 is correct the Nano or Mini kit are great.  They do have removable batteries, but you don't have to take them out.  They will charge in the unit. (it is better to have a separate charger and battery so you can carry a charged spare)

I really don't know what box mod to recommend with a built in battery.  @Tam has had great luck with the Eleaf iStick 50 watt and the Triton 2 tank.  Both are really reasonable online.


Kanger usually makes a very good product, they have had a few products that were not so good, but no company has a perfect record. The Kanger Subox mini and Nano kits are very user friendly and try to stay away from the TC kits if you are just starting to Vape. And yes VT is based in the US, and we try to be friendly, and as helpful as possible.


Yes, this forum is US based, but we do have members all over the world... we also try not to be too nasty, lol... but we do poke a little fun from time to time ;)

Kangertech is a good brand, and yes, they have box-style models, but most (if not all of them, as I recall) require an 18650 battery.  Once you install the battery, you can charge it by the device like a built-in, but it is an additional expense beyond buying the device.  18650 batteries are usually pretty cheap... $5-6 avg price for a Samsung 25R, which are one of the best on the market.  Adding in a good external charger from Nitecore is another $12-20, but these are expenses you make once and not have to worry about it again for months or years.  The external charger will allow you to swap batteries and charge them at your leisure.   As for those of us using external batteries, they are (to most of us) more convenient, as we can swap batteries as needed, and charge them at our convenience later... and not have to deal with being tethered to a cord while charging. 

if you're looking for a box that does not need an external 18650 battery, I would suggest the Wismec Presa 40W or the Eleaf iStick 50W.  They have built-in batteries.  The iStick has been known to have fire-button issues in rare occasions, but for the most part they are reliable.  I personally have 3 of the Wismec 40W, and they are fantastic devices (and very portable).

For a box-mod starter kit, I highly recommend you check out the Kangertech SubTank Mini kit.  The newest top-fill version is available online for $50-60, and will provide you the best bang for your buck, and has features and options to keep you vaping happy for many months (or years) to come.


Vaping is a very personal thing. What one person likes, it won't be the right fit for another. We all like different things for different reasons, that's what makes our discussions fun and informative, but you need to try it for yourself to see if it will work well for you.

That said, personally, I don't care for the sub-ohm tanks. They tend to run too warm for my preference because I prefer a cooler vape. My battery/tank/coil combination that's working for me right now is the Eleaf iStick 50W (no separate batteries), an Aspire Triton 2 tank with 1.8 ohm coils.

Like Earthling said, there have been issues reported with the iStick 50W's button firing by itself, especially when charging. In my experience, I haven't had that problem, but I never charge the battery unattended, always take the tank off when charging, turn off the battery when not vaping/carrying it around. Right now I have nine of these in rotation. Yes, I like them a LOT!  :lol:

Take a look around the forum and read past threads, they are full of helpful information.  :) 

Kanger usually makes a very good product, they have had a few products that were not so good, but no company has a perfect record. The Kanger Subox mini and Nano kits are very user friendly and try to stay away from the TC kits if you are just starting to Vape. And yes VT is based in the US, and we try to be friendly, and as helpful as possible.

I am not sure what vt or tc mean


Thank you all for your help. I'm still new to all the terminology, but I'm learning. Could some one phrase send me a link to the eleaf and subox? And let me know any extras I need that do not come with the kits? Also I noticed a rubber band around the screw on between the tank and battery, I hope it was not important because mine snapped


The "rubber band" was most likely a gasket, which is kind of important to keep your tank from leaking.

Oh hey! My Vapor Store has them for $34.95, it has the charger and should also have an eGo adapter in the box. Here's the link:


Hey, guys? Can some of you come over here and keep me from buying any more of these things? Please???  Damn, but that's a good price on them. I just want to use the excuse, "but it's part of my back up equipment! And look at how cheap they are!" Nevermind that I'm rotating nine of these things and have two in boxes that haven't even been opened yet. Oi.   :lol:

I'll let one of the other guys link you to a subbox as I'm not into those. 

Oh, and the one I linked you to is black. They do come in magenta (HOT pink), royal blue, and silver but I just put a wrap on mine so black is preferred. The wraps can be taken off so you can change them. The pinkish one on the far right has been changed to a blue square design. The wraps also help with the grip as the battery is a little slick without them -- to me.  :)

From left to right: Russian 91% (this is more advanced than you're ready for right now), the Kanger Subtank mini, Cisco Hybrid HH.357 atomizer, no tank, Kanger Pro Tank II, Anyvape Davide full-sized.


Posted (edited)

Here is a few links:

Newer kits:

Kanger Topbox Mini Starter Kit

Kanger Topbox Nano Starter Kit


Older kits:

Kanger SUBOX Mini Kit

Kanger SUBOX Nano Kit


Batteries (They are not included)

Samsung INR 18650-25R

LG HG2 18650

If you have extra money... buy an extra battery, and these:

Efest Smart Single USB-AC Charger

Silicone 18650 Battery Case

The single bay charger is a pretty good one but most people buy 4 bay eventually so you can have many spares charged.

One thing you will learn around here is having good backups is nearly as important as having you main all day vape rig.  Another thing you will learn, we love spending other people's money!

Edited by jasonculp

@jasonculp listed a lot of good links from a reputable site, VapeNW.com... There are also good deals from other reputable sites, such as VaporDNA.com, 101Vape.com, codevape.com, and Sweet-Vapes.com.  Some people have had issues with Sweet-Vapes, but I've not personally had any problems with them for the few orders I've made in their direction.

VaporDNA has the SubTank Mini (top-tank) kit for $50 right now on sale, and 101Vape runs battery sales every 3-4 months, where you can pick up pairs of LG or Samsung batteries for as little as $7.  I'll also recommend the i4 or d4 charger from Nitecore... extra charging capacity is good, and you'll eventually need it, lol

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