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This morning I walked into the building with a coworker. Normally I ride the elevator to the third floor because walking up those stairs just kicks my ... lungs. ;) But she kind of shamed me into walking up with her, so I sucked it up and followed.

WOW! I couldn't believe it. Not only was I barely winded but my muscles weren't burning like they ordinarily would have been. I could actually continue to carry on our conversation as I was walking to my desk! Blows me away. And this after only three weeks off the analogs. I think this is a pretty good example of the massive benefit vaping can provide for our health.

I'm totally amazed and happy. Vape on!


Ain't it great!? If you're like me at all, you'll keep finding things like that - things that you couldn't do before, but can now. Things that smell different and taste different and seem different. It's amazing to me still - after almost 3 months of vaping - how much better things are getting all the time.


Thats awesome Dd ! Yup, and the FDA doesnt SEE the positive aspects of vaping. But as far as being healthier and more energetic, Im the same way. Pretty soon, I might have to break down and buy a bookcase, and start USING that bowflex for what it was intended ! :showoff:


It's truly amazing! My 72 year old dad says he has more energy than he has had in years. I started vaping when my amateur MMA career started taking off and after only 2 weeks I could work out so much longer than before that I was shocked! Even the young guys were stunned when I didn't "gas" after 3 rounds. Believe me, it only gets better!

Hey, Keenan, get out that bowflex and see what you can do by summer. It's a good challenge for ya! :showoff:


Dave, it's moments like that that continually encourage me to not smoke. Our lives are changing for the better! :punk:


That's great Dave! And you know what it only gets better. I've been smoke free for over a year now (never thought I would ever say that)

I don't have even the slightest craving for a cigarette, I'm already lowering my nicotine levels and I feel 100x better than I did. My teeth are much whiter, my wife says I don't smell, my car smells like everyone else's car does. (nice and clean) No more tight test chest when I wake up in the morning which I always used to blame on the fan. I just feel all around better. The list of benefits goes on.

Vaping is really quite amazing. :)


Thanks folks! It's the end of the day and yes, I did take the stairs a couple of times more - just to see if it was true or I whether I was still half asleep when I came in. It's true! :) This is cool, I'm really very happy. Thanks for all the encouragement and help you've given me the last few weeks. My vaping experience is much better than it would have been had I not had your experience to benefit from.

High Fives all around! thumbsup.gif


I never really noticed any improvement in performance but I was very active anyway and I suppose I offset a lot of the damage.


I didn't think much of it at the time, but now that you bring this up, I was playing monster with my kids and the great monster growl usually sends me into a coughing fit after 2 or 3 times, quickly ending the play session. But this time I didn't hack once! The GREAT MONSTER GROWL LIVES!!! :thumbsup:


Congrats Dave! It feels great doesn't it? I notice a lot more energy throughout the day myself. I don't get all crazy tired by the middle of the day anymore. Well sometimes I do, but I figure now it's from lack of sleep. This might sound silly too, but after a few rounds of Wii Tennis at work I used to go through a coughing frenzy but not anymore (yeah, we have video games at work). I love that I can breathe again! :thumbsup:


How cool is that! All this great improvement in our lives and our family time. Not to mention improved production in our jobs. I gotta say, vaping just flat out rules. Congratulations to all you folks too, for the health improvements you're experiencing. These are the kind of things we'll have to tell our congress when the time comes. I hope we will all stand together to throw our collective weight around!


As a 58 year-old who smoked for about 43 years and switched to vaping in Feb 09, the change has been dramatic - I used to get out of breath doing anything other than normal walking - now I can do more or less anything "normal" I want and find my body gets tired before I run out of breath

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