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So i guess i really need a DNA 200 so bad i cant even live

Are all the models basically the same except for looks and battery configuration? As long as it is truly running the evolv 200 chip you have the same vape capabilities via escribe? And no other benefit/difference is looks and battery configuration/type?


So couldnt i just get the cheapest one and switch the lipo pack out with a gianter one :D a 50c muahahah

10 hours ago, VaporTron said:

So i guess i really need a DNA 200 so bad i cant even live

Are all the models basically the same except for looks and battery configuration? As long as it is truly running the evolv 200 chip you have the same vape capabilities via escribe? And no other benefit/difference is looks and battery configuration/type?

You pretty much nailed it.  The DNA200, is the DNA200.  The only differences I can find is the type of box that it is in, and the type of lipo/battery that it uses.

I personally like the looks of the wismec, just because of the use of 3 18650's and the shape looks like it would be comfortable.  Since you already have the RX200 you might want something that looks/feels totally different.


I was thinking of getting the thinkvape i found it for like 119 and thinking of throwing in a bigger lipo but i do love the feel of the rx200 and the reuleaux dna i found for 169 and with the battery setup 3x18650 i think might be better than any lipo that will fit the thinkvape.

I just need to get a couple silicone skins to wrap it in. Ill probably be getting one (reuleaux dna)

The way you can see the screen when vaping is nice compared to other mods where the 510 sit centered in the box (harder to see screen while vaping) wish the screen was right next to the 510 on the reuleaux :)


The whole thing with the DNA200's that turns me off is the size.  I have been looking at the VaporShark, but don't want to pay for it.  I have really had good luck with the VaporShark mods, but the $199 price tag has kept me from buying it.  It looks smallish.  When the Reuleaux came out it really caught my eye due to the shape.  I have had a few dual 18650 mods, and they all sat on the shelf.  I like small mods, preferably with removable batteries.  I keep a couple dozen in rotation, so it is much more convenient for me to swap the batteries.  I was going to pick up an RX and if I like it go for the DNA.  I was hoping Christmas, or after Christmas would bring on some good sales.  I have also been thinking about the Persa 75 watt.

I wish Evolv would come up with a DNA 60, 75, or 100 that didn't require the 11.1 volt input, but used EScribe.  200 watts is personally useless to me.  I normally stay in the 30-50 watt range with my TC mods/tanks.


I didn't really want to bring up a different mod, but I have been looking at the new Kanger Kbox 75 TC due out after the first of the year. Its supposed to use Ti Infineon chips made in USA, and its TC function is good for Ni200, Ti, SS, and NiCr. It uses a single 18650 and is about the same size as the VTC mini. They are also coming out with a 120w, and 200w version that uses 2 18650 batteries, which I don't care for because of the size.

17 minutes ago, FXRich said:

I didn't really want to bring up a different mod, but I have been looking at the new Kanger Kbox 75 TC due out after the first of the year. Its supposed to use Ti Infineon chips made in USA, and its TC function is good for Ni200, Ti, SS, and NiCr. It uses a single 18650 and is about the same size as the VTC mini. They are also coming out with a 120w, and 200w version that uses 2 18650 batteries, which I don't care for because of the size.

I am really interested in this.  I am really hoping, but not optimistic, that they will use this chip in a V2 NEBOX.  It isn't the best mod I have ever had, but i am using it as my daily driver due to convenience. 

The NiCr capabilities is really looking amazing.  Most people do not realize how unbelievable it is that we are able to measure ohms to .001 and even lower.  Just a few years ago it took a a 4 wire ohm meter just to measure anything lower than .01.  Accuracy, precision, and resolution makes the measurements very difficult. 

With a super low TCR, NiCr is 178×10-it is not much better than Kanthal which is 2×10-6 by comparison Ni200 is 6000×10-6 So the resistance in Ni200 changes so much more from 20C to 300C than most other wires.  At 68F with a .15 coil, nickel would change to .402 ohms at 572F, where as NiCr would be say .5 at 68F and .5429 ohms at 300F.  That is not much change!  Just the slightest bit of resistance can make 100 degree difference in Ni200, with most other metals, it is will be much worse.

I think what amazes me the most is fact we are getting resolutions (not necessarily accuracy and precision) from a $50 mod that rivals a $5000 Megger!  There are $1500 Bench Multimeters that do not accurately measure down to .001.


Technology is moving pretty fast, like computers in the 80s and 90s, you could buy a new computer and before you got it home it was obsolete. I think the same thing is happening to vaping technology right now. might be next year the DNA might be obsolete. But I'm like you I have no use for a 100w mod much less a 200w mod. I have noticed when SS 316l is dry burned the ohms change from 0.5 to 0.7 and I don't even get it red hot. just until it starts to change color, and I only do it on a new coil to make sure its clean, I only use 7watts when I do it.


When my ss comes (allegedly) tomorrow i will do cotton burn tests on the rx200 in tc mode. Excited to see the results first hand especially now after the upgrade.

With escribe it looks like dna200 is the best. I just want two sets of batteries in series and run them parallel to each other lol

Only so i never have to charge batteries again. I will never use the 200w but that's not to say you won't put it to its full potential. It is crazy efficient.


So i was just going over a lot of stuff about batteries for the rx/dna as to which batteries would be best for them and i have come to the conclusion that the samsung25r would be my favorite pick and (here comes a lot of math) based on moochs tests that it has approximately 2000mah so when we take 3 25rs we get 11.1v, 2000mah and 20 amps which is fine as the dna and rx pull 23.

so i was wondering how long this setup im running would last.

i have dual coild build clapton kanthal 0.35 ohms (8wraps x2) set at 55.0 watts on the rx (((great clouds))) 3 second puffs

2000mah x 11.1v/1000=22.2wh

22.2wh/55W x 60min/h=24.21 minutes of puffing

24.21 x 60sec/m / 3sec puffs = 484.2 approximate total puffs

so if im taking 20 puffs an hour this setup would last me 484/20= approximately 24.21 hours


so basically i think the 25rs really are great compared to other batteries that might get hotter when used (although while still inside [some peoples] safe operating temperatures)


the same formulas can be used to find each coil build, battery (mah) so i am excited to see what happens when i get my ss if my wattage and projected total time changes and i read that wismec is working on tcr for the rx so i might hold off on the dna version

supposedly the rx tc is set for the 304 ss i hope it will run 316l nicely, maybe we could get an update for that or a knock off escribe software to dial in each wire type like the dnas get to do which is why i really want one!!!



I am with you on the 25R's.  I am personally going to invest a bit more in LG2's and 30Q's, but I vape at lower wattages, and use single 18650 mods. I want to squeeze that little bit of mah difference out of them.  I still have close to a dozen 25R's in rotation, so they are my most used battery.

What I do like about the 11.1 volt mods is you don't need boost. For your build, you are using 4.39V at the atty.  It is much more efficient to reduce voltage than it is to amplify it.  With my mod and a single 18650 it would have to run at 17 Amps just to get the 4.39V at the atty.  You on the other hand are only putting out 5.23A.


I am with you on the 25R's.  I am personally going to invest a bit more in LG2's and 30Q's, but I vape at lower wattages, and use single 18650 mods. I want to squeeze that little bit of mah difference out of them.  I still have close to a dozen 25R's in rotation, so they are my most used battery.

What I do like about the 11.1 volt mods is you don't need boost. For your build, you are using 4.39V at the atty.  It is much more efficient to reduce voltage than it is to amplify it.  With my mod and a single 18650 it would have to run at 17 Amps just to get the 4.39V at the atty.  You on the other hand are only putting out 5.23A.

That's where the longer run time comes in


I guess ill put this here...

I received the 0.3mm 316l ss today and is thinner than i expected. I immediately wrapped some random single coils and did some dry burn tests on the rx200.

So far the results are inconclusive due to the fact each coil type and rda/rba/rta, wicking, airflow and coil temperature and mod temperature all come into effect so i will have to run the same build on different attys and I'll post the results when they come in.

On another note i got the wicking down for the tfv4 mini!

ALSO will review some juice by The Vaping Sisters!

And now looking into building my own dna200 but trying to find the right "box/case". I love the nes controller and "outside the box" box mods thinking of some groovy ideas but outside the reuleaux they all seem so big! I don't like that! Do i have to put the screen/buttons in the same spot like everyone else?

Some 316l ss 0.3mm twisted, double twisted, and twisted fused clapton


3 hours ago, VaporTron said:


I couldnt help it 155.0 + 17.43 reuleaux dna (plus 3 more 25r) on its way!

Cool!  Enjoy it.

I have 2 VTC mini's, a Crown, 2 Persa 75W, and a RX200.  I just can't make myself pull the trigger.  I am trying to build up my stockpile of small mods, as I have PIF most of them.  I can't stand being with less than 5...lol


Most likely rxs will have tcr soon

I read wismec is no longer making the dna version and everyone on preorder for one might not get one. They are just making rxs now.

I saw one in stock so i couldnt help but to have it

Just twisted 40 foot of my .3mm 316l so is it now .6mm or just twisted .3mm? now boiling!


1 hour ago, VaporTron said:

Most likely rxs will have tcr soon

I read wismec is no longer making the dna version and everyone on preorder for one might not get one. They are just making rxs now.

I saw one in stock so i couldnt help but to have it


Just twisted 40 foot of my .3mm 316l so is it now .6mm or just twisted .3mm? now boiling!


Pay It Forward

I have given away well over half of everything I have bought to people just getting started, or people that can't afford to keep their equipment going.  The hobby has probably saved my life, and if any of the smokers around me even hint at quitting, I put a rig together for them (from my spares).  So far I have only got about a 30% success rate, but I keep trying!


I've done that once and it didn't go well. With vapocolypse coming who has a spare? My mech mod has become obsolete as I'm sure the rx will be a backup until i can get another dna. I would like nice replaceable lipo batts but you can't beat the size of the reuleaux.

I dont feel Good sending a mech mod out into the world with a newvy

20 hours ago, VaporTron said:

I've done that once and it didn't go well. With vapocolypse coming who has a spare? My mech mod has become obsolete as I'm sure the rx will be a backup until i can get another dna. I would like nice replaceable lipo batts but you can't beat the size of the reuleaux.

I dont feel Good sending a mech mod out into the world with a newvy

I don't want to panic just yet, but I don't think a stockpile will hurt.  I will probably trim the order down a bit.  I still have 11 VW mods ranging from 11 watts to 185 watts.  I also keep a couple mechanicals around too.  I am hoping that post Christmas sales gives me a chance stock up.


Dang thats a pile! I have an itaste, 2 650 egos, a mech mod the rx200 and soon (shipped today) a dna200

27 minutes ago, VaporTron said:

Dang thats a pile! I have an itaste, 2 650 egos, a mech mod the rx200 and soon (shipped today) a dna200

lol...  It is the result of a combination of OCD and an addictive personality.  I have always given in to new shiny stuff.  All a vape company has to do to get me to buy it is come out with something new.  I am getting a bit more picky.  I am kinda obsessed with the small single 18650 mods.  That is what most of my mods are.  There are a few more out there that I want.  The Reuleaux is not the normal type of mod for me, but I want it.  I have just about settled on the RX200 and later the VaporShark DNA200....  but I am sure I will change my mind a few more times.


I am getting upset with the rx200 and hoping the dna Is much different! I think wattage mode is only for kanthal and for sure the tcr has to be for something other than 316l i just can't get a good vape in tc plus burn tests are failing

7 minutes ago, VaporTron said:

I am getting upset with the rx200 and hoping the dna Is much different! I think wattage mode is only for kanthal and for sure the tcr has to be for something other than 316l i just can't get a good vape in tc plus burn tests are failing

That kinda sucks!  I have one coming, but I ordered it out of China.  So I won't know for 7 - 14 days...lol.

I am hoping that the updates bring new features.


Yes new features would rock! Ive come use to a feeling i get when vaping and its kind of hard to describe. Like when taking a pull in wattage/power mode the temperature continuously incresed during a button press, until released and that feeling i get in my throat saying "ok now that was a vape!" Doesnt happen in tc mode on the inhale like i am use to, all the way up to 500F then i start getting burnt cotton taste above 500F (possibly due to vg and 316l, 317l has no problems with vg "fatty acids" at any temperature) however you can feel it on the exhale @/around 420-450F im vaping more trying to compensate i guess...doesn't work...watt mode with 316l is still under test

I joined the evolv forum and did the escribe tutorial today. Cool stuff. A lot of diagnostics to run before vaping tho. Box resistance, battery stuff, ambient/room temperature...

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